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Is it wrong........


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The season is over anyway, he deserves to get laughed off the field.


His blatant arrogance is only matched by his mediocre play and delusions of grandeur.


I guess one could make the point that if he plays well he may up his trade value in the offseason but for some reason I have a feeling that the softness of the Bills organization will somehow let him holdout again and miss training camp, they will end up paying him big bucks and he will continue to suck.


I however don't care to make that point since I'm disgusted with this entire organization, I hope he fails miserably.


Not like this game was going to be won by the Bills anyway.

Yes, it is wrong - and probably unnecessary. You shouldn't, and needn't, root against a Bills player - FatBoy's arrogance and greed far exceed his dedication and work ethic, so just sit back a watch Trent get creamed while PayMe Peters dreams of Hawaii and his next holdout instead of focusing on his blocking assignments. At this point, the a-hole is much more worried about protecting his own body and not risking an injury that might jeopardize his dreams of big $$$, than doing his job and protecting the QB or clearing a path for Marshawn.



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This is what happens when people allow their emotions to supersede their intellect. The Bills finally get lucky and develop a pretty darned good player (yes he's had lapses at critical time this year) who now wants to be paid like LT's are paid. I don't agree with his holdout earlier this year, but if this team is ever going to be a contender, having a top LT is a good place to start. Never wish for Bills player to play badly, never.


Do you still think he is a top LT? I strongly disagree with anything even close to this.


Peters has flat out sucked this season and now his confidence seems to be at an all time high. In his own mind he is still the best LT in football, his recent comments show this.


The scenario that I envision is this:


Peters plays terribly to finish out the year. "Terrible" to you, me and anyone who has been watching is the same as "outstanding" to him.


He will hold out again next season and pull the same crap he did this year. (BTW did he ever actually get fined? Was there a settlement? Were there any repercussions at all?)


The Bills have become a soft organization thanks to Dick's philosophy and will probably give into Peters' demands instead of seeking a trade. He will become very highly paid yet his skill set will remain the same, in his own mind he is a stellar player and is not in need of improvement. This year's play was "pro-bowl" so why the hell would he try harder next year?


So since I see nothing other than a pathetic end to this situation I can only hope that now in garbage time he gets exposed for what he truly is.


If this game meant anything at all I would hope that he would have a dominant game and that the Bills would win but my personal sentiment is in favor of delusional and cocky people getting their comeuppance.

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I don't think it's "wrong" to be an idiot. It is what it is.


Hoping for a lousy player to be brought back down to earth is hardly an idiotic notion.


There were many on this board who enjoyed many of JP's horrendous outings (although no one will probably admit it), the negative play of JP showed many of us (I was a former JP supporter until midway last season) that Trent was worth the draft pick and worth the development time. Negation can be a great teacher.

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Peters has flat out sucked this season?!?! How so? On the SportsCenter plays which are the only one's you have obviously focused on? Maybe you and the Senator should get cozy in the backseat of the generalee. You're perfect for one another! :blink:



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i want peters to mash his man into the ground and the bills to dominate the doncos.


i want our bills to win out and get the team ready for a great season next year.


only one game in history the bills would have been better off losing -- 01 vs carolina. that game cost us peppers. thing is we still could have picked freeney.

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i want peters to mash his man into the ground and the bills to dominate the doncos.


i want our bills to win out and get the team ready for a great season next year.



What are you, some kind of Bills fan, or something? :thumbsup:

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Why stop with Peters? I say we all hope that the entire team sucks and we lose the final 2 games by a combined score of 120 to 0. Not a single first down or drive stopped defensively. All kicks blocked. We don't even get laughed off the field because no one shows up to watch.


In fact, if we're lucky, we'll suck just as bad all of next year. Imagine that... we could have the #1 draft pick every year and none of our players will ever be able to demand a big contract. It'd be awesome! I love the Bills... yeah! I hope they suck.






friggin retard rodeo, indeed

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Here's a crazy idea. How about rooting for Peters to continue to improve. Sign a reasonable extension in the offseason. Show up, on time for OTAs, make camp, and have a fabulous season with the Bills.


Despite all the bitching about Peters, the Fowler/Preson. Dockery, etc...Lynch and Jackson are averaging 4.2 yards per carry, this year, and the pass protection, in general, is better than it has been for years.


Is there room for improvement? Sure, plenty. But, this is an offensive line that needs one new body, and some tweaking. Then, it needs a professional OC that knows how to use it. This is NOT the time to be talking about major changes in the Bills offensive line, IMO.

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Here's a crazy idea. How about rooting for Peters to continue to improve. Sign a reasonable extension in the offseason. Show up, on time for OTAs, make camp, and have a fabulous season with the Bills.


Despite all the bitching about Peters, the Fowler/Preson. Dockery, etc...Lynch and Jackson are averaging 4.2 yards per carry, this year, and the pass protection, in general, is better than it has been for years.


Is there room for improvement? Sure, plenty. But, this is an offensive line that needs one new body, and some tweaking. Then, it needs a professional OC that knows how to use it. This is NOT the time to be talking about major changes in the Bills offensive line, IMO.

It is a crazy idea. Apparently, the Bills aren't too interested in extending Peters (see link). Maybe Guy has his eye on another Trey Teague?



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Here's a crazy idea. How about rooting for Peters to continue to improve. Sign a reasonable extension in the offseason. Show up, on time for OTAs, make camp, and have a fabulous season with the Bills.


