stuckincincy Posted December 9, 2008 Posted December 9, 2008 About the new Senate seat? "I did not have contact, I did not have contact with that Governor!"
IDBillzFan Posted December 9, 2008 Posted December 9, 2008 I'll be curious to find out what that "muther!@#$er" knew.
blzrul Posted December 9, 2008 Posted December 9, 2008 It's on another thread that Rahm Emmanuel may have blown the final whistle when this came to his attention. And it also turns out that the investigation has been ongoing, for years, over a number of things. How about that. You can be sure that had there been ANY possible way to link Obama to this during the would have been leaked. Oh yeah it would. This administration outed one of its own spies out of really don't think they'd have settled for Rev Wright when they could have had THIS?! Of course you wingnuts can still assemble for your usual circle jerk with Rush and the rest of your buddies. It's a free country.
elegantelliotoffen Posted December 9, 2008 Posted December 9, 2008 stuckincincy said: About the new Senate seat? "I did not have contact, I did not have contact with that Governor!" He probably conspired with Blago to extort himself!
Boomer860 Posted December 9, 2008 Posted December 9, 2008 blzrul said: It's on another thread that Rahm Emmanuel may have blown the final whistle when this came to his attention. And it also turns out that the investigation has been ongoing, for years, over a number of things. How about that. You can be sure that had there been ANY possible way to link Obama to this during the would have been leaked. Oh yeah it would. This administration outed one of its own spies out of really don't think they'd have settled for Rev Wright when they could have had THIS?! Of course you wingnuts can still assemble for your usual circle jerk with Rush and the rest of your buddies. It's a free country. The Messiah is pure " he is clean and well spoken" Joe Biden
Adam Posted December 9, 2008 Posted December 9, 2008 He knew they were starting to get bad after the 3rd superbowl when they lost Polian and Wolford
stuckincincy Posted December 9, 2008 Author Posted December 9, 2008 blzrul said: It's on another thread that Rahm Emmanuel may have blown the final whistle when this came to his attention. And it also turns out that the investigation has been ongoing, for years, over a number of things. How about that. You can be sure that had there been ANY possible way to link Obama to this during the would have been leaked. Oh yeah it would. This administration outed one of its own spies out of really don't think they'd have settled for Rev Wright when they could have had THIS?! Of course you wingnuts can still assemble for your usual circle jerk with Rush and the rest of your buddies. It's a free country. A number of years about taking graft for a Senate seat vacated in 2008?
Cheeseburger_in_paradise Posted December 9, 2008 Posted December 9, 2008 blzrul said: It's on another thread that Rahm Emmanuel may have blown the final whistle when this came to his attention. And it also turns out that the investigation has been ongoing, for years, over a number of things. How about that. You can be sure that had there been ANY possible way to link Obama to this during the would have been leaked. Oh yeah it would. This administration outed one of its own spies out of really don't think they'd have settled for Rev Wright when they could have had THIS?! Of course you wingnuts can still assemble for your usual circle jerk with Rush and the rest of your buddies. It's a free country. And how exactly, could they have blown the whistle on a Senate seat for sale, before the results of the election were known? Good point though that the press ignored the corrupt machine Obama came out of. This is all Ditka's fault.
/dev/null Posted December 10, 2008 Posted December 10, 2008
Spiderweb Posted December 13, 2008 Posted December 13, 2008 blzrul said: It's on another thread that Rahm Emmanuel may have blown the final whistle when this came to his attention. And it also turns out that the investigation has been ongoing, for years, over a number of things. How about that. You can be sure that had there been ANY possible way to link Obama to this during the would have been leaked. Oh yeah it would. This administration outed one of its own spies out of really don't think they'd have settled for Rev Wright when they could have had THIS?! Of course you wingnuts can still assemble for your usual circle jerk with Rush and the rest of your buddies. It's a free country. On a decided right wing board, you sure have some stones. Let us add that no matter what or how Obama does in the coming years, the bar set for him by the soon to be previous president could not have been lower. Currently it rests at zero. There is only one way to go. Even if Obama ends up being a poor president, that would still be a huge improvement over what this country has had the last almost eight years.
