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Iraqi Throws shoes at Bush!

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Did he actually get beaten by security. I wish I had a video of that. What a dumbass, he totally deserved it, and I feel alot better knowing he took a whippin for it.


What would have been even funnier, is if Bush would have caught the shoe and thrown it back at that jackass. THAT would have been the greatest video ever...


There would have been a major international incident if his actions incurred collateral damage. :thumbsup:

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The guy is facing a long prison sentence and is now asking for a pardon. If Bush or his people had a clue, they would be pushing Iraq to let him go.

It was a stupid thing for him to do....but the result was far more stupid.

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The guy is facing a long prison sentence and is now asking for a pardon. If Bush or his people had a clue, they would be pushing Iraq to let him go.


If Bush and his people had a clue, they would release a statement to the effect of "We do not believe the anticipated punishment suits the crime, but we recognize the soverign power of the duly elected Iraqi government to enforce its laws as it sees fit."


If they had TWO clues, they'd release a statement demanding the shoe thrower's punishment, and the Iraqi government would counter with a pardon and a statement to the effect of "!@#$ you, we're not your lap dogs, have another shoe !@#$," thereby demonstrating their independence from the US.


Since I'm pretty sure no one involved has any clue...the Bush Administration will collectively adopt the "Aw, shucks" Bush smirk, the Iraqis will do whatever the hell they want, and everyone will lose interest when a celebrity rehab story breaks Saturday.

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If Bush and his people had a clue, they would release a statement to the effect of "We do not believe the anticipated punishment suits the crime, but we recognize the soverign power of the duly elected Iraqi government to enforce its laws as it sees fit."


If they had TWO clues, they'd release a statement demanding the shoe thrower's punishment, and the Iraqi government would counter with a pardon and a statement to the effect of "!@#$ you, we're not your lap dogs, have another shoe !@#$," thereby demonstrating their independence from the US.


Since I'm pretty sure no one involved has any clue...the Bush Administration will collectively adopt the "Aw, shucks" Bush smirk, the Iraqis will do whatever the hell they want, and everyone will lose interest when a celebrity rehab story breaks Saturday.

How bout Bush stays out of Irag? This is like Truman strolling down the streets of Japan 1946.

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How bout Bush stays out of Irag? This is like Truman strolling down the streets of Japan 1946.


Actually, that probably would have worked out pretty well for Truman. MacArthur was revered by the Japanese, after all, and he was a Grade-A putz.

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That's true. That was very unfair of me.


I'm sorry I called you shallow, Adam.

Ah, I've been called worse.....and I completely understand that things like this incite very emotional opinions. I knew from the beginning that the shoe throwing incident went too far, but I can't understand how anyone would condone the way he was beaten senseless- I even saw a post saying he deserved it- nobody deserves that.


Actually- I talked to a close friend who comes from the middle east- he told me the reports of shoe throwing being the biggest insult are incorrect- according to him its taking off your shoe and showing the bottom.

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How bout Bush stays out of Irag? This is like Truman strolling down the streets of Japan 1946.



Can you see Irag from Alaska? :worthy:



Clever remark. Perhaps you can find some value to society by winning a spelling bee, for example.




Actually, Irag is Palin's excuse for being bitchy once a month. :worthy:

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Ah, I've been called worse.....and I completely understand that things like this incite very emotional opinions. I knew from the beginning that the shoe throwing incident went too far, but I can't understand how anyone would condone the way he was beaten senseless- I even saw a post saying he deserved it- nobody deserves that.


Actually- I talked to a close friend who comes from the middle east- he told me the reports of shoe throwing being the biggest insult are incorrect- according to him its taking off your shoe and showing the bottom.


No, nobody deserves it...and I would be far happier if he were treated according to western liberal principles, at least so we could point to Iraq and say "See, we managed to combine western liberal democratic principles and rights with Islamic philosophies without corrupting Islam. It was painful, but it CAN work!" I'm pretty sure that's a pipe dream, though. And fundamentally, you'd probably be hard-pressed to find any Arab-Islamic country where he would have been better treated (maybe Lebanon...but if I suggested it to the Lebanese I know, they'd all say "I'm not an Arab, you !@#$.")



I was talking to my brother-in-law about this - he does a lot of work in the Emirates. I was very surprised to find out that he'd never heard of the bottom of the shoe being so insulting in Arab culture (even I knew that - I thought after all the footage of Iraqis beating statues of Saddam with shoes, it became common knowledge). I figured when Citigroup sent him to Dubai, they'd at least prepare him with "Whatever you do, NEVER cross your legs in a meeting."

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