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Have you see any serious reports about the NFL considering Montreal and Vancouver for future franchises?!!

Not really, however looking at the history of mergers, it is common to pick up the high market teams and let the rest of the league falter. The AFL/NFL merger was an exception. Might be too tempting once you open the door by giving Toronto a franchise.

Geez...the irony is I'm reading this thread on the day I'm having a colonoscopy! The stuff they make you drink is awful.

You got a bug up yer ass? <_<


sometime i crack me up!


(Hope you get a clean bill of health!)

Not really, however looking at the history of mergers, it is common to pick up the high market teams and let the rest of the league falter. The AFL/NFL merger was an exception. Might be too tempting once you open the door by giving Toronto a franchise.


Let's be clear here so that others can put your random thoughts into the proper context of reality: there are no plans between the NFL and CFL to merge, the NFL has no interest in expanding into Montreal or Vancouver, Vancouver doesn't want the NFL because the CFL is very popular in Western Canada, Montreal doesn't really even want football, and it may not even be likely that Toronto gets an existing NFL franchise due to stadium issues and fan apathy issues and issues of Canadian government stepping in to protect the CFL. But good luck with that colonoscopy today. I refrained from a "head up your a$$" comment because I'm still a classy poster.

Let's be clear here so that others can put your random thoughts into the proper context of reality: there are no plans between the NFL and CFL to merge, the NFL has no interest in expanding into Montreal or Vancouver, Vancouver doesn't want the NFL because the CFL is very popular in Western Canada, Montreal doesn't really even want football, and it may not even be likely that Toronto gets an existing NFL franchise due to stadium issues and fan apathy issues and issues of Canadian government stepping in to protect the CFL. But good luck with that colonoscopy today. I refrained from a "head up your a$$" comment because I'm still a classy poster.


Thanks for this clarification... Knowing quite well Quebec and Europe, i think a NFL franchise in Franckfurt, Germany 'd have a much better chance of success than one in Montreal....


Thanks for the good wishes. Not expecting anything but brother was diagnosed with it and just went into remission, leading me to think once every ten year (the initial recommendation five years ago) was not enough. The gastro guy agreed and hence this is pretty routine. Very uncomforatable...but routine. One of things you do when you're old.


I'm thinking MONEY on the Toronto thing. The rationale in going there (if indeed we ever do) is to open up a new market. If it happens that Toronto gets a team and it does well, it would be very tempting to go after the other major markets. I suspect most decisions when all is said and done will come from the need to make money...and the folks that make the decisions have to look at the major markets. Europe would be a major logistical headache, but the major Canadian markets near the border might have possibilities. The Toronto experiment may have more to it than just moving the Bills.


Toronto is the only Canadian city that could, and would, support an NFL team. (THEIR OWN NFL team, not one that shows up for a weekend-long visit once or twice a year.) Montreal? They let the woeful Expos skulk out of town, and several CFL franchises have closed up shop there before the current one moved north from Baltimore. Vancouver? As previously noted, solidly in the heart of CFL country. Ontario is the only Canadian province where the NFL's popularity matches that of the three-down game. Other places in the True North? Not happening. They'd rather have their NHL franchises back first.


On the U.S. side: San Antone and perhaps Portland would probably be my top two, with the caveat that maybe, somehow, somewhere, an L.A. ownership group finally gets its sh-- together. Don't hold your breath waiting on that one. Vegas? Over Roger Goodell's dead body.


Good luck with the scope. Because of a strong family history of colon cancer (including a cousin who died from same when he was just a couple of years older than I am now), I'm on the every-two-years plan. Not a lot of fun, but it beats the alternative.

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