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Boycott the Patriots Game

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After reviewing the carnage on this website tonight, for the first time, I believe the core fans of this organization have had their collective backs broken! Being the core fans of the team, I think it would be balls move to organize a boycott of the last home game against the Patriots. Collect money and put a one page add in the Buffalo News; a message needs to be sent to our pathetic owner once and for all!

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After reviewing the carnage on this website tonight, for the first time, I believe the core fans of this organization have had their collective backs broken! Being the core fans of the team, I think it would be balls move to organize a boycott of the last home game against the Patriots. Collect money and put a one page add in the Buffalo News; a message needs to be sent to our pathetic owner once and for all!

Yeah, that'll show them!! <_<

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Yeah, that'll show them!! :rolleyes:


If you don't believe that sends a message, you're a fool. This team and owner are driven by money and profit. If people didn't attend (or better yet, just hung out in the parking lot), they lose money in concession (and get heat from their concessionaire); money in parking revenue; souvenirs sales and most importantly would be forced to question what they need to do in the off season to market this team. That shows them that their season ticket sales might drop (they better) and their good will with the fan base has evaporated.


Hit them where it hurts, right in their wallet. Afterall, the Senile Curmudgeon has shown over and over that aside micro-managing this team into last place year after year, he really likes money, as evidenced by his refusal to sell this team. If he were honest about keeping the team in Buffalo and true to the fans that have supported this fiasco, he'd sell the team. But he wants to milk every last nickel from it so his kids can have as much as possible. That's not a bad thing from a business standpoint, but as a fan, you should understand that and spend your money accordingly. If you want to pizz away your money committing your time and cash to a guy who's not coimmitted to provide you the highest return on your entertainment dollar, go for it. There is a time when people have to ask themselves: "Why am I supporting this team." Now is that time.

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After reviewing the carnage on this website tonight, for the first time, I believe the core fans of this organization have had their collective backs broken! Being the core fans of the team, I think it would be balls move to organize a boycott of the last home game against the Patriots. Collect money and put a one page add in the Buffalo News; a message needs to be sent to our pathetic owner once and for all!



Ralp already has the money from TV and ticket sales. Some loss in parking and concessions. The real pain point next year will be the loss of season Tix. Beyond that I would have to say the Toronto series in Jeopardy because of lackluster response and people not wanting to pay very big dollars to see a crappy product.

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Yeah boycott the game when you already bought the tickets..........


Look if you really want to hurt Ralph, dont park in his lots before the game and boycott the concessions......that would hurt his wallet like you wouldnt believe....Those beer sale are huge for the Buffalo Bills, and 25 bucks a whack for parking.....


Doing a walk out at the end of the first quarter is what you need to do as well......


But the chances of Ralph even being at the game NONE! He wont be there!

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Doing a walk out at the end of the first quarter is what you need to do as well......



This is a great idea. This might be the only way to get the point across that the fans are done with this crap. This would make the boycott visible to the everyone watching the game. It would be an embarassment to ralph and he deserves to be.


That and the game will probably be out of hand at that point with the Pats up 7-0

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If you don't believe that sends a message, you're a fool. This team and owner are driven by money and profit. If people didn't attend (or better yet, just hung out in the parking lot), they lose money in concession (and get heat from their concessionaire); money in parking revenue; souvenirs sales and most importantly would be forced to question what they need to do in the off season to market this team. That shows them that their season ticket sales might drop (they better) and their good will with the fan base has evaporated.


Hit them where it hurts, right in their wallet. Afterall, the Senile Curmudgeon has shown over and over that aside micro-managing this team into last place year after year, he really likes money, as evidenced by his refusal to sell this team. If he were honest about keeping the team in Buffalo and true to the fans that have supported this fiasco, he'd sell the team. But he wants to milk every last nickel from it so his kids can have as much as possible. That's not a bad thing from a business standpoint, but as a fan, you should understand that and spend your money accordingly. If you want to pizz away your money committing your time and cash to a guy who's not coimmitted to provide you the highest return on your entertainment dollar, go for it. There is a time when people have to ask themselves: "Why am I supporting this team." Now is that time.


Naive much?



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Ralp already has the money from TV and ticket sales. Some loss in parking and concessions. The real pain point next year will be the loss of season Tix. Beyond that I would have to say the Toronto series in Jeopardy because of lackluster response and people not wanting to pay very big dollars to see a crappy product.


It's not in jeopardy from Ralph's perspective. At least in so far as he's already been paid the what is it, 75mil? Perhaps from a marketing and building the fan base standpoint it's in jeopardy. But that game showed what everybody already knows about the average Toronto NFL fan. They root for many teams up there. It will be a long selling process. I was surprised that Brandon compared it to Rochester by suggesting that until they did their heavy marketing there that Rochester was like Toronto in terms of mixed fan loyalties. That's BS. Rochester has always been a predominately Bills town.



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This is a great idea. This might be the only way to get the point across that the fans are done with this crap. This would make the boycott visible to the everyone watching the game. It would be an embarassment to ralph and he deserves to be.


That and the game will probably be out of hand at that point with the Pats up 7-0



I really hope Losman plays this week. I could use a good laugh.

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This is a great idea. This might be the only way to get the point across that the fans are done with this crap. This would make the boycott visible to the everyone watching the game. It would be an embarassment to ralph and he deserves to be.


That and the game will probably be out of hand at that point with the Pats up 7-0


This is a great idea

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Idiots - all a bunch of f-cking idiots - You fans who think that Ralph doesn't care or that you can do no good with some form of organizated, nationally visible protest are the dumb sheep the Bills' front office counts on to buy their overpriced hype year in and year out.


There are a bunch of factory workers in Chicago garnering national attention by have a sit in...I bet you there are those that thought the act was fruitless and foolish as well. You don't think that failing to show up or walking out after the 1st QTR would not garner publicity on ESPN or the writings of Peter King ETAL? Your idiots - sensationalistic stories sell this day and age and this would be a good one given the nose dive the team is currently engaged in.


Look - I believe most of you rationalize because you bought the damn tickets and you'll be damn if you do not get to sit in your seat and cheer your team on...Cool, but don't B word and moan that you deserve better that you are getting...

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I sent a letter to Ralph this morning along with my ticket for the patriots game and told him if he wanted my continued support he needed to show me he deserved it. And that in my opinion we need a real head coach, not somebody he got cheap. I would love to see Schottenheimer return to Buffalo, and I think he would love to be here. He may be snakebit in the playoffs but at least his teams are always there.

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I sent a letter to Ralph this morning along with my ticket for the patriots game and told him if he wanted my continued support he needed to show me he deserved it. And that in my opinion we need a real head coach, not somebody he got cheap. I would love to see Schottenheimer return to Buffalo, and I think he would love to be here. He may be snakebit in the playoffs but at least his teams are always there.

Tarkus - This is good too. I am not sure that it would reach ralph though as they would shield the crumudgeon from this form or reality. I do believe Brandon will get the message though. That is why I think a nationalyl visible show of not going at all or even better, leaving at the 1st QTR would be most visible. You see - this tugs at one thing that is important to all of us - Pride. Most Bills fans still wear their Bills attire and there days, our pride is put to the test (especially those of us living out of WNY). But to have all those people walk or tune out, would hurt his pride. Money aside (he has that), pride is something that cannot be bought...

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