blzrul Posted December 16, 2008 Posted December 16, 2008 In answer to the question posed by many on November 3, 2008: Yes, the Republican party really is THAT stupid. In the face of one of the toughest challenges this country has faced in years, instead of being part of the solution the RNC is seeking to fan the flames of partisanshp and keep America divided...even the guy who defines partianship is objecting. I can only hope they'll keep it up. It will provide a great deal of humorous distraction and ensure their party is even more marginalized next election. "Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich isn’t happy with the Republican National Committee. In a letter addressed Tuesday to Mike Duncan, chairman of the RNC, Gingrich slams the committee for releasing a recent Web video that seeks to connect Obama to embattled Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich. In a nearly three-minute spot entitled “Questions Remain,” the RNC seeks to raise questions about involvement by Obama or his staff in Blagojevich’s alleged plan to award Obama’s former Senate seat in exchange for political favors. Gingrich calls the video a “destructive distraction” and asserts that the national committee “is engaged in the sort of negative, attack politics that the voters rejected in the 2006 and 2008 election cycles.” Instead, “Republicans should be working to help the incoming president succeed in meeting” the “real challenges” the nation is facing, Gingrich writes to Duncan. When Republicans believe Obama is wrong, the GOP should “offer a better solution, instead of just opposing him,” Gingrich also wrote. The letter ends with Gingrich’s suggestion that the RNC “pull the ad down immediately.” Gingrich’s letter echoes recent comments from Obama’s former rival, Sen. John McCain. In a television interview Sunday, McCain also took issue with the video. “In all due respect to the Republican National Committee,” McCain said, “right now, I think we should try to be working constructively together . . . on the economy stimulus package, reforms that are necessary.” The RNC has not responded to CNN’s request for comment+
RkFast Posted December 17, 2008 Posted December 17, 2008 IF you would stop taking queues from the likes of Daily Kos, youd see that quite a bit of the true, old mainstays of the Conservative movement such as Gingrich and Buchanan do NOT join ranks with the neo-cons and the current Palin-worshipping turds who pose as "Republicans."
YellowLinesandArmadillos Posted December 17, 2008 Posted December 17, 2008 Interesting, even Gov. Dean is taking Gingrich at his word and thinks this effort by the RNC will only further discredit Republicans until traditional Republicans return to power.
Southern McButterpants. Posted December 17, 2008 Posted December 17, 2008 In the face of one of the toughest challenges this country has faced in years, instead of being part of the solution the RNC is seeking to fan the flames of partisanshp and keep America divided...even the guy who defines partianship is objecting. And in other breaking news, pot calls kettle black!! Film at 11 . . . Funny how partisanship and being "divisive" only applies to republicans . . . the left gets to do whatever the f*ck it wants (including asinine BS like blaming 9-11 on Bush), but it's never partisan or divisive. Where's your "Sarah Palin is a c*nt" shirt? Framed and hanging on your wall as an expression of patriotism?
YellowLinesandArmadillos Posted December 17, 2008 Posted December 17, 2008 And in other breaking news, pot calls kettle black!! Film at 11 . . . Funny how partisanship and being "divisive" only applies to republicans . . . the left gets to do whatever the f*ck it wants (including asinine BS like blaming 9-11 on Bush), but it's never partisan or divisive. Where's your "Sarah Palin is a c*nt" shirt? Framed and hanging on your wall as an expression of patriotism? There you go being nasty again and repeating the same losing style commentary... okay you keep repeating that crap that I have seen you post a least once before, probably more... What is that your latest Oxy Boy talking point??? You like the RNC discredit yourself if for no other reason than lack of originality.... originality..... originality ....originality .... can you hear the echo????
