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I'm really perplexed by the whole GPS phenomenon... Do people really need GPS guidance to get to work and the mall? I'm sure for those that travel it is helpful. but most people I see with them running are doing routine errands. Is it so easy to get lost on the way home from Wegmans?



I cover a geographic area of about 250 sq. miles for my job. So yeah it's kind of nice to have an idea of where 123 Fake Street is. Plus it's a beautiful thing to have on a road trip.



Actually I suck at math, it's 2500 sq. miles.

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I cover a geographic area of about 250 sq. miles for my job. So yeah it's kind of nice to have an idea of where 123 Fake Street is. Plus it's a beautiful thing to have on a road trip.


I too cover a trerritory that spans from DE down to Hamptopn Roads. Best thing about the GPS for me is the Points of Interest. Awesome to just plug in Panera(free wifi) or Fedex Kinkos or whatever and have the GPS direct you to the closest one. I am also a fan , if time permits, of driving back roads instaed of highways. My GPS can get me on some really awesome back country roads that are not on the state maps i use, just to small. And those roads have some of the most interesting things on them.


I would say the one drawback to my GPS is that it does not inantely know traffic/road conditons, like this street is okay except in afternooon rush etc.

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I'm really perplexed by the whole GPS phenomenon... Do people really need GPS guidance to get to work and the mall? I'm sure for those that travel it is helpful. but most people I see with them running are doing routine errands. Is it so easy to get lost on the way home from Wegmans?


I understand your point, I used to be a real estate appraiser and ended up going to every nook and cranny of the county, it came in handy many times. Tow truck operators, cab drivers, rental cars, etc., they have there place.

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I understand your point, I used to be a real estate appraiser and ended up going to every nook and cranny of the county, it came in handy many times. Tow truck operators, cab drivers, rental cars, etc., they have there place.


It is a MARRIAGE SAVER too... Really. My wife seldom calls me anymore... :devil: She just has "Betty" (what the children and I named the lady's voice on the Chrysler's built in navi... My GPS is named "Willy" in the Jeep.


Willy Make it

Betty Won't




Anyway... She never calls for directions anymore... Unfortunately, the damn things have a "back home" macro to guide you back home! I would get calls when she would be heading back 180 degrees in the opposite compass point! :blush::flirt:


Heck, I just got a call when she was in BFLO... She borrowed her father's car (no GPS) and could not find the Niagara Factory Outlet Mall with her sisters (from Boston)... So when all else fails... I become the GPS... A lot more stress, I am telling you fellas... A lot more strain on the old marriage when you have to go "old school." :lol:0:)

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Oh... You don't know my wife... She gets lost half the time (probably why she married me!).


One time back in the 1990's... My mother was in the hospital with cancer... My wife was trying to find BFLO General... :devil::blink: She was wondering up and down Main... So much so, a cop stopped her... She began sobbing that she was lost and her mother-in-law was at BFLO Gen with cancer (why she was sobbing too)... The cop felt so sory for her that he gave her a full police escort with lights and everything... Going through traffic lights and the whole bit! Took her to the front door! He said: "Just follow me!"... 0:):lol:


She one time missed a birthday party in Clarence becuase she couldn't find it... AND SHE WAS BRINGING THE CAKE! :lol::lol:


In 2007, she drove to St. Louis (5 hours) on her own and back thanks to GPS... :blush::flirt:


Wonderful lady though... God bless her clam soul! How she ever got mixed up with a mook like me is beyond reason!

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magellan triton 300 GPS




I think i'm gonna take it back and exchange for a different one though, every review i've read says don't get it!


I saw a blurb on tv a few days ago. If your GPS was purchased from Walmart, you have just 15 days to return it.


I was looking around about GPS units a while back. I noticed that there are units meant for trails, others for roadways, and some for both (expensive, AFAIK).

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I saw a blurb on tv a few days ago. If your GPS was purchased from Walmart, you have just 15 days to return it.


I was looking around about GPS units a while back. I noticed that there are units meant for trails, others for roadways, and some for both (expensive, AFAIK).


Yes expensive... But, no subscription.


In the Jeep... I installed the Jeep TrailGuide which is nothing but a rebadged Garmin Quest II... Look into it... It is small, handy and works on trails and on the roads... Gives you best of both worlds and is weather and water submersible for up to an hour or so... It can dock in car (with me the Jeep has an added OEM port that works into the architecture of the dash and has a nice roll up cover to hide the unit from prying eyes when parked). The thing will dock on a bike or motorcycle too! Again, it will fit into a shirt chest pocket too! Full maps and all..

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I saw one in a newspaper ad - Dick's I think. It didn't appear to have a compass. Could it be that kids don't know what one is? :flirt:


You know the magnetic field could flip-flop at anytime rendering a compass that points "north" useless if you don't know that what declination the field is at and where... :devil: And what about magnetic declination... Do children know that the difference between being in Boston, MA vs. St. Louis, MO is almost 16 degrees different (west declination as you head east).


Compass v. GPS is like a SlideRule v. Calculator... Sure the compass and sliderule are great when civilization has collapsed. Same thing with Morse Code. My rule of thumb is to learn it all and then use the latest tech! You can alwys fall back on the old tech when all else fails.



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I saw a blurb on tv a few days ago. If your GPS was purchased from Walmart, you have just 15 days to return it.


I was looking around about GPS units a while back. I noticed that there are units meant for trails, others for roadways, and some for both (expensive, AFAIK).




Thanks, that is good to know. I'm pretty sure pops got it at Costco...I better call him up.

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You know the magnetic field could flip-flop at anytime rendering a compass that points "north" useless if you don't know that what declination the field is at and where... :flirt: And what about magnetic declination... Do children know that the difference between being in Boston, MA vs. St. Louis, MO is almost 16 degrees different (west declination as you head east).


Compass v. GPS is like a SlideRule v. Calculator... Sure the compass and sliderule are great when civilization has collapsed. Same thing with Morse Code. My rule of thumb is to learn it all and then use the latest tech! You can always fall back on the old tech when all else fails.




Does anyone remember how to do a square-root by hand?


The angle of declination at Ft. Benning GA is, (wait for it) 0! There was always the Army joke about why the Infantry was headquartered there (didn't require math to find). And that's why the Army always had to hire Bob Hope to tell the jokes. You know what happens when you're always the best at land navigation? You get to teach the class! Awesome.

Hops: "Why are you mother-f(&$ers always getting lost!?!?!


Let's say that I lacked tact.


Anyway... Low key Christmas for our small family this year, but I got some great clothes and a few kitchen gadgets. My folks' PC was FUBAR'd by some malicious viruses/trojan horses/spyware/etc. It took a whole lotta patience on my part to get it right. I managed to dislodged all of it (as far as I can tell). I'm writing this on it, so I'll take credit for resuscitating this soldier.


Being together is the best part.

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