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Meanwhile, Greece Is In A State Of Anarchy

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As the economy slides down, I wonder if we will see more of this?






"For four days, Greece has surrendered itself to flames and anarchy," said the conservative daily Eleftheros Typos in an editorial. "The volatile situation appears out of control with the police appearing unable to deal with the situation. ... Politicians appear to have fallen dramatically short of the task at hand."


Storeowners accuse riot police of leaving their businesses unprotected as rioters smashed and burned their way through popular shopping districts. Although police have fired volley after volley of tear gas when attacked by rock- and Molotov cocktail-throwing protesters, they held back when youths turned against buildings and cars.

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Well make your pick....riots in the US last about two days and end with dozens of deaths (see R King's riots in LA...) ... riots in Europe last a dozen of days and end with two deaths (see Greece or France )...


So you had to go back to 1992 to find an example of a riot in the US? Sounds about right.

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So you had to go back to 1992 to find an example of a riot in the US? Sounds about right.


The King riots were a good example just because they started for about the same reason (cops doing the worst thing at the worst place and the worst time) the Greece and French riots started ... but well i could have taken the riots and looting in the streets of post Katrina NO three years ago...

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The King riots were a good example just because they started for about the same reason (cops doing the worst thing at the worst place and the worst time) the Greece and French riots started ... but well i could have taken the riots and looting in the streets of post Katrina NO three years ago...


I saw looting, but there weren't riots after Katrina as I remember.

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I saw looting, but there weren't riots after Katrina as I remember.



well I don't know how you call complete anarchy, looting, robbery, rapes, murders and fights at every corner, police losing control of the situation...but well that looks a lot like a riot...

(and don't tell me that in a "real " riot, people are supposed to "ask" for something or to have any kind of political message... in most riots people are just looking for a good fight vs the police and a way to steal some stuff...)

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