Steely Dan Posted December 17, 2008 Posted December 17, 2008 In answer to the question posed by many on November 3, 2008: Yes, the Republican party really is THAT stupid. In the face of one of the toughest challenges this country has faced in years, instead of being part of the solution the RNC is seeking to fan the flames of partisanshp and keep America divided...even the guy who defines partianship is objecting. I can only hope they'll keep it up. It will provide a great deal of humorous distraction and ensure their party is even more marginalized next election. "Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich isn’t happy with the Republican National Committee. In a letter addressed Tuesday to Mike Duncan, chairman of the RNC, Gingrich slams the committee for releasing a recent Web video that seeks to connect Obama to embattled Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich. In a nearly three-minute spot entitled “Questions Remain,” the RNC seeks to raise questions about involvement by Obama or his staff in Blagojevich’s alleged plan to award Obama’s former Senate seat in exchange for political favors. Gingrich calls the video a “destructive distraction” and asserts that the national committee “is engaged in the sort of negative, attack politics that the voters rejected in the 2006 and 2008 election cycles.” Instead, “Republicans should be working to help the incoming president succeed in meeting” the “real challenges” the nation is facing, Gingrich writes to Duncan. When Republicans believe Obama is wrong, the GOP should “offer a better solution, instead of just opposing him,” Gingrich also wrote. The letter ends with Gingrich’s suggestion that the RNC “pull the ad down immediately.” Gingrich’s letter echoes recent comments from Obama’s former rival, Sen. John McCain. In a television interview Sunday, McCain also took issue with the video. “In all due respect to the Republican National Committee,” McCain said, “right now, I think we should try to be working constructively together . . . on the economy stimulus package, reforms that are necessary.” The RNC has not responded to CNN’s request for comment+ It's a sad day when Gingrich and Buchanan would be considered moderate Republicans. Overall it appears the party is moving back to the center and that should make things work a lot better and make them more popular. Taking far right ideals and trying to force them into laws has disenfranchised the majority of Americans. Most Americans reside in the center and it's obvious they got sick of the Republican crapola. During the 2006 congressional elections I saw a long time Republican interviewed and she said that the party was talking about gay marriage and a lot of other things that don't affect her at all. She was disappointed that they weren't tackling the real issues. I think she spoke for a lot Republicans and the outcome of those elections proved it. I also believe the litmus test of being anti-choice for the Supreme Court hurt them too. The majority of Americans are Pro-choice and I'm sure that didn't go over well either with the moderates. They've let the insane religious right hijack the party and they're paying for it now.
RkFast Posted December 17, 2008 Posted December 17, 2008 It's a sad day when Gingrich and Buchanan would be considered moderate Republicans. Overall it appears the party is moving back to the center and that should make things work a lot better and make them more popular. Taking far right ideals and trying to force them into laws has disenfranchised the majority of Americans. The true Conservative concepts of less government, lower taxes, more of an isolationist foreign policy backed by a astrong military and a strong family-based set of moral ideals is HARDLY disenfranchising the majority of Americans. The very name "neo-con" illustrates that what you see now from the "Republicans" is not true to their roots. The problem is that be going to the center, the current GOP whored itself out, muddled its message and lost its way. TRUE conservatism lives and thats why you still see true Conservative stalwarts like Bobby Jindal getting elected, even in Democratic areas. Thats why Ron Paul was so popular. Most Americans reside in the center and it's obvious they got sick of the Republican crapola. During the 2006 congressional elections I saw a long time Republican interviewed and she said that the party was talking about gay marriage and a lot of other things that don't affect her at all. She was disappointed that they weren't tackling the real issues. I think she spoke for a lot Republicans and the outcome of those elections proved it. The muddling of the message is what killed the GOP. McCain FLEW to the "center" and REFUSED to tackle Obama on issues of the economy, taxes, and conservative vs. progressive family values. And even though he didnt, quite a bit of Americans STILL voted for McCain, even though the ticket was highly flawed. Put a TRUE Conservative thats a good communicator against the Obama machine. Someone who expresses the TRUE Conservative ideology clrealy and succinctly up there. Id love to see that result. Obama may still win, but Id bet the results would be much closer. I also believe the litmus test of being anti-choice for the Supreme Court hurt them too. The majority of Americans are Pro-choice and I'm sure that didn't go over well either with the moderates. They've let the insane religious right hijack the party and they're paying for it now. The "insane" religious right is no different than the "insane" progressive left. Soros = Dobson and the minute you relaize that, the minute youd gain some credibility, #1. #2, most Americans may not want to see abortion illegal, but they sure as sh-- dont advocate for them, either. They dont want third term abortions, no parental consent for minors and so no to be put into law. They may support it as a health care issue, but definitely NOT as a moral issue.
