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If we can get Schottenheimer, then fine, fire Jauron and bring him in- what I am not for is bringing in a coach that is equal or below Jauron. Have a replacement ready or don't make a move.

Thanks, Adam. I think I can agree with the general sentiment behind that. Firing the head coach (and most likely staff) shouldn't be done in a fit of anger, because he wouldn't play the QB I wanted or some such. It's a major move and it should be a part of an overall plan to achieve a vision of improving the team and winning a Super Bowl. Last time the Bills changed HCs, it was blatant that they did so with their pants around their ankles. Just pushing buttons ala Al Davis is definitely not a plan. (On the other hand, Al isn't afraid of going after young superstar coaches somewhat prematurely and occasionally striking gold -- before running them out with his lunacy.)

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Once again, I'm ashamed to be a Bills fan when I read most of these posts. They're so full of ignorance. I played 12 years of football. I feel like I know a little more about the game than these fair weather fans writing on this board.


Seriously? You trotted out the "i played football so i know more than you" line? Absolutely pathetic.


Now on topic, what part of Jauron's 1 winning season in 7 and soon to be 8 years, and what part of his average of 6 wins per year makes you think that all of a sudden he is capable of coaching this team to 11 or more wins? We started off 5-1 this year. Your average monkey could have coached this team to 10 wins after that start. (then again, a monkey wouldn't have settled for attempting a 50 yard FG into swirling winds with plenty of time left on the clock either)

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Well...He's not a retard...He's actually a pretty smart Guy...But His IQ is greatly lacking as an NFL HC...When You get out-game-planned on most Sundays, when your Team looks lost and squanders Time Outs consistantly, when the decisions you make back fire on you almost every Game, when you don't challenge Plays that are obviously wrong and you do challenge plays that are clearly called right, when you can't figure out how to move the Ball vs. a 3-4 Defense after you've seen it multiple times...well...


Dead Dick simply does not have what it takes to be a winning Head Coach in the NFL...At least not a consistant Winner...I mean...Is this not pretty much proven by now? He's had one winning Season as a HC...In that Season, a Season in which He had a 13-3 Team, he lost in the 1st Round of the Playoffs...Then He follows the 13-3 Season up with a 4-12 season!!!He's just not a winner...He's not on the cutting edge of Game strategy as a HC...He preaches working hard, positive mind set and attitude, then sends His Teams out there with poor preperation and Game Plans...I think that's why the Bills Players look lost so often...They trust and respect Jauron...They drank Jauron's kool-aid and they can't figure out why things are not going right for them...They are ill-prepared, and in The NFL you simply cannot win consistantly with hard-work and positive attitude...You need Coaches who understand how to adjust on the fly and Coaches who are able to out-think their Opponents consistantly...Jauron can't do that...That's why Dead Dick must go... B-)

Jauron's real failure is that he hired Turk "shotgun" Schonert instead of an accomplished offensive coordinator! Mike Mularky, Kevin Gilbride, Dan Henning...hell even Steve Fairchild... all would have run Marshawn Lynch more against the 49ers.Instead he has a rookie OC who just wants to air the ball out irregardless of the score. The Bills act like they are down by 20 pts each time they fall behind 3 pts or more,THAT IS RETARDED!


Jauron fails to get his rookie OC to calm down and run the ball,he fails to have any control over the play calling...HE FAILS!

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Jauron's real failure is that he hired Turk "shotgun" Schonert instead of an accomplished offensive coordinator! Mike Mularky, Kevin Gilbride, Dan Henning...hell even Steve Fairchild... all would have run Marshawn Lynch more against the 49ers.Instead he has a rookie OC who just wants to air the ball out irregardless of the score. The Bills act like they are down by 20 pts each time they fall behind 3 pts or more,THAT IS RETARDED!


Jauron fails to get his rookie OC to calm down and run the ball,he fails to have any control over the play calling...HE FAILS!


