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so i guess you guys will be lining up to kick sullivan


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One thing I will say that Sullivan is expert on "blow". If I lived in Buffalo I'd send a letter to editor stating I was terminating my subscription to Buffalo News since they continued to employee him after multiple years of losing articles but I don't live in Buffalo and do mot fund that poor excuse of a newspaper I won't.

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imagine the nerve of that guy...calling a spade a spade with regard to the jauron vs. belichek matchup...

being right isn't enough...you have to also suck all bills fans' collectibve a$$ i guess...


I know that Jerry Sullivan is disliked and unpopular with a lot of people around here. I really don't understand why. I think that he is mostly fair and correct with his criticism of this team/organization. I personally find him to be one of the most credible and accurate members of the Buffalo media (print, radio, and TV).

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One thing I will say that Sullivan is expert on "blow". If I lived in Buffalo I'd send a letter to editor stating I was terminating my subscription to Buffalo News since they continued to employee him after multiple years of losing articles but I don't live in Buffalo and do mot fund that poor excuse of a newspaper I won't.


Do you forget that there have been multiple years of losing seasons?


Figures you would. :lol:

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I totally agree with Sullivan on this point. What BB has done this year is amazing. He'd be coach of the year if it weren't for Sparano and Smith (both of whom are very deserving). That been said, the praise must go deeper than just BB. The way the Pats are run top to bottom, is the model for all other 31 teams. Sad how far the Bills have to go.

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Sorry guy. Even when he is right, Jerry Sullivan is the definition of a horse's ass.


The important thing about a horse's ass is not that he is stupid or wrong--often he can be right, and even intelligent, if you measure intelligence solely by I.Q. points--but that he goes out of his way to be obnoxious, to act smarter than he is, like he always knows he's right even when he's not, and is never able to see anything outside of the narrow window through which he habitually looks. He will pick a hobby horse and ride it mercilessly, pick a scapegoat and flog him until death.


When things are not going the way he predicted a horse's ass will soft pedal his criticisms; when someone he hates is up, he'll talk about other things rather than rip, moderating his tone in order to act like he's on board, holding his enmity in reserve. But he will never truly lay off his enemies, he will never forget anyone who ever crossed or contradicted him, he will always kick anyone when he's down and smugly tell you "I told you so."


A horse's ass is a jerk and a blowhard. He has no sense of his own fallibility, no toleration for anyone else's, knows every answer, and never admits he is wrong.

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Sorry guy. Even when he is right, Jerry Sullivan is the definition of a horse's ass.


The important thing about a horse's ass is not that he is stupid or wrong--often he can be right, and even intelligent, if you measure intelligence solely by I.Q. points--but that he goes out of his way to be obnoxious, to act smarter than he is, like he always knows he's right even when he's not, and is never able to see anything outside of the narrow window through which he habitually looks. He will pick a hobby horse and ride it mercilessly, pick a scapegoat and flog him until death.


When things are not going the way he predicted a horse's ass will soft pedal his criticisms; when someone he hates is up, he'll talk about other things rather than rip, moderating his tone in order to act like he's on board, holding his enmity in reserve. But he will never truly lay off his enemies, he will never forget anyone who ever crossed or contradicted him, he will always kick anyone when he's down and smugly tell you "I told you so."


A horse's ass is a jerk and a blowhard. He has no sense of his own fallibility, no toleration for anyone else's, knows every answer, and never admits he is wrong.

Haven't you seen the board sentiment over the last month? Jerry Sullivan runs the Bills now. He has ever since he quoted Ralph Wilson as laughing. Just because Sullivan left out that Willson was mockingly laughing AT Sullivan, should be of no concern.


You will now have one opportunity to retract your opinion of the new king Sullivan or face the wrath.

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One thing I will say that Sullivan is expert on "blow". If I lived in Buffalo I'd send a letter to editor stating I was terminating my subscription to Buffalo News since they continued to employee him after multiple years of losing articles but I don't live in Buffalo and do mot fund that poor excuse of a newspaper I won't.



Jerry Sullivan tells it like he sees it, he doesn't candy coat. :lol:


I just feel sorry for all the people that keep buying the product that Ralph Wilson keeps feeding them. :wallbash:

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imagine the nerve of that guy...calling a spade a spade with regard to the jauron vs. belichek matchup...

being right isn't enough...you have to also suck all bills fans' collectibve a$$ i guess...



For Sully it is a well written article. For a change he does not come across as though he is suffing from eternal PMS. He makes good points. However, as I have said repeatedly on TSW Ralph is not going to eat Jauton's extension. He is likely o push for a named OC and new staff on the offensive side of the ball but I bleieve that is it. Let's hope he takes his talent or lack of it thoughts to heart and gets busy in the offseason. Given that the Bills can't possibly address all of their needs through the draft they have to sign FA's. I believe they have to get two of the following four either through FA and the remanider through the draft - DE, TE, C, #2 WR.

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Sully plays his role: a cynical columnist. Sees the cloud in every silver lining. Take shots when someone is vulnerable. To state the obvious, then change sides when the obvious proves wrong. No one keeps score on critics. They can say anything, be 100% wrong, and no one holds them accounatble. And when someone does, they get pissy with you. I once wrote Sully to point out, while he was visciously bashing Mike Williams and the people who drafted him, that he was singing Donahoe's praises when he drafted Fat Mike. He wasn't happy that someone called him on it.


I know people who know him, like Brad Riter, think he's a swell guy. He may well be, but he comes off as an arrogant prick in his columns and on WGR.



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I used to hate Sullivan. I e-mailed him a few years ago, and called him out for being a negative putz. But over the years I have changed my mind about him. He does point out the flaws of the Bills organization, and he is usually dead on. The only thing about Sully though, is that almost all his article themes are "why the Bills suck" and are negative in nature (care to guess why????). I am wondering if some day, when the Bills get their sh-- together & are a good team, what will Jerry have to write about?

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Sullivan does one thing that annoys the perpetual optimists: he tells it like it is. Disagree with him or not, Buffalo has had no measure of success since 1999. And with RW possibly keeping the HC and front office intact, there should be rampant demand for changes. Sullivan is demanding there be changes, and asks questions most of us wouldn't have the audacity to ask. So go ahead, hate him for being an op-ed columnist. The BN loves when you do.


Let's be clear about something. Of the 31 franchises in operation since 1999, 29 of them have made the playoffs. And as we all know, only the Lions and Bills have not. If you're OK with that, you hate Sullivan.

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What BB has done this year is amazing. He'd be coach of the year if it weren't for Sparano and Smith (both of whom are very deserving).


i disagree. the patriots have had the luxury of their easiest schedule in years. They have beaten 3 teams with a winning record, and after Sunday that number might be two (if denver loses). Of those 3 teams, none of them are any good (miami, ny, denver).

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