BuckeyeBill Posted December 17, 2008 Posted December 17, 2008 In answer to the question posed by many on November 3, 2008: Yes, the Republican party really is THAT stupid. In the face of one of the toughest challenges this country has faced in years, instead of being part of the solution the RNC is seeking to fan the flames of partisanshp and keep America divided...even the guy who defines partianship is objecting. I can only hope they'll keep it up. It will provide a great deal of humorous distraction and ensure their party is even more marginalized next election. "Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich isn’t happy with the Republican National Committee. In a letter addressed Tuesday to Mike Duncan, chairman of the RNC, Gingrich slams the committee for releasing a recent Web video that seeks to connect Obama to embattled Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich. In a nearly three-minute spot entitled “Questions Remain,” the RNC seeks to raise questions about involvement by Obama or his staff in Blagojevich’s alleged plan to award Obama’s former Senate seat in exchange for political favors. Gingrich calls the video a “destructive distraction” and asserts that the national committee “is engaged in the sort of negative, attack politics that the voters rejected in the 2006 and 2008 election cycles.” Instead, “Republicans should be working to help the incoming president succeed in meeting” the “real challenges” the nation is facing, Gingrich writes to Duncan. When Republicans believe Obama is wrong, the GOP should “offer a better solution, instead of just opposing him,” Gingrich also wrote. The letter ends with Gingrich’s suggestion that the RNC “pull the ad down immediately.” Gingrich’s letter echoes recent comments from Obama’s former rival, Sen. John McCain. In a television interview Sunday, McCain also took issue with the video. “In all due respect to the Republican National Committee,” McCain said, “right now, I think we should try to be working constructively together . . . on the economy stimulus package, reforms that are necessary.” The RNC has not responded to CNN’s request for comment+ The Republicans are keeping the nation divided???? HAHAHAA!!!! Where have you been?
YellowLinesandArmadillos Posted December 17, 2008 Posted December 17, 2008 The true Conservative concepts of less government, lower taxes, more of an isolationist foreign policy backed by a astrong military and a strong family-based set of moral ideals is HARDLY disenfranchising the majority of Americans. The problem is that be going to the center, the current GOP whored itself out, muddled its message and lost its way. You couldnt be more WRONG. Thats why you still see true Conservative stalwarts like Bobby Jindal getting elected, even in Democratic areas. Thats why Ron Paul was so popular. I agree the GOP whored itself out, however the center of the Dem party which appeared to win out is that government should be lean, but effective, not less government necessarily, but effective government at a cost effective rate. There is middle ground here both can agree on. Dems believe in a strong military too, just not the wasteful, lying, contracted out to beltway bandits one under the current admin and we believe in family values... families that stick together except our definition is more broad based. Which is why some of what Ron Paul says is attractive... The muddling of the message is what killed the GOP. McCain FLEW to the "center" and REFUSED to tackle Obama on issues of the economy, taxes, and conservative vs. progressive family values. And even though he didnt, quite a bit of Americans STILL voted for McCain, even though the ticket was highly flawed. Put a TRUE Conservative thats a good communicator against the Obama machine. Someone who expresses the TRUE Conservative ideology clrealy and succinctly up there. Id love to see that result. Obama may still win, but Id bet the results would be much closer. On taxes we believe in a progressive tax code, not an over burdensome one, but I will give you credit, we are vulnerable on that one because Dems often loose sight of the definition of over burdensome... But we also believe in balancing the budget and living within ones means... Too many folks on both the left and right forgot that lesson at the turn of century and we are now paying for it. But this means that often we can agree with our conservative brethren, if not on priorities, at least on overall levels of taxation and budget balancing. The problem is less about not wanting an economic success for this country on either side, but how to best to get there and what those priorities should be that will get us there. On the paragraph, I left out because I completely agree with you. But understand what you described minus the limiting aspect of you term family, the lack of check on the military, and
