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Al Franken's chances of winning the Minnesota recount may have just gone up astronomically.


The state canvassing board just voted unanimously that absentee ballots that were initially rejected because of clerical errors -- and the current estimate from the hearing is that there could be nearly 1,600 of them, based on some extrapolation -- should be counted, probably the single biggest issue that the Franken campaign has been hammering ever since this recount began, and which really seemed up in the air going into this hearing.




Because of all that, it seems very likely that the vast majority of these ballots will be counted before this is over -- and it could possibly seal the deal for Franken. Pre-election polling showed him winning the overall pool of absentee ballots by a solid margin, so it seems pretty reasonable to assume that the newly-counted votes will break for Al. If that proves to be correct -- and if Norm Coleman is unable to stop it through further litigation -- Franken will probably pull ahead of Coleman and win the election.

Way to steal an election, Democrats! :wallbash:



Anyway, fear not, I'm sure Coleman can always appeal to the frienly {for now} Conservative Supreme Court to make sure all the votes are not counted :thumbsup:


edit: 8 years ago today, Al Gore conceded to the douche bag Bush



Anyway, fear not, I'm sure Coleman can always appeal to the frienly {for now} Conservative Supreme Court to make sure all the votes are not counted :wallbash:


edit: 8 years ago today, Al Gore conceded to the douche bag Bush



Thus the beginning of BDS.



Anyway, fear not, I'm sure Coleman can always appeal to the frienly {for now} Conservative Supreme Court to make sure all the votes are not counted :wallbash:


edit: 8 years ago today, Al Gore conceded to the douche bag Bush


Yes. Molson Golden once again taking the high road.


If the absentee ballots were improperly rejected (key word: improperly), then why would anyone, other than one afraid of losing an election, object to rectifying an obvious wrong? If they weren't improperly rejected then Coleman has nothing to worry about. If they were improperly rejected, he should be thankful for a democratic process that allows for the correction of a mistake that would have disenfranchised hundreds of voters otherwise. Coleman DOES believe in justice for ALL Minnesota voters, right?



They are counting their chickens way before they hatch. This is still anybody's race. Coleman has the lead right now and maybe Franken will close the gap and overtake Coleman but I'm not sure, at all, that anything has been decided there.



If the absentee ballots were improperly rejected (key word: improperly), then why would anyone, other than one afraid of losing an election, object to rectifying an obvious wrong? If they weren't improperly rejected then Coleman has nothing to worry about. If they were improperly rejected, he should be thankful for a democratic process that allows for the correction of a mistake that would have disenfranchised hundreds of voters otherwise. Coleman DOES believe in justice for ALL Minnesota voters, right?


I don't care who's ahead and who's behind. All the ballots should be counted in any state in any situation like this.


Here's another article.


But the matter has still not been resolved. Ever since the recount was completed, the two campaigns have been fighting over crucial handful of ballots that are being challenged for one reason or another. On Friday, Franken won a round in court when a state elections board ruled that more than 600 rejected absentee ballots could be sorted and counted, and that 133 missing ballots from Minneapolis could be counted by examining the tapes from a ballot counting machine. Coleman promptly said he would challenge the ruling in court.


If it had been Minnesota instead of Florida in 2000, this is what we would have found out: Voters are idiots. You make a clear, statewide ballot with neat little ovals to fill in? Some voters will put in check marks and X's. They'll fill out two ovals. They'll mark one candidate's oval in ink, try to erase that mark and then put their initials next to their correction, even though there's a law on the books forbidding voters to sign their ballots, to prevent voter bribing. They'll scrawl something about taxes in that oval, or about lizard people. You spend enough time trying to figure out the intentions of some voters, and you'll learn their real intention is to be put into special care.


The Republicans here will love this part.


The Franken side is pushing for more ballots to be included in the recount, partly because it has nothing to lose (it's behind) and partly because, historically, Democrats screw up their ballots more often than Republicans. They're the shaky-handed elderly, the movement-limited disabled, the instruction-confused immigrants, the first-time-voting minorities. But despite this tension, the two law teams have been pleasant toward each other. Franken lead attorney Marc Elias, who was head counsel for the John Kerry campaign, says, "It's been cordial. I've met Coleman's lawyer, Mr. Knaak, three times. He seems like a nice fellow." In fact, each side independently has taken back hundreds of ballot challenges it made during the review process that were frivolous.


Another article.


“Today's decisions represent positive and productive steps towards ensuring that this election is decided fairly and accurately, as well as a complete rejection of the Coleman campaign's effort to throw out lawful votes from Minnesotans.”



