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True Story Of Government Waste.

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I lost my SS card and had to go to get a replacement card. They called me in and I gave the woman the application and showed her my license and told them my SS#. You'd think she would have walked over to a printer and handed me a new card. No they're gonna mail it to me.


How much more does that cost over just handing me a damn card!? :w00t:


Another thing that pissed me off is they have applications in Spanish. Learn the <_< language! I noticed they didn't have applications in French or German or Swahili. What the :beer: is happening here. :w00t:



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The preceding message is brought to you by a partisan of the left, who otherwise believes that government programs are always more effective.



They don't how to process replacement SS cards, but they'll be great at running our health care. <_<

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And this message has been brought to you by a partisan of the right, who believes government is bad, except when it needs to bail out capitalism <_<


Never fail to miss the target, do you?


Care to recognize the difference between the government running a program vs providing funds for the private sector to run it?

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They don't how to process replacement SS cards, but they'll be great at running our health care. <_<


Medicaid and Medicare are already better than the free market crap.




The Federal government usually reports its Medicare administrative costs at about 2% of

total payments under the program while private costs vary dramatically from market to

market, but frequently are cited to be in the 15-20% range on average.

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Never fail to miss the target, do you?


Care to recognize the difference between the government running a program vs providing funds for the private sector to run it?

Actually you missed the point blockhead.


Paulson isn't in charge of deciding where the money will go? <_< Sounds like he's pretty busy running something.

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How quickly would everyone learn to speak English if driving tests, welfare applications, tax forms, ATMs, etc were not offered in Spanish?

I swiped a credit card the other day and when the "accept screen" came up my options were:


Yes/Si and No/No


I mean seriously, if you don't even know the English word for No, you have serious problems.

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Actually you missed the point blockhead.


Paulson isn't in charge of deciding where the money will go? :beer: Sounds like he's pretty busy running something.


If you care to read stories beyond 90-point headlines, you will see that Treasury is not running the financial companies. In fact, the biggest reason that TARP has failed so far is that the Treasury doesn't have the people to run it and is having a hard time finding private sector people to run it.


But yes, parachuting 5 senior guys from the private sector to triage a financial crisis is a perfect example of how most embedded government programs run <_<

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If you care to read stories beyond 90-point headlines, you will see that Treasury is not running the financial companies. In fact, the biggest reason that TARP has failed so far is that the Treasury doesn't have the people to run it and is having a hard time finding private sector people to run it.


But yes, parachuting 5 senior guys from the private sector to triage a financial crisis is a perfect example of how most embedded government programs run <_<

So what, the government doesn't tell doctors how to operate on a patient either. I mean get a grip

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How quickly would everyone learn to speak English if driving tests, welfare applications, tax forms, ATMs, etc were not offered in Spanish?


You'd have a point if the US's official language was English. When the majority of America is Hispanic (somewhere around 2035 I believe), do you want people insisting that you learn Spanish to conform?

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So what, the government doesn't tell doctors how to operate on a patient either. I mean get a grip


Yes it does, because it sets the prices for services for Medicaid/care reimbursements, which leads to many doctors gaming the system to get maximum revenue. It also leads to a perverse disincentive system where bad doctors are more prevalent in the government system than in the private system, because they're better at gaming than they are at medicine.

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You'd have a point if the US's official language was English. When the majority of America is Hispanic (somewhere around 2035 I believe), do you want people insisting that you learn Spanish to conform?



Please explain to me why I have no point since "the US's official language" isn't English. I think that validates my point quite nicely. The US should declare English as the official language if that's what it takes to stop the nonsense of printing everything in 2 languages.


If we are stupid enough to allow another culture to take over the US due to fear of offending them, I guess I will have to learn Spanish. Right now we are forced to respect Hispanic culture while we don't demand the same from the Hispanics that come to the US. The good old melting pot idea has been long forgotten. I have people call in to my company that have worked in the US for years and they have not even learned how to say 'do you speak Spanish?" All I get is "espanol?" I understand it is difficult to learn English, and I am all for providing assistance to people new to the US, but there seems to be no need or desire to learn English in many cases.

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The US should declare English as the official language if that's what it takes to stop the nonsense of printing everything in 2 languages.


That should do wonders to the First Amendment.


Having said that, it's idiotic for anyone to think that dual language anything is advancing their cause, when the rest of the world knows that you need a good command of English to advance.

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