bills_fan Posted December 17, 2008 Posted December 17, 2008 I agree the GOP whored itself out, however the center of the Dem party which appeared to win out is that government should be lean, but effective, not less government necessarily, but effective government at a cost effective rate. There is middle ground here both can agree on. Dems believe in a strong military too, just not the wasteful, lying, contracted out to beltway bandits one under the current admin and we believe in family values... families that stick together except our definition is more broad based. Which is why some of what Ron Paul says is attractive... On taxes we believe in a progressive tax code, not an over burdensome one, but I will give you credit, we are vulnerable on that one because Dems often loose sight of the definition of over burdensome... But we also believe in balancing the budget and living within ones means... Too many folks on both the left and right forgot that lesson at the turn of century and we are now paying for it. But this means that often we can agree with our conservative brethren, if not on priorities, at least on overall levels of taxation and budget balancing. The problem is less about not wanting an economic success for this country on either side, but how to best to get there and what those priorities should be that will get us there. On the paragraph, I left out because I completely agree with you. But understand what you described minus the limiting aspect of you term family, the lack of check on the military, and Can I vote for you? You had me at "balance the budget." The problem is no candidate express these philospohies, they are all beholden to the hard-core right and left wingers that get them into office. This is one big reason I am considering supporting Kennedy for Senate, she is not beholden to anyone.
Steely Dan Posted December 17, 2008 Posted December 17, 2008 The true Conservative concepts of less government, lower taxes, more of an isolationist foreign policy backed by a astrong military and a strong family-based set of moral ideals is HARDLY disenfranchising the majority of Americans. The very name "neo-con" illustrates that what you see now from the "Republicans" is not true to their roots. The problem is that be going to the center, the current GOP whored itself out, muddled its message and lost its way. TRUE conservatism lives and thats why you still see true Conservative stalwarts like Bobby Jindal getting elected, even in Democratic areas. Thats why Ron Paul was so popular. Jindal, great what about the change of power in the Whitehouse and in the congress? The so called strong family based morals aren't what the majority of people want to see legislated. That's part of the problem. Interfering in the Terry Schiavo case was one of the biggest blunders in any political arena ever. The muddling of the message is what killed the GOP. McCain FLEW to the "center" and REFUSED to tackle Obama on issues of the economy, taxes, and conservative vs. progressive family values. And even though he didnt, quite a bit of Americans STILL voted for McCain, even though the ticket was highly flawed. Put a TRUE Conservative thats a good communicator against the Obama machine. Someone who expresses the TRUE Conservative ideology clrealy and succinctly up there. Id love to see that result. Obama may still win, but Id bet the results would be much closer. He couldn't tackle Obama on the economy because his statements about the economy were clueless. His tax ideas weren't friendly to the vast majority of Americans. It wasn't like he didn't try it was that nobody cared about his message. The "insane" religious right is no different than the "insane" progressive left. Soros = Dobson and the minute you relaize that, the minute youd gain some credibility, #1. #2, most Americans may not want to see abortion illegal, but they sure as sh-- dont advocate for them, either. They dont want third term abortions, no parental consent for minors and so no to be put into law. They may support it as a health care issue, but definitely NOT as a moral issue. I don't advocate abortion either but want to see it legal. Your assertion that the insane left is the same as the religious right is way off base. The progressive left doesn't want to legislate their ideals. The religious right does. The progressives want to make things a free choice. The religious right wants to force their beliefs down everyone's throats by legislating them. The minute you realize that you'll gain credibility.
