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  coloradobillsfan said:
it's nice and sunny here in denver too


okay, so it's like 15 degrees but hey it IS sunny!



Take it for what it's worth, but annually, Buffalo has more sunny days than Orlando. :rolleyes:

  C.Biscuit97 said:
65 degrees, slight breeze, not a cloud in the sky in North Buffalo.


Uhhmmm, I think we're talking about the weather OUTSIDE. :rolleyes:


Here in Charlotte, it is 65 and cloudy, outside.


60 degrees and sunny in El Paso. Trying to get to Ft Myers but delayed 4 hours 'cause the incoming flight is stuck in Chicago :wallbash:


Light snow and 11 degrees north of Boston, MA. Woke up to 8" of snow this morning, we are due to get another 8-10" of snow tomorrow. Gotta love weekends spent keeping your driveway clear - very relaxing :wallbash:


Here in Rochester it's :wallbash: You! with a chance of :lol: You! tonight and a deep blanketing of ;) You! tomorrow.


  Tony P said:
60 degrees and sunny in El Paso. Trying to get to Ft Myers but delayed 4 hours 'cause the incoming flight is stuck in Chicago :wallbash:


Rubbing fingers together and playing the worlds tiniest violin just for you.




This is easily the worst event in terms of snow since I moved out here in 2006 - we've had at least one every year. WNYers take pride in their snowy winters, but at least NYSDOT and local towns/cities plows the roads for you.


Here in the PNW, they don't. Instead, they just let it sit there until the sun or rain melts it (which ain't happening soon... our temps are colder than Buffalo right now). Add to that equation lots of hilly terrain and hurricane-force wind gusts and you have a recipe for disaster. Like this bus that almost fell onto I-5 in Downtown Seattle: http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/loca...924_bus20m.html. Or this bus that got stuck on SR 520, a couple miles from my place: http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/ABPub/200.../2008535869.jpg


Here in Redmond we got 11" on Thursday and about another 2" tonight. Unless you have chains, you can't go anywhere. Luckily, my old ones fit my new car, and I've been able to get out and about. Yeah - you need chains, it's that bad.


About an hour northwest of NYC, we're getting 2 - 4 inches more on top of the 10 inches we got on Friday (that's more snow in one day than we had all last winter). I love it! :wallbash:

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