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Remember Major league? Suck so much that the franchise loses value..... That MUST be what is going on. It is the newfound explanation my battered delusional fanhood fabricated as part of a coping mechnism...


Suck .... like a lot. Start strong then really blow chunks. When you are in danger of a big win, put the game in the hands of Just Lose man


Throw up a stinker in Toronto in front of potential suitors


As the franchise continues to lose value plummets and either


1. The inheritance liability handed off is an impaired asset




2. Only the likes of a sick and twisted bills fan"atic", who would certainly keep it in buffalo, would consider buying the team and see the intrinsic value that only true bias can warrant.



That it, my twisted rationalization for why, once more we have to endure the desperate and failed attempts at mediocrity. This explanation is the type of reason I am looking for to justify why I continue to support this team. Any other thoughts to help substantiate this fantasy are appreciated!!!!


I think you're right! It is like Major League. My suggestion is the Brewster's Millions solution, where some nutjob with a heart of gold comes in spending crazy amounts of cash.

this is getting depressing, there are now numerous analogies comparing the bills to fictional sports humor

Well then, we might as well try to get Don Knotts as our new head coach and see if he can bring his friend Gus, the field goal kicking mule, along.

I think you're right! It is like Major League. My suggestion is the Brewster's Millions solution, where some nutjob with a heart of gold comes in spending crazy amounts of cash.

One MMMMMillion dollars!!!

One MMMMMillion dollars!!!


Rupert Horn: Brewster? Greetings from the grave! Don't look so surprised. Did you know your great-grandfather was a honky? My old man married twice. One wife, white, produced me. One wife, black, produced your grandmother. Checkered family you might say. I've outlived them all Brewster, except you. They tell me you're my only living relative and I have to say, I'm disappointed. Look at you! what have you made of yourself? A failed baseball pitcher. I believe in being honest, Brewster. No bull sh--. I'm stuck with you. But... we're gonna have some fun...



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