I don't know why anyone, except the leader in the race, would be against counting all eligible ballots. :thumbsup:


If the situation was reversed the things being said on one side would be said on the other side. I just say let all of the ballots be counted and see what happens. I believe that the predicted win is anything but decided. They say these are Franken victories but it may not matter in the end.

You have no idea of what BDS is , do you?


Of course I do, it stands for Bush Derangment Syndrome and it's something I happen to be a strong believer in. I mean Bush has done such an incredible job as President it's obvious to me that anyone who is critical of him must be suffering from a mental disorder.


The Onion has a breaking news item:


" Autopsy of Minnesota businessman reveals 31 more Franken votes."




Molson, do you really want Al Franken as a United States Senator? Really? Ask yourself that. :unsure:


I'm no fan of Coleman's (I know nothing about the man), but here's what we know about Al Franken:


* Bad comedian

* Admitted user of cocaine

* Writer for SNL during their not-very-funny-years in the early 80s.

* Came up with the incredibly annoying Stuart Smalley character, probably because he saw other performers cashing in with much more likable characters.

* Bad catchphrase for the Smalley character.

* Co-writer of the insipid movie "When a Man Loves a Woman", the only redeeming feature of which would be Meg Ryan at the apex of her cuteness.

* Writer of books, including "Rush Limbaugh is a Big Fat Idiot". But, if you want a subliminal message from one of his books, go read "Why Not Me?", a fictional tome in which Al is nominated for President. His running mate? Joe Lieberman. This was written before the 2000 election. In it, President Franken winds up resigning, and at the end of the book, President Lieberman has been hailed as one of the great leaders in American history. Think Franken wants that one back? :unsure:

* When another writer wrote a response to the Limbaugh-idiot book, called "Al Franken is a Bucktoothed Moron", Franken threatened legal action against the author and publisher.

* His spats with Bill O'Reilly, another thin-skinned commentator.


In other words, the man can dish it out, but he sure can't take it. He's an unbelievable douchebag. I couldn't care less about his political affiliation.


Again, are you sure you want this man in the United States Senate?

Molson, do you really want Al Franken as a United States Senator? Really? Ask yourself that. :unsure:


I'm no fan of Coleman's (I know nothing about the man), but here's what we know about Al Franken:


* Bad comedian

* Admitted user of cocaine

* Writer for SNL during their not-very-funny-years in the early 80s.

* Came up with the incredibly annoying Stuart Smalley character, probably because he saw other performers cashing in with much more likable characters.

* Bad catchphrase for the Smalley character.

* Co-writer of the insipid movie "When a Man Loves a Woman", the only redeeming feature of which would be Meg Ryan at the apex of her cuteness.

* Writer of books, including "Rush Limbaugh is a Big Fat Idiot". But, if you want a subliminal message from one of his books, go read "Why Not Me?", a fictional tome in which Al is nominated for President. His running mate? Joe Lieberman. This was written before the 2000 election. In it, President Franken winds up resigning, and at the end of the book, President Lieberman has been hailed as one of the great leaders in American history. Think Franken wants that one back? :unsure:

* When another writer wrote a response to the Limbaugh-idiot book, called "Al Franken is a Bucktoothed Moron", Franken threatened legal action against the author and publisher.

* His spats with Bill O'Reilly, another thin-skinned commentator.


In other words, the man can dish it out, but he sure can't take it. He's an unbelievable douchebag. I couldn't care less about his political affiliation.


Again, are you sure you want this man in the United States Senate?


*He harassed Sean Hannity after an appearance on Hannity and Colmes, chasing Hannity into his office and pounding on the door until security ushered him out

* After an appearance on Bill Mahr's show, obtained Melanie Morgan's (former KSFO conservative talk radio commentator) home phone # from ABC and harassed her at home until she threatened legal action.

Molson, do you really want Al Franken as a United States Senator? Really? Ask yourself that. :unsure:


I'm no fan of Coleman's (I know nothing about the man), but here's what we know about Al Franken:


* Bad comedian

* Admitted user of cocaine

* Writer for SNL during their not-very-funny-years in the early 80s.

* Came up with the incredibly annoying Stuart Smalley character, probably because he saw other performers cashing in with much more likable characters.

* Bad catchphrase for the Smalley character.

* Co-writer of the insipid movie "When a Man Loves a Woman", the only redeeming feature of which would be Meg Ryan at the apex of her cuteness.

* Writer of books, including "Rush Limbaugh is a Big Fat Idiot". But, if you want a subliminal message from one of his books, go read "Why Not Me?", a fictional tome in which Al is nominated for President. His running mate? Joe Lieberman. This was written before the 2000 election. In it, President Franken winds up resigning, and at the end of the book, President Lieberman has been hailed as one of the great leaders in American history. Think Franken wants that one back? :unsure:

* When another writer wrote a response to the Limbaugh-idiot book, called "Al Franken is a Bucktoothed Moron", Franken threatened legal action against the author and publisher.

