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I understand the fans better now

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Sometimes I wonder why fans can be so positive when we continue to lose games.


I also wonder why some fans are so negative when the team is 6-6 with 4 games to go.


We all watch the same game every week, yet we seem to disagree on the correct path to solve problems and move forward.


How many of you listen to the local media in Buffalo?


Ok, How many of you live in another state and never listen to the Buffalo media on the raidio?


I think I now understand why we disagree....


I was listening to WGR this week and I never realized how much the local media can influence the mood of the fans in Buffalo.


We have a lot of fans on this board that don't live in Buffalo anymore, so we judge the Buffalo Bills without the local media.



For you guys that live outside of Buffalo, listen to this segment from Monday on WGR radio in Buffalo. (link below)


You need to decide for yourself rather you agree or disagree with the doom and gloom that the fans in Buffalo listen too everyday.


Buffalo fans are smart enough to draw their own conclusions, but I never realized how bad WGR has become and nearly everyone listens to Howard Simon, Bulldog, Sully, and respect their opinions and I kind of understand.


Listen to this,and imagine listening to this every day.




If you can listen to the entire segment and remain positive....you are amazing.


Some people here will claim the local media has NO INFLUENCE on them at all, but you have to wonder how many fans ARE INFLUENCED by the opinions of the local media.


If I listened to WGR every day, and believed them, I would fire everybody , dump Edwards, shoot Ralph and move to Canada and wait for the team to move.






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It is depressing but all the losing seasons, then this year's teasing great start and bad finish, the Toronto thing. It all compounds the misery.


We just want them to win, dammit.


I didn't like it when he said the Bills are a second rate team because Ralph is cheap and buys cheaper, second rate coaches and players. But he may be right.


The fans are mad at this team and its mediocrity, but continue to show up because they don't want this team to leave Buffalo. It is a vicious cycle.

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It is depressing but all the losing seasons, then this year's teasing great start and bad finish, the Toronto thing. It all compounds the misery.


We just want them to win, dammit.


I didn't like it when he said the Bills are a second rate team because Ralph is cheap and buys cheaper, second rate coaches and players. But he may be right.


The fans are mad at this team and its mediocrity, but continue to show up because they don't want this team to leave Buffalo. It is a vicious cycle.


I live in Florida and never realized how bad it has become in the local media.


I better understand the mood of the fans now.

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Hard to argue any of the points made in the audio clip with Sully. I mean everything they said holds truth. Roscoe is not a legit WR, Hardy shouldnt see the field....The part where they spoke about the staff calling a T.O. and them fumbling through the playbook to see what play to call, that hurts me as a fan. The decisions being made are terrible ones. Maybe Sully is right maybe Jauron cant think on the fly. Maybe he dont processes it fast enough, who knows. Now they think Lynch is unhappy with the play calling. Man the last thing this team needs is another McGahee type situation with Lynch. Honestly I can see Lynch not willing to resign with the Bills at some point. He averaged 8 yards per carry and they didnt run the ball 4th and 1.....

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Hard to argue any of the points made in the audio clip with Sully. I mean everything they said holds truth. Roscoe is not a legit WR, Hardy shouldnt see the field....The part where they spoke about the staff calling a T.O. and them fumbling through the playbook to see what play to call, that hurts me as a fan. The decisions being made are terrible ones. Maybe Sully is right maybe Jauron cant think on the fly. Maybe he dont processes it fast enough, who knows. Now they think Lynch is unhappy with the play calling. Man the last thing this team needs is another McGahee type situation with Lynch. Honestly I can see Lynch not willing to resign with the Bills at some point. He averaged 8 yards per carry and they didnt run the ball 4th and 1.....


So depressing... so true...

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I hate saying that about my Buffalo Bills.......


Dude I was the biggest trash talker when my team was 4-0 & 5-1, I thought you know what its my time to do some trash talkin with my fellow giant, jets & cowboy buddies........but nope, here I am trying to get under the rock fast as I can cause I look stupid.

