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The Bills should hire Matt Millen for GM.


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The Lions' situation is an odd one. And it is hard to put your finger on exactly why they have sucked so bad for so long. Unlike stingy Ralph, the Fords have been willing to shell out large sums of money for players and coaches. Think Ralph would have ever shelled out the $ it took to bring in Mooch? Also, although their drafts haven't reaped large rewards, I couldn't argue with many of Millen's picks at the time. Of course, I get my intel from magazines and the sort -- perhaps that's what Millen was doing too? LOL


I think the biggest thing is that the culture of losing has left many of the better players longing to go elsewhere. So even when the Lions do bring up a good young player, he ultimately wants to be traded or sign with another team when he becomes a free agent.


I was listening to Bill Simmons podcast today and he had on Micheal Lombardi. That dude is great, love his national Football Post as well. But, he said some really interesting things on there, one being that just about any head coach would take the Detroit job. #1 reason was loyalty from owners. #2 is that there really is little sense of accountability there.


Then he talked about where Cowher might go. He said prolly not Detroit as Cowher is only going where they have a good QB already. Quinn??? Lombardi not a fan of quinn , but that could be personal opinion.



One thing he said that I have never heard before was that he would never sign a D lineman or corner who put up big numbers in a loud dome. Said the crowd noise takes away the one advantage the O has, the snap count , and you just cannot trust those guys will perform the same when they do not have that advantage.


BTW, its a long listen, but worth the while. I

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Millen Brandon left broadcasting marketing to assume the job of the Detroit Lions' Buffalo Bills COO and de facto general manager. At that time, Millen Brandon had no prior player development or front office experience.




It's funny how non-football people get to run football teams and make decisions about things they know nothing about.

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