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The view from 506

Just Jack

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Wow, does Duke get blown up on that run play and nice lie down blocking- nice.

Seeing so much single coverage, why were not more passes completed... d'oh

...again, do we have play action. Can we audible out of plays!

Some pics i guessed the play before seeing the pic following... wasn't that hard and no- i didn't see the game.

Nice touch on the pass to Evans, what was it, 10 or 15yards short of making the corner, ouch.

It's very late...


Great Pics.

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Great pics! They tell a huge story. Not that I needed any more convincing, but to echo Shamrock's post, JP can't read a defense to save his life. There were several times Pennington obviously audibled into better plays. That's the difference between a 'noodle-arm' who gets it and a 'cannon' with little grasp of the game. And the pass to Evans looks even WORSE in stop action photos than in motion. One of the worst throws of his career. And that's saying something. I don't care how bad the play call may have been, but they got the coverage they wanted, that's for sure. JP gave Evans no chance.


Preston has to go.



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