Despite all the bitching about Peters, the Fowler/Preson. Dockery, etc...Lynch and Jackson are averaging 4.2 yards per carry, this year, and the pass protection, in general, is better than it has been for years.


Is there room for improvement? Sure, plenty. But, this is an offensive line that needs one new body, and some tweaking. Then, it needs a professional OC that knows how to use it. This is NOT the time to be talking about major changes in the Bills offensive line, IMO.


I'm not trying to be difficult but why would Jason Peters be motivated to improve? Two consecutive pro-bowl seasons now and his confidence seems to be overflowing which is in contrast to the reality of his play this season. Yes Lynch and Jackson are having great seasons but can that all be attributed to Peters? It seems that the running game was all but absent when the Bills were minus Brad Butler.


If the Bills pay Peters which I think they will do only after another holdout then I fear that they are merely getting an average LT for the top dollar.

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Here's a crazy idea. How about rooting for Peters to continue to improve. Sign a reasonable extension in the offseason. Show up, on time for OTAs, make camp, and have a fabulous season with the Bills.


Despite all the bitching about Peters, the Fowler/Preson. Dockery, etc...Lynch and Jackson are averaging 4.2 yards per carry, this year, and the pass protection, in general, is better than it has been for years.


Is there room for improvement? Sure, plenty. But, this is an offensive line that needs one new body, and some tweaking. Then, it needs a professional OC that knows how to use it. This is NOT the time to be talking about major changes in the Bills offensive line, IMO.

Amen. We finally! after how many years? have a decent offensive line. And people want to trade the guys away and hope the players start playing bad??? Unbelievable. Quite honestly, it's not my money, I could care less what they pay Peters. Just pay him, so he can get to all th OTAs on time and we can start to move forward on offense.


It's kinda like the Kelsay deal (and Peerless, and every other player signed)... who cares how much they get paid? We're no where near the cap. And lack of money has not been the reason why we haven't gotten FAs. For the most part, the FO has gotten the guy they went after. NO maybe they went after the wrong guy, but that's another issue.


Like it or not, Peters came back, played the vast majority of snaps at LT, and made the Pro Bowl. Give him a raise. Forget about the LT position for a decade. Move on. Plain and simple.

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I'm not trying to be difficult but why would Jason Peters be motivated to improve? Two consecutive pro-bowl seasons now and his confidence seems to be overflowing which is in contrast to the reality of his play this season. Yes Lynch and Jackson are having great seasons but can that all be attributed to Peters? It seems that the running game was all but absent when the Bills were minus Brad Butler.


If the Bills pay Peters which I think they will do only after another holdout then I fear that they are merely getting an average LT for the top dollar.


I still don't get why people call him an average LT. I don't put much stock into pro bowl selections, but he was voted in by the coaches and players, not by the fans. Yeah, he made a few key errors this season but how can you insinuate that you know more about football personnel than the players and coaches? Doesn't that tell you that he's a far above average LT in terms of his all-around game?

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I'm not trying to be difficult but why would Jason Peters be motivated to improve? Two consecutive pro-bowl seasons now and his confidence seems to be overflowing which is in contrast to the reality of his play this season. Yes Lynch and Jackson are having great seasons but can that all be attributed to Peters? It seems that the running game was all but absent when the Bills were minus Brad Butler.


If the Bills pay Peters which I think they will do only after another holdout then I fear that they are merely getting an average LT for the top dollar.



The only year Peters hasn't made big improvements is THIS year, and that is likely due to the holdout. Peters has shown up and improved in EVERY year with the Bills, except this past year. So, based on his history, I see him improving further, as he has the potential.


I hope the Bills sign him to a contract that is in line with a starting LT on an NFL team (he is paid far less than most starting LTs, even average LTs). A contract with an incentive to move him to the top levels of pay for LTs needs to be included...but, I wouldn't simply pay him top LT salary right now.

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If they get him signed so he's here for the offseason program and OTA's I would almost guarantee no one will question his 3rd straight Pro Bowl selection. In person he may be a me me me greedy self centered assh**e, but on the football field he is the best LT we've had since Wolford, and will most likely end up even better. Like him or not, his fault or not, another holdout will just hold back this offense once again.

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I still don't get why people call him an average LT. I don't put much stock into pro bowl selections, but he was voted in by the coaches and players, not by the fans. Yeah, he made a few key errors this season but how can you insinuate that you know more about football personnel than the players and coaches? Doesn't that tell you that he's a far above average LT in terms of his all-around game?


I think a few key errors are what separates average from stellar. Peters isn't even remotely aware of his few key errors and why should he be when his coach has done nothing but heap praise on him the entire season.


I'm no football expert but I'm certainly not the only one who finds his appointment to the pro-bowl to be ridiculous.

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Yes, it is wrong to want a Buffalo Bill to fail.


The season is over anyway, he deserves to get laughed off the field.


His blatant arrogance is only matched by his mediocre play and delusions of grandeur.


I guess one could make the point that if he plays well he may up his trade value in the offseason but for some reason I have a feeling that the softness of the Bills organization will somehow let him holdout again and miss training camp, they will end up paying him big bucks and he will continue to suck.


I however don't care to make that point since I'm disgusted with this entire organization, I hope he fails miserably.


Not like this game was going to be won by the Bills anyway.

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