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Watch what you say here and elsewhere...


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While we normally don't comment on moderation policy out in the open - I need to emphasize that making threatening statements, in all seriousness or in jest, is a colossally stupid thing to do in this day and age. While we are not here to protect you from yourselves, I can not allow others to substantially increase any legal exposure to me or this website.


A lot of stuff gets a free pass here, but there are some big, bright lines that dim-witted people should never cross. So, be careful what you write for the whole world to read.

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While we normally don't comment on moderation policy out in the open - I need to emphasize that making threatening statements, in all seriousness or in jest, is a colossally stupid thing to do in this day and age. While we are not here to protect you from yourselves, I can not allow others to substantially increase any legal exposure to me or this website.


A lot of stuff gets a free pass here, but there are some big, bright lines that dim-witted people should never cross. So, be careful what you write for the whole world to read.

Does this me RKFast shouldn't tell me to lay down under a trator tread? <_<

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Does this me RKFast shouldn't tell me to lay down under a trator tread? <_<


Try it and sue him if something bad happens to you.


On another note, as a person accustomed to throwing off an insult here: there are some lines. Don't threaten people. Don't say you're going to kill public figures. Don't talk badly about people's kids. Avoid a handful of accusations that could really get people in courtroom trouble.

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Somebody said something stupid and threatening, and it wasn't directed at me? I'm disappointed.



What'd I miss?

I think Ed's wife posted a thread that said unless we all paid her a lot of money, that she'd give him his posting priveleges back.


SDS deleted the thread so I can't be sure, but it's the only thing that makes sense.

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I think it was actually that tom got called a global warming promoting homosexual creationist...but i could be wrong.


Good. Because I've been trying to expand my repitoire beyond intellectually shallow pseudo-mathematical anti-Darwinistic propaganda.

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Good. Because I've been trying to expand my repitoire beyond intellectually shallow pseudo-mathematical anti-Darwinistic propaganda.

Well, well, well, if it's not yet another talking point from Talking Point Tom. Can't you just come up with something original for ONCE?

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While we normally don't comment on moderation policy out in the open - I need to emphasize that making threatening statements, in all seriousness or in jest, is a colossally stupid thing to do in this day and age. While we are not here to protect you from yourselves, I can not allow others to substantially increase any legal exposure to me or this website.


A lot of stuff gets a free pass here, but there are some big, bright lines that dim-witted people should never cross. So, be careful what you write for the whole world to read.

Your heart is in the right place, but the people who really should pay attention to this post, won't.

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Your heart is in the right place, but the people who really should pay attention to this post, won't.


......so anyway I was on my way home from work the other day when this deer jumped right out in front of me and yada, yada, yada we all had venison for a week.

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