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Please Sell the Bills.....

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I don't want Ralph to die until Jim Kelly has enough cash to thwart Ralph's current plan. But I agree, wishing death on people is wrong. Personally, I'd like to have my grandfather beat the hell out of him, instead. Too bad my grandfather's dead.

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The Bills are worth whatever someone will pay, plain and simple. The Forbes valuations are just estimates, as access to each teams' books is severely limited. If someone will pay $800 million for the Bills, that's what they're worth. If that number is $1 billion or $550 million, there you go. Rest assured, though, that the NFL owners won't approve of ANY sale that isn't to the highest bidder. If someone offers $800 million for the Bills and this ALLEGED group Kelly has offers $750 million, you can bet the owners won't let Kelly anywhere near the keys to the kingdom.


I understand why people keep talking about the "Kelly Group" - its the only hope we really have of keeping our beloved Bills in town - but reality has to kick in at some point. The odds are stacked against Jim raising nearly enough capital to purchase an NFL franchise in the current economic climate.

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