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Someone look for white smoke coming from 1BD (although today it might blow away before you can see it)


Depends what time they're meeting


It's after 4pm already, so Ralph is already late for his old person dinner (usually 2-3pm) at Country Kitchen Buffet.

Then he's got to take his old person pills, those will make him drowsy and like most old people Ralph will be in bed by 8pm


So maybe Dick will get lucky and Ralph will fall asleep and forget what he was going to do


ralph is cought in a spot here. if he keeps jauron he keeps a guy he can control wich is very important to ralph. and is still cheaper than any other nfl coach but he knows he can't sell jauron to the ticket buyers or lack of.


If Ralph keeps Jauron, it will rank right up there with some of his dumbest decisions. I can't see many people getting season tix or luxury box owners re-upping. And that will MORE than off-set the money he has to eat if he fires Jauron.


From Ralph's presser after the meeting....


"Ladies and gentlemen, while I'm proud to be associated with Dick Jauron, a man of the highest caliber, we have agreed that the Bills will need to head in a new direction. This will also allow Dick to take his long desired position as a Wal-Mart Associate, effective immediately. We have already begun our search (with the State of New York unemployment office) for

our new Head Coach. Thanks for the Millions".


If the meeting takes place tonight, I'll be surprised.


Ralph never made it to the game today, due to the weather, and is in Detroit per the post game show. Can't see Dick catching a plane for at least 3-4 more hours, which would put the meeting past Ralph's bedtime.


That said, it sounds like the plug's gonna be pulled, since the typical year-end wrap-up meeting takes place a week or so after the final whistle.

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