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Nothing will change until...


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... Ralph Wilson passes away. Sad, but true.


He is the common denominator in all of this. The Bills will continue to hire bargain-basement coaches and front office staff, and will continue to get bargain-basement results. We got lucky in the Kelly years because we had Bill Polian and Marv Levy. But before and since, its been a revolving door of amateurs.


The result is a club with absolutely no identity that has not sniffed a playoff spot in years.


I believe teams are truly a reflection of the personality of their head coaches. The current Bills, like their head coach, are bland and boring.


We need to bring in someone with a track record of success, which means actually spending some money. I would hire Bill Cowher as director of football operations, and allow him to pick his own head coach and coaching staff. This would finally give this sorry a$$ club the identity we have sorely lacked since the Super Bowl years.


Unfortunately, there is no chance of this happening until Ralph Wilson passes on.

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He is over 90, it won't be much longer....Ralph can't do anything right...his wife plucks out a couple daughters that look like bull trannies. :angry:


Polian was right...Polian was always right.


!@#$ Ralph up the !@# with a red hot poker!

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For what...Ralph to die and they sell to an ownership group outside of Buffalo?



Could be another ten years. Well there is enough suckers to buy seasons tickets why should he care.

Yeah, Ralph is really making money hand over fist with the lowest average ticket prices in the league. He would make 5X more if he sold, but you keep thinking the man is stepping on your neck.

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... Ralph Wilson passes away. Sad, but true.


He is the common denominator in all of this. The Bills will continue to hire bargain-basement coaches and front office staff, and will continue to get bargain-basement results. We got lucky in the Kelly years because we had Bill Polian and Marv Levy. But before and since, its been a revolving door of amateurs.


The result is a club with absolutely no identity that has not sniffed a playoff spot in years.


I believe teams are truly a reflection of the personality of their head coaches. The current Bills, like their head coach, are bland and boring.


We need to bring in someone with a track record of success, which means actually spending some money. I would hire Bill Cowher as director of football operations, and allow him to pick his own head coach and coaching staff. This would finally give this sorry a$$ club the identity we have sorely lacked since the Super Bowl years.


Unfortunately, there is no chance of this happening until Ralph Wilson passes on.

And then, with a miracle, the Bills won't be the Toronto Thundercunts.
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