Adam Posted December 13, 2008 Posted December 13, 2008 blzrul said: It's on another thread that Rahm Emmanuel may have blown the final whistle when this came to his attention. And it also turns out that the investigation has been ongoing, for years, over a number of things. How about that. You can be sure that had there been ANY possible way to link Obama to this during the would have been leaked. Oh yeah it would. This administration outed one of its own spies out of really don't think they'd have settled for Rev Wright when they could have had THIS?! Of course you wingnuts can still assemble for your usual circle jerk with Rush and the rest of your buddies. It's a free country. Oh come on, Limbaugh is so 1980's....nobody listens to that moron anymore....not any more than that shlub (is that a word?) Keith Olbermann. Actually, those two are very charitable- they give to those too dumb to think for themselves
YellowLinesandArmadillos Posted December 13, 2008 Posted December 13, 2008 stuckincincy said: About the new Senate seat? "I did not have contact, I did not have contact with that Governor!" Go away, nothing to see here...
blzrul Posted December 13, 2008 Posted December 13, 2008 Adam said: Oh come on, Limbaugh is so 1980's....nobody listens to that moron anymore....not any more than that shlub (is that a word?) Keith Olbermann. Actually, those two are very charitable- they give to those too dumb to think for themselves So one would wonder why he's still on the air, if no-one listens. Also why Colin Powell. coincidentally, made the statement reported yesterday that people need to stop listening to Rush Limbaugh and people like him.
Chilly Posted December 13, 2008 Posted December 13, 2008 Blago has been one corrupt mother!@#$er for a long, long time. I got randomly assigned him to do a campaign for in my campaigns and elections class; my whole campaign was basically "I might be corrupt, but the other person sucks more." He's corrupt, anyone that has been following politics for the past 10 years knows it. Obama knows exactly what was going on. Whether he took a part in it is obviously another story. I'm not a fan of Obama, but I'm not sure Blago really had much to do with anything.
DC Tom Posted December 13, 2008 Posted December 13, 2008 stuckincincy said: About the new Senate seat? "I did not have contact, I did not have contact with that Governor!" From what I understand, Obama knew back in April about Blago putting the Senate seat up for bid.
Chilly Posted December 13, 2008 Posted December 13, 2008 DC Tom said: From what I understand, Obama knew back in April about Blago putting the Senate seat up for bid. $2500
OCinBuffalo Posted December 15, 2008 Posted December 15, 2008 Please refrain from using this lame-ass line the crazy-left people use when referring to 9/11. That was and remains one of the stupidest questions of all time. For Crazy left people: And, no, getting one materials scientist out of 200 to say that it's possible that planes didn't do the job by themselves does not qualify as proof of anything, you f'ing idiots. It was the beginning of the "attack Bush, right, wrong or indifferent, no matter what happens" nonsense that we have been putting up with for the 7 years.
pBills Posted December 15, 2008 Posted December 15, 2008 I find this to be really funny. What people will do after their party gets its butt whooped. Amazing.
YellowLinesandArmadillos Posted December 15, 2008 Posted December 15, 2008 OCinBuffalo said: Please refrain from using this lame-ass line the crazy-left people use when referring to 9/11. That was and remains one of the stupidest questions of all time. For Crazy left people: And, no, getting one materials scientist out of 200 to say that it's possible that planes didn't do the job by themselves does not qualify as proof of anything, you f'ing idiots. It was the beginning of the "attack Bush, right, wrong or indifferent, no matter what happens" nonsense that we have been putting up with for the 7 years. OMG, quit your whining already... P.S. We started attacking Bush as bad when he started talking about "edumacation" the moment he took office. And he gave us plenty of fodder.... P.S. That RW quote of a previous Axelrod comment was edited and is not fully what he said. He said the he "assumed", but leaving out a key word is easy to do with the Drudge/OXY Boy crowd.... That being said, forget about the economy, lets talk about something that has nothing to do with the Presidency, but a corrupt arrogant ILL Gov. Meanwhile, we are giving Billions away to Paulson who said "Trust Me." Now where is that bank liquidity Bush and he promised???? Talk about corruption. And in other news some goof from FLA has introduced a bill to privatize Amtrak... wonder who is paying him off... another Brain dead idea. Amtrak may not be perfect, but nothing like privatizing a well used public good to screw it up and make it unusable, while letting more corporate scoundrels steal from the American taxpayer. Follow the money boys. Blago's mistake is that he was asking for money from the wrong people, those who didn't have a lot... It would have been years till he was caught if he worked with the right wing corporate nuts... They know how to intimidate better without getting caught. There is that enough pontificating to balance out this thread for a couple of minutes... probably not, but it is inane... move along... There you go again you bitter Judas knuckle draggers... accept the Messiah his here...
