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Iraqi Throws shoes at Bush!

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And the shoe thrower was a lot more accurate than JPs dump passes to Lynch. The shoes are now on e bay next to the Pallin turkey.


Yeah, he looked like he had a pretty good arm. Well, the Bills are going to need another qb next season ...

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In Islam, showing the bottom of your shoe or your foot at someone is the worst possible insult. Muslims consider the feet to be the dirtiest part of the body. It is also why shoes are removed upon entering a mosque.


What this guy was doing was insulting Bush.


I agree with you guys though -- where was the Secret Service on this one? :thumbsup:

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Yer right. I just found out Dana Perino got hurt in the melee. Now I am pissed!




Perino was hit in the face with a microphone as security wrestled with the reporter, NBC News reported.


The White House transcript from the news conference labels the incident an "audience interruption."

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In Islam, showing the bottom of your shoe or your foot at someone is the worst possible insult. Muslims consider the feet to be the dirtiest part of the body. It is also why shoes are removed upon entering a mosque.


What this guy was doing was insulting Bush.


I agree with you guys though -- where was the Secret Service on this one? :thumbsup:

It just goes to show you the difference in cultures. Candians for example probably consider feet the cleanest part of the body since they are usually in contact with snow or ice. It makes sense for Mormons to consider it dirty since both the ME and Utah have a lot of dirt.

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What if there were an explosive device or something in the shoe?


That's something they suspect of everyone who tries to get on an airplane....


And yet, not one agent comes to shield the president. This is an agency that reamed itself when that dude handed Bush a dime at his inauguration in 2000.


Everything had to be checked out prior to get into that zone, no?


The way it looked, it seemed like a secure area... The thing that gets me is the reporter got in and passed all the security without losing it early.


That had to be a highly secured area from what it looked like... And everybody had to have credentials.


Funny that the guy lost it... He most likely was throwing a lot away in his life than just his shoes.

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Please. Don't even mention Ronald Reagan's name in a thread about Bush, The past eight years would have made him nauseous

That's true but sadly a lot of the tactics that were set afoot during the Reagan years (wasn't his VP a .... Bush?!) can be traced back to Reagan. Remember Lee Atwater ... may he burn in heck? I'm not saying Reagan condoned them ... but he certainly did nothing to discourage them. I don't think he realized how far the extremists would actually take it.

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Sorry my comments are many days after the incident. But I am amazed at how people can laugh at the occurence. Like him or not, agree with him or not, he is our President and I do not feel the least bit amused if anyone, citizen or foreigner, throws a shoe at our leader.




** I am originally from India where a kick, or even accidentally touching with their feet is insulting (so even if my foot hits someone by mistake, my natural instinct is to apologize).

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That's true but sadly a lot of the tactics that were set afoot during the Reagan years (wasn't his VP a .... Bush?!) can be traced back to Reagan. Remember Lee Atwater ... may he burn in heck? I'm not saying Reagan condoned them ... but he certainly did nothing to discourage them. I don't think he realized how far the extremists would actually take it.


On his deathbed Atwater asked them to tell Michael Dukakis he was sorry.


Also we're ignoring the list of scandals during his administration.


Like the whole Iran Contra affair that Reagan, supposedly, knew nothing about.


138 administration officials during his presidency were convicted, indicted, had been the subject of official investigations for official misconduct and/or criminal violations.


Reagan's HUD Secretary Sam Pierce took the Fifth Amendment when called to testify about the looting of his agency.


Ed Meese in the Wedtech contracting scandal. (Sound familiar Dick)


Two years before the scandal involving bid-rigging and gift-greasing to ripoff the military became news Reagan had been warned by a committee he had appointed about it.


His deregulation of the thrift industry led to the savings and loan scandals.


Reagan wasn't to blame for most of those things but I believe he knew a lot about the Iran Contra affair that I also believe involved great amounts of drug smuggling.

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Sorry my comments are many days after the incident. But I am amazed at how people can laugh at the occurence. Like him or not, agree with him or not, he is our President and I do not feel the least bit amused if anyone, citizen or foreigner, throws a shoe at our leader.




** I am originally from India where a kick, or even accidentally touching with their feet is insulting (so even if my foot hits someone by mistake, my natural instinct is to apologize).

Beating the guy bloody was completely unnecessary and ridiculous....... :lol:

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Beating the guy bloody was completely unnecessary and ridiculous....... :thumbsup:


1) I agree

2) I believe that was Iraqi security, who may have a different definition of "unnecessary" and "ridiculous".

3) You throw a shoe at a world leader, you kind-of have to expect "unnecessary" and "ridiculous".

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Beating the guy bloody was completely unnecessary and ridiculous....... :thumbsup:



Did he actually get beaten by security. I wish I had a video of that. What a dumbass, he totally deserved it, and I feel alot better knowing he took a whippin for it.


What would have been even funnier, is if Bush would have caught the shoe and thrown it back at that jackass. THAT would have been the greatest video ever...

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1) I agree

2) I believe that was Iraqi security, who may have a different definition of "unnecessary" and "ridiculous".

3) You throw a shoe at a world leader, you kind-of have to expect "unnecessary" and "ridiculous".

We've installed a great and wonderful demoncracy there, haven't we.......

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We've installed a great and wonderful demoncracy there, haven't we.......


First, were you honestly dumb enough to think we would? Second...even if we did, it ain't America. "Democracy" doesn't mean "protected by the US Constitution and Bill of Rights".


The argument that we suck because Iraqis act like Iraqis is shallow and stupid, even for you.

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First, were you honestly dumb enough to think we would? Second...even if we did, it ain't America. "Democracy" doesn't mean "protected by the US Constitution and Bill of Rights".


The argument that we suck because Iraqis act like Iraqis is shallow and stupid, even for you.

Did I say that? :thumbsup:


Maybe I did, after all, I'm usually stupid and shallow......

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