* His spats with Bill O'Reilly, another thin-skinned commentator.


In other words, the man can dish it out, but he sure can't take it. He's an unbelievable douchebag. I couldn't care less about his political affiliation.


Again, are you sure you want this man in the United States Senate?

A bad comedian? Comedy is in the eye of the beholder, ya know.


Anyway, he is a good progressive Democrat. I really agree with him on the positive power of the Federal Government to make America a better place to live. He believes in government, he is serious about it and so am I. That spat he had with O'Reilly was actually really good. O'Reilly was sitting there saying things like government ruined America, it can't do anything, it is a waste and all that and Franken simply pointed out where he was wrong and got angry about it, good for him. Who wouldn't get angry at a clown like that? I took that same stand on this board before the financial crisis and was pillored for it, now with the government acting as a nanny for the entire capitalist system it doesn't seem so bad.


And I read his book about Limbo back in the 1990's and it was funny. Glad someone started fighting back for our side. He made an obvious point, Limbo is a big fat idiot. Ya. That's controversial?


Colin Powell a few days ago:


"I think the party has to take a hard look at itself," Powell said. "There is nothing wrong with being conservative. There is nothing wrong with having socially conservative views -- I don't object to that. But if the party wants to have a future in this country, it has to face some realities... I think the party has to stop shouting at the world and at the country... Can we continue to listen to Rush Limbaugh? Is this really the kind of party that we want to be when these kinds of spokespersons seem to appeal to our lesser instincts rather than our better instincts?"



Franken will be a great secessor for another shouting, progressive Jew we miss dearly, Paul Wellstone, RIP

Molson, do you really want Al Franken as a United States Senator? Really? Ask yourself that. :unsure:


I'm no fan of Coleman's (I know nothing about the man), but here's what we know about Al Franken:


* Bad comedian

* Admitted user of cocaine

* Writer for SNL during their not-very-funny-years in the early 80s.

* Came up with the incredibly annoying Stuart Smalley character, probably because he saw other performers cashing in with much more likable characters.

* Bad catchphrase for the Smalley character.

* Co-writer of the insipid movie "When a Man Loves a Woman", the only redeeming feature of which would be Meg Ryan at the apex of her cuteness.

* Writer of books, including "Rush Limbaugh is a Big Fat Idiot". But, if you want a subliminal message from one of his books, go read "Why Not Me?", a fictional tome in which Al is nominated for President. His running mate? Joe Lieberman. This was written before the 2000 election. In it, President Franken winds up resigning, and at the end of the book, President Lieberman has been hailed as one of the great leaders in American history. Think Franken wants that one back? :P

* When another writer wrote a response to the Limbaugh-idiot book, called "Al Franken is a Bucktoothed Moron", Franken threatened legal action against the author and publisher.

* His spats with Bill O'Reilly, another thin-skinned commentator.


In other words, the man can dish it out, but he sure can't take it. He's an unbelievable douchebag. I couldn't care less about his political affiliation.


Again, are you sure you want this man in the United States Senate?





I know very little of Coleman, and I don't think I would want Franken to be my Senator...but, none of your cited reasons play any part in the decision, as they are irrelevant to doing the job. But, I think you know that.


Funny list, though. Of course, I think being an admitted FORMER Cocaine user, and writing the Limbaugh book as positives (but, also unrelated to being a Senator). :unsure:

Anyway, he is a good progressive Democrat. I really agree with him on the positive power of the Federal Government to make America a better place to live. He believes in government, he is serious about it and so am I.

How is it even remotely possible that you can believe in this, given your constant hatred of everything that this government has done in its 8 years in power?


Honestly, don't you see a huge disconnect there?

How is it even remotely possible that you can believe in this, given your constant hatred of everything that this government has done in its 8 years in power?


Honestly, don't you see a huge disconnect there?

No, not at all. The Bush crowd put anti-Government people in charge of the government for the last eight years, and heck, you can take that back to Reagan. So yes, if you put anti-government people in charge--or just corrupt cronies for that matter--government will not work. Put good, dedicated civil servents in charge and you have a much better chance of recieving positive results.

No, not at all. The Bush crowd put anti-Government people in charge of the government for the last eight years, and heck, you can take that back to Reagan. So yes, if you put anti-government people in charge--or just corrupt cronies for that matter--government will not work. Put good, dedicated civil servents in charge and you have a much better chance of recieving positive results.




Jimmy Carter

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