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The Last Weekend Will End As It Should For Chargers And Broncos

Steely Dan

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The Chargers now have a chance to avenge Hochuli's horrendous call. If they whoop the Broncos like a red-headed step child then all that needs to be said will be said and they will have won the division despite that call.


Go Chargers!



It's going to be justice for the Chargers. I'm a Bronco fan, so I hope not, but you could see this coming. The Bills played the Jets tough and the Jets have a darn good defense.

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It's going to be justice for the Chargers. I'm a Bronco fan, so I hope not, but you could see this coming. The Bills played the Jets tough and the Jets have a darn good defense.


The only trouble with the Jet's game was that JP played all 60 minutes......Had he sat out the last

2 and a half minutes......

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It would increase the television ratings tremendously if he was reffing! :worthy:


Of course they'd have to do a secret service type check on everyone to assure he isn't killed.


Come to think of it they may want him because he'd have to give any close call to Sandy Eggos team.


But are they "Saved by Zero"?


God, now I've got the :lol: ing ad in my head!! :wallbash:

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