If you look back through his time as a coach, hiring bad coordinators has been a big problem for dickie J. Its plagued him his entire career. And since dickie takes more of a delegation type of approach to coaching, you better have strong coordinators if you want to succeed.

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Say what you will about Jauron, but even if he is a terrible coach as people claim, this team is still far more likely to make the playoffs in '09 with a 4th year lame duck head coach than a rookie head coach.


There have been examples of rookie coaches getting it done the last few years, but it is still the exception to the rule. If you're truly THAT impatient, you ought to be hoping Jauron is here next year.


Not strongly advocating firing Jauron, nor am I strongly advocating that he be retained. What I'm saying is that I'm GD tired or hearing that we have a good, young team that is going to be there next year or the year after. At what point do you hear Little Orphan Annie cheerfully singing about how great things are going to be tomorrow and not want to choke the living sh&(*(& out of her?


I don't see 2009 as a playoff year for us regardless of who is in charge - just too many holes on this team and our divisional opponents are getting better as well. In the past decade of playoff dearth for the Bills most other teams have figured out how to climb out of mediocrity and get there, why can't we? It just makes you want to jump off a frickin' bridge...

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If you look back through his time as a coach, hiring bad coordinators has been a big problem for dickie J. Its plagued him his entire career. And since dickie takes more of a delegation type of approach to coaching, you better have strong coordinators if you want to succeed.

It begs the question, why is it that Dick has been in this league for eons and yet he can't find a single outstanding coordinator that will come with him and help him succeed as a head coach? He's a nice guy and the opposition is always quoted as gushing about how much they like and respect him...

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If you look back through his time as a coach, hiring bad coordinators has been a big problem for dickie J. Its plagued him his entire career. And since dickie takes more of a delegation type of approach to coaching, you better have strong coordinators if you want to succeed.


Great point! :worthy:

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A bunch of morons on a message board ripping somebody who has an opinion different than theirs.....that takes a lot of intelligence. Having lived in Buffalo for as long as I did, I didn't expect much more than that.....typical flock mentality that abounds there.


Pozfan, I don't agree with some of what you said- Jauron has a similar approach to Levy, but isn't nearly as good. In his defense, most of our starting offensive and defensive linemen wouldn't have made the roster when Levy first came to Buffalo. And the same goes for our WR's



Marv also had a much more established set of assistant coaches than Jauron. I am growing less and less impressed with Jauron by the week (game day coaching has been horrendous), but I can't help but feel that he is a bit hampered by the limitations of the franchise.

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It begs the question, why is it that Dick has been in this league for eons and yet he can't find a single outstanding coordinator that will come with him and help him succeed as a head coach? He's a nice guy and the opposition is always quoted as gushing about how much they like and respect him...

He is a nice guy and is giving Turk "shotgun" Schonert his shot at becoming an offensive coordinator. He also promoted a new Offensive line coach to replace Jim McNally who was instrumental in tutoring Jason Peters from a FA tight end into a premiere left tackle.


Its my take that Marv Levy most likely hired Fairchild or helped Jauron find a thought to be quality experienced OC. Which at the time Fairchild was because he did work under Mike Martz at St Loius.


So this season Jauron managed to replace seasoned assistants with 2 rookies and he will lose his job for it. :worthy:

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Marv also had a much more established set of assistant coaches than Jauron. I am growing less and less impressed with Jauron by the week (game day coaching has been horrendous), but I can't help but feel that he is a bit hampered by the limitations of the franchise.
Good point! :worthy:


Do we know if Jauron's hands were tied in bringing in an expensive Offensive Coordinator like Cam Cameron,who has a rookie QB looking like a god in Baltimore.Because the Bills front office refused to pay anyone more then Jauron makes ?


Or...is it more that ole dickie boy didn't want to hire the Bills next head coach. Meaning if he had hired a great offensive coordinator could he trust him to do his job the best he can ?


Or... would a great offensive mind really want a job in Buffalo working for Jauron and Ralph Wilson?