OCinBuffalo Posted December 15, 2008 Posted December 15, 2008 yellowlinesandarmadillos said: OMG, quit your whining already... P.S. We started attacking Bush as bad when he started talking about "edumacation" the moment he took office. And he gave us plenty of fodder.... Yeah silly me, I guess I gave you too much credit back then. I thought all that was just campaign nonsense and would pass away like a bad fart. Little did I know that the campaign would never end....I never in million years expected idiots to turn 9/11 into a campaign issue. Are you saying that you are proud of this? However, the Republicans got themselves caught up the stupidity, and took the initiative on it often, and the country suffered because neither party could stop throwing mud long enough to think things through...hence, Iraq, the loans given to people who couldn't pay, etc. yellowlinesandarmadillos said: P.S. That RW quote of a previous Axelrod comment was edited and is not fully what he said. He said the he "assumed", but leaving out a key word is easy to do with the Drudge/OXY Boy crowd.... That being said, forget about the economy, lets talk about something that has nothing to do with the Presidency, but a corrupt arrogant ILL Gov. Meanwhile, we are giving Billions away to Paulson who said "Trust Me." Now where is that bank liquidity Bush and he promised???? Talk about corruption. Let's get something straight: there is no such thing as a "right wing quote". There's what a guys says, and what he doesn't f'ing say. I saw that interview with my own two eyes, and he said what he said. If he didn't say that the Obama team was talking with "Mr. Hair Club" then why did he have to come back out and say that he didn't??? A denial for denial's sake? Look you will get no argument from me on any of this. I think the whole thing stinks to high heaven. And, I have personal experience trying design and deploy a so-called "self-regulation" system into 2 companies you know on Wall Street. Too bad when half the traders/upper management then forced us to give them rights to do whatever they wanted, and/or to make their trades not part of my work flow system. A nice waste of 6 months of my life, but they paid well... But, government people are far and away more corrupt and worse, far and away more incompetent. I have those stories too, and they are much worse. yellowlinesandarmadillos said: And in other news some goof from FLA has introduced a bill to privatize Amtrak... wonder who is paying him off... another Brain dead idea. Amtrak may not be perfect, but nothing like privatizing a well used public good to screw it up and make it unusable, while letting more corporate scoundrels steal from the American taxpayer. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You are talking to a guy that rode Amtrak every day for a year. Every time my train was 45 minutes late again(about 2 times a week), I asked myself: "you know it's not hard, we are doing the same thing we did yesterday, same thing is going to happen tomorrow, going to the same place(Philly to NYC or back) we have been going to for years, and it's on a track where there's only other trains we control, but somehow we find a way to f it up?" Buddy, you almost have to try to f that up, and they find a way to do it at least once a week. AMTRAK is in no way "usable" or "reliable" now, but it beats the hell out of the Holland tunnel and $35 an hour for parking, so, whaddya want? A kick in the nuts or in the head? And every time you talk to AMTRAK people it's always the same thing: the unions are the problem. I don't know. It seems that my 16 cousin could run and outfit whose sole job is to get from the same point a to the same point b, that never change, the same time every day. So I'm not convinced the management of AMTRAK doesn't need a good house cleaning as well. Then it's the whole: we don't pay enough to attract intelligent, competent managers, etc.... In any case, using AMTRAK as an example for why the government should be in charge of things? Laughable. yellowlinesandarmadillos said: Follow the money boys. Blago's mistake is that he was asking for money from the wrong people, those who didn't have a lot... It would have been years till he was caught if he worked with the right wing corporate nuts... They know how to intimidate better without getting caught. Que? Blago's mistake is asking for money. Period. My buddy and I are going to come over to your house, steal your stuff, and if you don't catch me, that makes me "smart"??? WTF? Or, if I had brought a different buddy instead, he would be okay, but the first guy wouldn't be? because he was more savvy or because he was more intimidating? And if I bring the second guy and don't get caught, then, according to your wingnut logic, I would be less likely to get caught, therefore, I wouldn't be making a mistake of any kind, at all??? You must have completely given yourself over to the buffoonery that says: "it's okay for government people to ass-rape me, they are allowed to, because the government is always right, and more of it as always better". It's this kind of moral relativism that makes me wonder...nah, this kind of post is simply making excuses for a-holes, just because they happen to be on "your team". yellowlinesandarmadillos said: There is that enough pontificating to balance out this thread for a couple of minutes... probably not, but it is inane... move along... There you go again you bitter Judas knuckle draggers... accept the Messiah his here... Balance? Let me make something clear: there is no need for "balance" when we are talking right and wrong. Again, do I need to come over to your house and educate you on the difference? I could use a new TV. I supposed me taking your stuff would definitely "balance" out the good things I do. And of course "balance" is what we need, rather than good.
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