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I only have time for this one update this week, due to family holiday things today....


So, the current guesses. Same as every week, if your name is in RED, you guessed the same as someone before you, and will need to guess again if you want to stay in the contest.


0 - Jim in Anchorage (AlbanyBill)

59 - Nanker

141 - mead107

148 - The Avenger

161 - BB2004

169 - Bill from NYC

170 - cpabob

181 - The Dean

189 - KD in CT

208 - Captain Quint

216 - bizell

224 - davefan66

231 - marauderswr80

232 - Cereal

247 - scoring is not hardy

269 - monsterman75

277 - Tcali

282 - niknak770

302 - Frez

308 - HBSS151

333 - mjohns85

337 - nobody

punt-60 kick-200 interception-61 = 321 yards total


Go bills

and what is the prize


Thanks for asking. Well, the winner, Sage Against The Machine, had a choice, of prizez. He, decided on,, Red plastic stadium seat (from the Rich Stadium renovations) and free parking at HAMMER'S LOT for the Pats game.

people win anything when they guess the right answer?

I have either mailed out or PERSONAL HANDED ALL PRIZES to prize winners when all rules are met. Prizes this year included: player signed shirts, pieces of Field Turf, a pair of Bills player gloves, The Book "Buffalo Soul Lifters" wrote by TBD'S own ChevyVanMiller, seating from the Ralph. The last contest winner PICKED his prize from a choice of prizes. What are you talking about?

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