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Marv also had a much more established set of assistant coaches than Jauron. I am growing less and less impressed with Jauron by the week (game day coaching has been horrendous), but I can't help but feel that he is a bit hampered by the limitations of the franchise.


But what of his days in Chicago? The owners there loved Jauron, and went to bat for him when Angelo told them he was going to fire Jauron.

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If you always do what you always did, you'll always get what you always got!


I believe the Bills need a seismic change--new ownership, new coach, possibly even new city; if there is going to be a real lasting change. I'm simply tired of "wait 'til next year," "....we're just an offensive line away....," "we're in a rebuilding year."


How patient are consumers expected to be in a discretionary economic context?


For me, enough!

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Jauron's real failure is that he hired Turk "shotgun" Schonert instead of an accomplished offensive coordinator! Mike Mularky, Kevin Gilbride, Dan Henning...hell even Steve Fairchild... all would have run Marshawn Lynch more against the 49ers.Instead he has a rookie OC who just wants to air the ball out irregardless of the score. The Bills act like they are down by 20 pts each time they fall behind 3 pts or more,THAT IS RETARDED!


Jauron fails to get his rookie OC to calm down and run the ball,he fails to have any control over the play calling...HE FAILS!


I think Turk is doing an excellent job for his first year as an OC. Sometimes it's good to let young coaching talent learn from their mistakes, as opposed to firing them after one year.


Yeah, Turk should have run more last game. But a mark of a good coach--and a good way to assess Turk--is to see if the next time, he does things differently.

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I think Turk is doing an excellent job for his first year as an OC. Sometimes it's good to let young coaching talent learn from their mistakes, as opposed to firing them after one year.


Yeah, Turk should have run more last game. But a mark of a good coach--and a good way to assess Turk--is to see if the next time, he does things differently.

It's kind of hard to defend Turk on that premise though, is it not? He hasn't once come up with a well conceived game plan to attack a 3-4 defense. It took him 11 weeks and a few phone calls to figure out he might have an advantage working from the press box on game day...

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I don't understand how a lot of people can post things like "fire jauron", "draft a QB". This is the most ridiculous thing I've ever read. Did you guys know Buffalo is the third youngest team in the league? Do you remember when Coughlin was on the brink of being fired, and Eli was about to be benched? Then what happened? Ohh yeah, they shut everybody up by winning the superbowl. Give it some time. Trent is so young, and shows so much promise. Eli, Peyton, Cutler, and most QB's took 2 or 3 years to become solid QB's. We know Trent is smart, accurate, a hard worker, and a good face for the Bills. Everyone who calls for replacing him is just ignorant to how football works.


Which brings me to my next point. FIRE JAURON? I don't think so. The man has the respect of his team, and he is full of football knowledge. Once again, our team is so young! We have players who will be great (Marshawn, Trent, Evans, Poz, etc.) JUST LET THEM MATURE. Jauron is just like Marv Levy with his approach. He is quiet, has a lot of football knowledge, and doesn't take crap (notice we don't have an Ocho Cinco or Moss). Listen to the press conferences on Bills.com. You'll constantly hear players praise Coach Jauron. He can't go out there and get experience for them. He can't accelerate experience. We've been tearing everything down and starting all over again every 3 years since Jim Kelly left. DON'T YOU THINK IT'S TIME TO STICK WITH WHAT WE HAVE? We have potential, and that's very valuable if you're willing to let the young players that we have mature.

I wish we had Randy Moss. And you should too. Trent has not shown enough promise to warrant being handed the starting job next year. We need to bring a veteran in to compete with him. As for Jauron, who cares what knowledge he has. He can not coach our team to victory against any team that is half decent. He does not get the most out of our players. His schemes NEVER confuse the opponent. Wow, the players praise him. Who cares. They don't play to win, and that is because of good ole Dick. They don't play with confidence. Look at Atlanta my friend. A new coach with a good personel guy, and they have turned it around in one season. Like I wrote in an earlier post. If we lose Sunday, it will all come down and the season will end in a train wreck.

