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A doctor in Colorado found a surprise when removing what he thought was a benign growth from a newborn's brain. Instead of a microscopic tumor, out popped a tiny foot, partially formed hand, a thigh and another partially formed foot.

Perfectly formed foot popped out of a tumor growing in the baby's brain.


"It would be a shock to even the most experienced pathologist cutting into a tumor to see this," Dr. Paul Grabb told the ABC affiliate KMGH.




But damn, if the kid couldn't think on his feet...



Ba-dum bum. *rimshot*





Thank you. I'm leaving soon, the veal sucks.

But damn, if the kid couldn't think on his feet...



Ba-dum bum. *rimshot*





Thank you. I'm leaving soon, the veal sucks.




The veal is still better than the jokes :wallbash:





No, from Colorado.


Didn't you read the post?


:shaking head in disgust:


I'm probably the last guy who should say this but, that's the obvious joke. :worthy:

I'm probably the last guy who should say this but, that's the obvious joke. :wallbash:


Was there anything in my posts last night that gave you the impression I was going for subtlety?

Was there anything in my posts last night that gave you the impression I was going for subtlety?




I do however expect more from you Tom. You did after all say my list of insults to CBIP was something you could put any old crap into. :P



Only a matter of time before Mr Beer Sphere arrives with his gratuitous joke at my expense. :rolleyes:


Those are jokes? B-)

Those are jokes? :rolleyes:


Jesus, everyone's in rare form today. "The Sphere" is hitting me up with PM insults, you're over here flippin' your lip. I must be channelling the spirit of Buffalo Billdo or something.

Jesus, everyone's in rare form today. "The Sphere" is hitting me up with PM insults, you're over here flippin' your lip. I must be channelling the spirit of Buffalo Billdo or something.



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