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Never more frustrated


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I know this tread might not get too many responses, but I've got to vent. I have never been more frustrated with this team than right now. There are too many directions to point that I run out of fingers. This team has lost my interest in the rest of the season. I'll watch, but I won't be interested.

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Try being a Bills fan for 49 years...I cannot count the disappointments on my calculator...it's somewhere in the 10 to the 110 power or something like that. This season is it.......not even watching 2 minutes any more...which is what I watched today...the last two minutes............ :angry::(:lol::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:


i bet you watch more, its football, it was a good game to watch even though it was a gut wrenching finish

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i bet you watch more, its football, it was a good game to watch even though it was a gut wrenching finish


Probably not. After 49 years of this crap...why continue...

It is funny though...I stopped what I was doing just to check the score (the wife was watching the colts game). 2 minutes left and the Bills up...ok...break time. Then all hell broke loose.

Naw...I think the Bills are so done no need to stick the fork in.

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