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A bunch of morons on a message board ripping somebody who has an opinion different than theirs.....that takes a lot of intelligence. Having lived in Buffalo for as long as I did, I didn't expect much more than that.....typical flock mentality that abounds there.


Pozfan, I don't agree with some of what you said- Jauron has a similar approach to Levy, but isn't nearly as good. In his defense, most of our starting offensive and defensive linemen wouldn't have made the roster when Levy first came to Buffalo. And the same goes for our WR's


People are not morons because they don't agree with PozFan. You can defend the coaching staff all you want, but the team hasn't gotten any better in Jauron's 3 seasons than they were before he got here. Mularkey went 7-9 his last season here, Jauron has gone 7-9 in his only 2 seasons, and looks to be going (at best) 7-9 again. Meanwhile, in 3 other NFL cities (Baltimore, Atlanta, Miami), rookie head coaches have come in and completely turned their teams fortunes around with rookie quarterbacks (in 2 cases) and equally young personnel in many places. If you fail to see why that has most fans thinking "Why haven't the Bills managed to turn this team around at any point in the last 8 years when other teams have done it in less than 6 months?", then I'm not sure what would make that point apparent to you. Making blanket statements like "most of our starting offensive and defensive linemen wouldn't have made the roster when Levy first came to Buffalo. And the same goes for our WR's" is, in my opinion, extremely misguided. I bet if we swapped starting o-line and d-line with, say, the Giants, nothing would change. Why? Because great teams, like the Giants, Titans, and yes, the Patriots, get the most production out of their players as possible. Can you honestly tell me that Dick Jauron and his staff get the most production out of their players? Matter of fact, name one offensive or defensive player (I can't really go there on Special Teams, as Bobby April is particularly good at maximizing a player's effectiveness) that the coaches have managed to get the most out of...go ahead, name one. Now, I'll give you a list of guys whom the coaches have failed miserably in their attempts to utilize. Ready?


Trent Edwards - If he's so accurate and capable, let's let him try to throw the ball deep more than 3 times per season

Marshawn Lynch - If you want him to be a feature back, may as well let him carry the ball 20-25 times per game, which has happened 2 times this year

Fred Jackson - He is a slasher and is great in the open field, so perhaps you can use him between the 20's as opposed to in goal line situations

Lee Evans - There is no arguing his value to the team, so it might not be a bad idea to move him around a little bit and take advantage of matchups that are there. And oh yeah, did I mention he's a pretty decent deep threat? Like, leads the league in receptions of 40+ yards since 2004, his rookie season? Use it!

James Hardy - You don't just forget how to go up and get the ball. How many chances have they given the guy, three? Four? Ridiculous.

Roscoe Parrish - Fastest guy on the team, yet maybe once every 2 or 3 games do the Bills run a play designed to get him the ball in space. New England probably runs at least 5 plays per game to get the ball in the hands of their smallest, shiftiest receiver, why can't we?

Jason Peters - Forget the holdout and the early season rust. He's an amazing talent. The Bills have the largest o-line in the league, so why do they run a zone blocking scheme that has these guys tip-toeing around out there? Let them drive some guys off the ball, they can do it.

Aaron Schobel - Anybody with more sacks in the AFC since 2001 coming into this season? Just one, Jason Taylor. Yet somehow, some way, he couldn't seem to find his way onto the field on third downs 50% of the time last season. Unbelievable.

Marcus Stroud - Same problem as Schobel. If you're being run all over, and your best run stopper is on the bench, it might not be a bad idea to put him in the game. I know he's big, I know big guys get tired, but if your offense isn't awful, he can rest while they're on the field.

Spencer Johnson - My understanding is that he was supposed to help the pass rush and spell Stroud. I think I've noticed him on the field a total of 4 times the whole season. Of course, when you only rush 4 players, ever, and the other team knows it, that's going to limit anybody's ability to make plays.