blzrul Posted December 17, 2008 Author Posted December 17, 2008 If our current situation (war, recession etc) has taught us anything it's the perils of going too far to one side, or the other, or center. Obama seems "extreme" to those on the far right, but I never took him to be a lefty. Kucinich? Yep. Nader? Pretty much. Obama - not really. But, he's not in office yet. So we'll just have to wait and see. 34 more days.
blzrul Posted December 17, 2008 Author Posted December 17, 2008 And in other breaking news, pot calls kettle black!! Film at 11 . . . Funny how partisanship and being "divisive" only applies to republicans . . . the left gets to do whatever the f*ck it wants (including asinine BS like blaming 9-11 on Bush), but it's never partisan or divisive. Where's your "Sarah Palin is a c*nt" shirt? Framed and hanging on your wall as an expression of patriotism? Your thoughtful, well-articulated and constructive posts are - and I am certain everyone agrees with me - a definite asset to this forum. Keep it up. You make a very good argument for your side.
Steely Dan Posted December 17, 2008 Posted December 17, 2008 Your thoughtful, well-articulated and constructive posts are - and I am certain everyone agrees with me - a definite asset to this forum. Keep it up. You make a very good argument for your side. I figured it was just so extremely stupid it was best to ignore it altogether but nice job with it.
YellowLinesandArmadillos Posted December 17, 2008 Posted December 17, 2008 Can I vote for you? You had me at "balance the budget." The problem is no candidate express these philospohies, they are all beholden to the hard-core right and left wingers that get them into office. This is one big reason I am considering supporting Kennedy for Senate, she is not beholden to anyone. That is why I worked primarily for Blue Dogs... Colin Peterson, Leonard Boswell and a few moderate Dems... Kika de la Garza and Jay Johnson as well as Tom Daschle. Those were always the principals they espoused. Especially, Peterson and Boswell.
BillsNYC Posted December 17, 2008 Posted December 17, 2008 Newt is right, I'm tired of the lowball attacks on Obama. He's the president, get over it already and start working on making the Republican party strong again. That's coming from a McCain voter.
Boomer860 Posted December 17, 2008 Posted December 17, 2008 Newt is right, I'm tired of the lowball attacks on Obama. He's the president, get over it already and start working on making the Republican party strong again. That's coming from a McCain voter. Lowball attacks!! Obama is a lying communist fraud. The Republican party will never come back as long as the party faithful just bend over and take it. Making a party strong means weakening your opponent where they are vulnerable.
PastaJoe Posted December 17, 2008 Posted December 17, 2008 Lowball attacks!! Obama is a lying communist fraud. The Republican party will never come back as long as the party faithful just bend over and take it. Making a party strong means weakening your opponent where they are vulnerable. So you're saying that Republicans can't win with better ideas, their only hope is to attack Obama to reduce his favorablity down below theirs? That's not much of a gameplan.
Boomer860 Posted December 17, 2008 Posted December 17, 2008 So you're saying that Republicans can't win with better ideas, their only hope is to attack Obama to reduce his favorablity down below theirs? That's not much of a gameplan. It worked for the 'tards'They use is all the time. Does my free tv and gas start on the 20th of Jan. The free tv plan will confict with Gov Stevie Wonders tax on cable and of course just about everything else. Obama says no tax on 95 percent of the people and then wnet around saying change Gimme a break they are all a bunch of scam artists. And really it doesnt matter who is in charge they are all lining thier pockets with our hard earned money
PastaJoe Posted December 17, 2008 Posted December 17, 2008 It worked for the 'tards'They use is all the time. Does my free tv and gas start on the 20th of Jan. The free tv plan will confict with Gov Stevie Wonders tax on cable and of course just about everything else. Obama says no tax on 95 percent of the people and then wnet around saying change Gimme a break they are all a bunch of scam artists. And really it doesnt matter who is in charge they are all lining thier pockets with our hard earned money You have free tv now, nobody forces you to buy cable. If you can't afford a high def converter, the gov't will provide it for you. I missed where Obama promised free gas.
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