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$1 gas by early next year

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Quick, everybody run to your local dealer and buy a Suburban! It'll help the ecomomy and keep GM from going bankrupt.


But will people be able to buy gas with their food stamps?

Pretty soon free gas as promised by The One and next my free TV hmm I wonder what size it will be a 42 inch hdtv would be nice . Probably wont get that till after the 20th of Jan. Cant wait for the change. :thumbsup:

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Pretty good for home heating oil as well. I'm planning to lock in a 3 year contract in 1st quarter next year.

Some people are trying to get out of their contracts they signed this past summer when prices were about double what they are now....


Consumers want out of fuel oil contracts

Consumers who locked in high price for home heating fuel stuck, AG says

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What happened to $200/barrel by the end of 2009?



Yup! Another Wall Street lie. Goldman Sachs strikes again.


Wasn't it those fine people who said that soaring oil prices came from soaring demand for oil in China.


I guess the fine people of China decided to go back to riding bikes.


Why does the media fall for this sh-- over and over. The average joe in America new it was speculation on Wall Street.


Sometime in June, I bet my dad that we'd see gas below $1.00 a gallon again. I just may be right.

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I can see it now. The new administration will say its time to add more tax now that gas prices are down.


That would be a good idea to help pay for the auto company loan program or for alternative fuel technology. Set a minimum price like $2.50 a gallon, and if the actual price without tax goes lower, the difference is collected as tax. I'm concerned that people will again get complacent about energy, buy less efficient cars, and not support alternative energy programs. By not letting it get too low, it will remind people not to go back to the old bad habits.

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Yup! Another Wall Street lie. Goldman Sachs strikes again.


Wasn't it those fine people who said that soaring oil prices came from soaring demand for oil in China.


I guess the fine people of China decided to go back to riding bikes.


Why does the media fall for this sh-- over and over. The average joe in America new it was speculation on Wall Street.


Sometime in June, I bet my dad that we'd see gas below $1.00 a gallon again. I just may be right.

I'm sure they were not counting on a recession happening :lol:

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That would be a good idea to help pay for the auto company loan program or for alternative fuel technology. Set a minimum price like $2.50 a gallon, and if the actual price without tax goes lower, the difference is collected as tax. I'm concerned that people will again get complacent about energy, buy less efficient cars, and not support alternative energy programs. By not letting it get too low, it will remind people not to go back to the old bad habits.

That would be the right thing to do, but the Republicans would seize upon that and scream like children we should have no taxes ever, the future be damned. And then, as soon as we start climbing out of recession the price will shoot back up stalling economic gains.

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Quick, everybody run to your local dealer and buy a Suburban! It'll help the ecomomy and keep GM from going bankrupt.


But will people be able to buy gas with their food stamps?


Too bad GM is gonna tell people to go to hell... They will only offer customers Chevy Aveos and say: "Deal with it."




Hey if they would have done this the last time fuel was cheap... They wouldn't be in the mess they are today.



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I thought the price of gas was only going down because there was an election coming up and would spike back up right afterwards. B-)


That too! Why do you think McCain was so mad... The banks were supposed to hold out until AFTER THE ELECTION! Get with the program, I have seen better communication with Dick Jauron and his staff.



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