Paul Pozluszny - He racks up a lot of tackles, and has 2 sacks this season, which I think were the only 2 plays the Bills have blitzed him on.

Kawika Mitchell - Anybody that watched the San Diego game knows he can make plays, so how about we stop using him to cover backup running backs and start letting him go after the quarterback?

Jabari Greer - Without a doubt, the best pure cover man on the team. No, I'm not crazy, he shuts opposing players down much more consistently than McGee, who seems to love allowing 15 yard completions in front of him. It's not a crime to let him lock up against the other teams' number 1 receiver.

Donte Whitner - Loves to hit and make plays on the ball, so they conveniently back him up about 15 yards off the line of scrimmage on every play, and then wonder why he doesn't make big plays when it matters.

Terrence McGee - Has a skill set that literally screams "make me a free safety", much like Jermaine Phillips of the Buccaneers and Antrel Rolle of the Cardinals. So instead of doing that, the Bills ask him to lock up with guys like Braylon Edwards and Ted Ginn, Jr., and he gets toasted repeatedly.


Take your pick, but there's plenty of good ammo for fans to blame the Bills' current situation on Dick Jauron. They're not morons.

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I don't understand how a lot of people can post things like "fire jauron", "draft a QB". This is the most ridiculous thing I've ever read. Did you guys know Buffalo is the third youngest team in the league? Do you remember when Coughlin was on the brink of being fired, and Eli was about to be benched? Then what happened? Ohh yeah, they shut everybody up by winning the superbowl. Give it some time. Trent is so young, and shows so much promise. Eli, Peyton, Cutler, and most QB's took 2 or 3 years to become solid QB's. We know Trent is smart, accurate, a hard worker, and a good face for the Bills. Everyone who calls for replacing him is just ignorant to how football works.


Which brings me to my next point. FIRE JAURON? I don't think so. The man has the respect of his team, and he is full of football knowledge. Once again, our team is so young! We have players who will be great (Marshawn, Trent, Evans, Poz, etc.) JUST LET THEM MATURE. Jauron is just like Marv Levy with his approach. He is quiet, has a lot of football knowledge, and doesn't take crap (notice we don't have an Ocho Cinco or Moss). Listen to the press conferences on Bills.com. You'll constantly hear players praise Coach Jauron. He can't go out there and get experience for them. He can't accelerate experience. We've been tearing everything down and starting all over again every 3 years since Jim Kelly left. DON'T YOU THINK IT'S TIME TO STICK WITH WHAT WE HAVE? We have potential, and that's very valuable if you're willing to let the young players that we have mature.



Lets see to your Points ELI STILL SUCKS but Tom Coughlin is a good coach and has always been a good coach. However the comparison isnt fair because Tom is abrasive and gets results and DICK is soft and Gets no results. The NYG you referred had a stellar defense. IT was the Defense that won the suberbowl and this team lacks offense and defnesive power we are mediocre at best. Though I share your sentiment on the QB carousel I must STRONGLY DISAGREE with your coaching observation. WE need a results coach not a coach players love. Because when your winning the players will always love you and when your losing they dont. BUt in Jaurons case they love him because hes a BIG SOFTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Not strongly advocating firing Jauron, nor am I strongly advocating that he be retained. What I'm saying is that I'm GD tired or hearing that we have a good, young team that is going to be there next year or the year after. At what point do you hear Little Orphan Annie cheerfully singing about how great things are going to be tomorrow and not want to choke the living sh&(*(& out of her?


I don't see 2009 as a playoff year for us regardless of who is in charge - just too many holes on this team and our divisional opponents are getting better as well. In the past decade of playoff dearth for the Bills most other teams have figured out how to climb out of mediocrity and get there, why can't we? It just makes you want to jump off a frickin' bridge...

Seriously. This team just rips the heart right out of me.

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