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Good luck today from Long Island and...........

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Merry Xmas to all Bills fans.

Since Losman is starting,common sense would say the Jets should win today but common sense and New York Jets do not belong in the same sentence.

The Bills started their collapse early in the season after starting well. The Jets waited to begin their collapse later in the season which I think is even worse from a fans POV.

Here is Buffalos chance to stick a dagger in the heart of the Jets playoff chances and have downstaters back to saying "same old Jets"

Will that happen? Who the hell knows with these 2 teams.

FWIW, I still think NE will win the AFCE and I know that makes all NY football fans pissed off.

Good luck today with no injuries.

LI Phil

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Merry Xmas to all Bills fans.

Since Losman is starting,common sense would say the Jets should win today but common sense and New York Jets do not belong in the same sentence.

The Bills started their collapse early in the season after starting well. The Jets waited to begin their collapse later in the season which I think is even worse from a fans POV.

Here is Buffalos chance to stick a dagger in the heart of the Jets playoff chances and have downstaters back to saying "same old Jets"

Will that happen? Who the hell knows with these 2 teams.

FWIW, I still think NE will win the AFCE and I know that makes all NY football fans pissed off.

Good luck today with no injuries.

LI Phil


With the injuries to the pats, this was both teams best chance to take the east.

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What can you say here?

This was the Rich Kotite Bowl.

Could be worst coached game in years (by both teams obviously)

Now THAT'S funny!


I will say, though, that Mangini made the right decision to go for it instead of kicking the FG at the end. The logic: if you have a choice of putting it in McKelvin's or Losman's hands, choose Losman.

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