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Happy Festivus everyone!

Just Jack

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Even in a corrupt state we can have a little fun....


Seinfeld holiday commemorated at Capitol--------------------------------------------------------------------------------



Posted Dec 23, 2008 @ 11:12 PM

Last update Dec 24, 2008 @ 06:06 AM



Even fictional holiday symbols are going up in the Capitol rotunda.


Already the site of a Nativity scene, menorah and a message from atheists, the rotunda now also has a plain aluminum pole commemorating Festivus, the holiday born in the “Seinfeld” television show.


Festivus was created by character George Costanza’s father, Frank, as a sort of protest against the commercialism of Christmas. The holiday’s slogan is “A Festivus for the Rest of Us.” It’s symbol is an aluminum pole with no decoration because Frank Costanza found tinsel distracting.


Michael Tennenhouse, 18, of Springfield got permission from Secretary of State Jesse White’s office to install the pole, something he said is “kind of silly and in the name of fun, really.”

But Tennenhouse also said he wouldn’t have bothered if not for the fuss generated by a Nativity scene being placed in the rotunda followed by the atheist sign protesting organized religion.


“I follow the news and heard all of the shenanigans with the atheist sign and the Nativity scene,” Tennenhouse said. “I’m opposed to all religious displays. I wanted to send a message. With everything going on in the state right now, there’s more important things to be worried about than putting up displays and stealing displays.”


Tennenhouse said part of his motivation was when the atheist sign was stolen, noting that it sparked heated arguments on The State Journal-Register Web site, sj-r.com, about whether the

sign should ever have been allowed in the rotunda.


“If people can make a sign, why can’t I put up a Festivus pole?” Tennenhouse said.


Capitol Police are still investigating the theft. The sign was replaced, and the biblical admonition “Thou Shalt Not Steal” was attached to it.


The Festivus sign was also a chance for Tennenhouse to get in a political jab at Gov. Rod Blagojevich, whose impeachment hearings are being conducted just down the hall from the pole. As fans of the show know, Festivus includes the airing of grievances in which you tell people how they have disappointed you over the previous year.


“Although Festivus is traditionally celebrated December 23, the people of Illinois have had to begin a grievance hearing early this year,” says a sign by the pole. “Hopefully we can conclude Festivus by February.”


White’s senior legal adviser, Nathan Maddox, said the office had no choice but to give permission for the display.


“It met all of our requirements,” Maddox said. “We do not judge the rest based on content. This is a public forum. As far as government’s ability to regulate, (the rotunda) is little different than a public street corner. I understand it is something of political satire.”


Tennenhouse said he’s happy to have permission for the pole, but said it should be placed in the middle of the rotunda along with the Nativity scene, menorah, atheist sign and Christmas tree. Instead, it is separated a bit from the other displays.


The pole is actually the handle from a pool skimmer, Tennenhouse said, set into a department store tree stand. “I tried to keep costs down,” he said.


The increasingly crowded rotunda got a couple of more secular signs since the Nativity scene and atheist message were installed. One was placed by White’s office explaining that the First Amendment allows religious and anti-religious displays in the Capitol as long as they are not paid for with public funds. It also explains that White’s office cannot censor the content of speech in those displays.


The other was placed by Springfield’s Committee for the First Amendment, a group of lawyers and others devoted to the principles of free speech. Its sign says the divergent views represented by the various signs and symbols celebrate the notion of free speech.


Springfield lawyer Don Craven, a member of the committee, said the debate over whether an atheist sign should be displayed next to a Nativity scene “is a wonderful argument to have.”


“It’s only because of the First Amendment that we are having the argument at all,” Craven said. “It’s a pat on the back to (White) for doing the right thing and allowing the discussion to go forward.”

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Even in a corrupt state we can have a little fun....


Seinfeld holiday commemorated at Capitol--------------------------------------------------------------------------------



Posted Dec 23, 2008 @ 11:12 PM

Last update Dec 24, 2008 @ 06:06 AM



Even fictional holiday symbols are going up in the Capitol rotunda.


Already the site of a Nativity scene, menorah and a message from atheists, the rotunda now also has a plain aluminum pole commemorating Festivus, the holiday born in the “Seinfeld” television show.


Festivus was created by character George Costanza’s father, Frank, as a sort of protest against the commercialism of Christmas. The holiday’s slogan is “A Festivus for the Rest of Us.” It’s symbol is an aluminum pole with no decoration because Frank Costanza found tinsel distracting.


Michael Tennenhouse, 18, of Springfield got permission from Secretary of State Jesse White’s office to install the pole, something he said is “kind of silly and in the name of fun, really.”

But Tennenhouse also said he wouldn’t have bothered if not for the fuss generated by a Nativity scene being placed in the rotunda followed by the atheist sign protesting organized religion.


“I follow the news and heard all of the shenanigans with the atheist sign and the Nativity scene,” Tennenhouse said. “I’m opposed to all religious displays. I wanted to send a message. With everything going on in the state right now, there’s more important things to be worried about than putting up displays and stealing displays.”


Tennenhouse said part of his motivation was when the atheist sign was stolen, noting that it sparked heated arguments on The State Journal-Register Web site, sj-r.com, about whether the

sign should ever have been allowed in the rotunda.


“If people can make a sign, why can’t I put up a Festivus pole?” Tennenhouse said.


Capitol Police are still investigating the theft. The sign was replaced, and the biblical admonition “Thou Shalt Not Steal” was attached to it.


The Festivus sign was also a chance for Tennenhouse to get in a political jab at Gov. Rod Blagojevich, whose impeachment hearings are being conducted just down the hall from the pole. As fans of the show know, Festivus includes the airing of grievances in which you tell people how they have disappointed you over the previous year.


“Although Festivus is traditionally celebrated December 23, the people of Illinois have had to begin a grievance hearing early this year,” says a sign by the pole. “Hopefully we can conclude Festivus by February.”


White’s senior legal adviser, Nathan Maddox, said the office had no choice but to give permission for the display.


It met all of our requirements,” Maddox said. “We do not judge the rest based on content. This is a public forum. As far as government’s ability to regulate, (the rotunda) is little different than a public street corner. I understand it is something of political satire.”


Tennenhouse said he’s happy to have permission for the pole, but said it should be placed in the middle of the rotunda along with the Nativity scene, menorah, atheist sign and Christmas tree. Instead, it is separated a bit from the other displays.


The pole is actually the handle from a pool skimmer, Tennenhouse said, set into a department store tree stand. “I tried to keep costs down,” he said.


The increasingly crowded rotunda got a couple of more secular signs since the Nativity scene and atheist message were installed. One was placed by White’s office explaining that the First Amendment allows religious and anti-religious displays in the Capitol as long as they are not paid for with public funds. It also explains that White’s office cannot censor the content of speech in those displays.


The other was placed by Springfield’s Committee for the First Amendment, a group of lawyers and others devoted to the principles of free speech. Its sign says the divergent views represented by the various signs and symbols celebrate the notion of free speech.


Springfield lawyer Don Craven, a member of the committee, said the debate over whether an atheist sign should be displayed next to a Nativity scene “is a wonderful argument to have.”


“It’s only because of the First Amendment that we are having the argument at all,” Craven said. “It’s a pat on the back to (White) for doing the right thing and allowing the discussion to go forward.”


There's a lawsuit waiting to happen. :unsure:

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