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Hard to argue any of the points made in the audio clip with Sully. I mean everything they said holds truth. Roscoe is not a legit WR, Hardy shouldnt see the field....The part where they spoke about the staff calling a T.O. and them fumbling through the playbook to see what play to call, that hurts me as a fan. The decisions being made are terrible ones. Maybe Sully is right maybe Jauron cant think on the fly. Maybe he dont processes it fast enough, who knows. Now they think Lynch is unhappy with the play calling. Man the last thing this team needs is another McGahee type situation with Lynch. Honestly I can see Lynch not willing to resign with the Bills at some point. He averaged 8 yards per carry and they didnt run the ball 4th and 1.....


I heard everyone in the locker room THINK George Wilson's gay. That's why Lindel missed those two field goals.


I also heard from the nephew of a groundskeeper that Schonert MIGHT be dyslexic. That's why McKelvin got smoked by Bruce for six.


I also heard that these days newspapers are going breasts up left and right, and that they're desperate for readership, bending the "truth" anyway they can, creating drama wherever they can.

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I live in Florida and belong to the Bills backer's in Port Charlotte.


We all get drunk and are just happy to be able to watch the games every week in Florida.


We do not read the Buffalo papers or listen to the local media like the fans in Buffalo do.


The media in Buffalo is a place for fans to vent, and before you know it..........the mood goes south and stays there.


I don't blame the fans living in Buffalo, I knid of blame the meda for enhancing the doom and gloom

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Is that the same Sully that lived in Binghamton and wrote for the Press & Sun? I think it is....but not 100% sure.


Long time ago, yes. According to the sports department's page at The News, he's been in Buffalo since 1989.


That probably means he remembers what good football looks like. The 49ers game wasn't it.

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Long time ago, yes. According to the sports department's page at The News, he's been in Buffalo since 1989.


That probably means he remembers what good football looks like. The 49ers game wasn't it.


I don't blame the local media for reporting the facts ,but I prefer they take a realistic path to solving problems.

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The Bills have been awful but you are correct.....for those living elsewhere you do have more perspective. Living in DC the people now complain about the QB and the skins. Living outside of WNY does give a fan more perspective because you see how bad most NFL teams are.....

The media in Buffalo, at least some members are SOOOOO negative like JS. That is just how he has always been. Remember when Bruce wanted to beat him up? In their defense, the Bills have been terrible. Amazing to think if Lindell makes that kick and they don't play the worst game ever last week they would be in 1st place. Talk about a razor thin margin between good and bad.

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Sometimes I wonder why fans can be so positive when we continue to lose games.


I also wonder why some fans are so negative when the team is 6-6 with 4 games to go.


We all watch the same game every week, yet we seem to disagree on the correct path to solve problems and move forward.


How many of you listen to the local media in Buffalo?


Ok, How many of you live in another state and never listen to the Buffalo media on the raidio?


I think I now understand why we disagree....


I was listening to WGR this week and I never realized how much the local media can influence the mood of the fans in Buffalo.


We have a lot of fans on this board that don't live in Buffalo anymore, so we judge the Buffalo Bills without the local media.



For you guys that live outside of Buffalo, listen to this segment from Monday on WGR radio in Buffalo. (link below)


You need to decide for yourself rather you agree or disagree with the doom and gloom that the fans in Buffalo listen too everyday.


Buffalo fans are smart enough to draw their own conclusions, but I never realized how bad WGR has become and nearly everyone listens to Howard Simon, Bulldog, Sully, and respect their opinions and I kind of understand.


Listen to this,and imagine listening to this every day.




If you can listen to the entire segment and remain positive....you are amazing.


Some people here will claim the local media has NO INFLUENCE on them at all, but you have to wonder how many fans ARE INFLUENCED by the opinions of the local media.


If I listened to WGR every day, and believed them, I would fire everybody , dump Edwards, shoot Ralph and move to Canada and wait for the team to move.







I live in Charlotte NC and listen to WGR's Stream every weekday Morning...


So...I'm not sure how I fit in this analysis... :thumbsup:


I do know anyone who knows a bit about Football is going to recognize Dead Dick gets out-coached on most Sundays...That much I do know... :lol:

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