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The intolerant bigotry of the liberal left

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The Cincinnati Zoo offered a package - a discount for tix to their long-standing Christmas Festival of Lights in combination with the KY Creation Museum's Bethlehem exhibit. They didn't expect such an outpouring of hate and sadly backed down.


Free choice - buy or not. A bit of history - when the Creation Museum opened, it opened with vicious, hateful protests by lefty bigots who hated the fact that other folks can make choices in their lives outside of their view.


Liberals never look in the mirror, and see what intolerant people they are, the oppressiveness they mandate - their world view is the only one, and woe to anyone who disagrees with them.


These same liberals who revel in attacks against Christianity, would be howling if someone attacked Islam - the religion of peace, it is said.



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The Cincinnati Zoo offered a package - a discount for tix to their long-standing Christmas Festival of Lights in combination with the KY Creation Museum's Bethlehem exhibit.They didn't expect such an outpouring of hate and sadly backed down.


Free choice - buy or not. A bit of history - when the Creation Museum opened, it opened with vicious, hateful protests by lefty bigots who hated the fact that other folks can make choices in their lives outside of their view.


Liberals never look in the mirror, and see what intolerant people they are, the oppressiveness they mandate - their world view is the only one, and woe to anyone who disagrees with them.


These same liberals who revel in attacks against Christianity, would me howling if someone attacked Islam - the religion of peace, it is said.



Creationism museum??? HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!

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22 Dollars? It costs less to go to the Guggenheim and the American Museum of Natural History in NYC!



(Includes Special Effects Theater and Petting Zoo)


Adult (13-59 yrs): $21.95

Senior (60 yrs & up): $16.95

Children (5-12 yrs): $11.95

Children (under 5 yrs): Free

Planetarium with admission: $7

Two-day Pass:


Adult: $29.95

Senior: $22.95

Children: $14.95

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If the Zoo is getting taxpayers' dollars they cannot select any one religious theme to promote. That's the way it is.


Frankly I don't think it's the religious nature of the theme that is the REAL issue, it's stupity of creationism. I celebrate the birth of one whom I believe to be our Lord and Saviour, whilst I totally reject the Dark Ages view promulated by creationists.


Nothing to see here folks. Except wingnuts looking to stir up more hate.

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If the Zoo is getting taxpayers' dollars they cannot select any one religious theme to promote. That's the way it is.


Frankly I don't think it's the religious nature of the theme that is the REAL issue, it's stupity of creationism. I celebrate the birth of one whom I believe to be our Lord and Saviour, whilst I totally reject the Dark Ages view promulated by creationists.


Nothing to see here folks. Except wingnuts looking to stir up more hate.


You have the audacity to call other's views and opinions about the origin of the Universe "stupid" and a few sentences later accuse OTHERS of stirring hate? I think you just proved the OP's core point.

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What the hell did the marketing gurus at the zoo expect? Marketing involves foresight. This had disaster written all over it. Cross promotions can be very successful campaigns if there is a synergistic relationship between the products being sold. That was obviously lacking in this case. Zoos are in many ways living science centers and, ironically, a proving ground for evolutionary theory. Yep. Makes perfect sense to cross promote with a museum based on the Judeo/Christian version of creation.


It wouldn't be so silly if the Creation Museum didn't hold itself up as anything more than an exhibit of Biblical stories. That in and of itself is a pretty cool thing. But they try to pass it off as the real deal. That's why it's so ludicrous.

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You have the audacity to call other's views and opinions about the origin of the Universe "stupid" and a few sentences later accuse OTHERS of stirring hate? I think you just proved the OP's core point.

Yep and the world is flat too.

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Zoos are generally a scientific endeavor. I support the Philly zoo and attend a few programs a year--all of them informative. If the Zoo decided to cross-promote with the Creation Museum, however, I would question their scientific mission and might write a letter too.


I don't see this as bigoted. I don't see this as a leftist issue either. To me, it seems like smart people raised a stink because the zoo (a place of science) was cross promoting with the Creation Museum (an anti-science place).

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Professor PZ Meyers' excellent science blog Pharyngula helped save the Cinncy Zoo from unwittingly legitimizing the Christianists' crackpot creationism nonsense. His post Shame On The Cinncinati Zoo late Sunday evening generated a lot of calls and emails to the zoo.

I believe the Cincinnati Zoo has betrayed its mission and its trust in a disgraceful way, by aligning themselves with a creationist institution that is a laughing stock to the rest of the world, and a mark of shame to the United States. I urge everyone to contact the zoo; write to their education and marketing and public relations departments in particular and point out the conflict between what they are doing and what their goal as an educational and research institution ought to be.


While you're at it, it might be even more effective to contact the newsroom at the Cincinnati Enquirer and the Cincinnati weekly, City Beat. Let's raise a stink and give these guys the bad PR they deserve.


Seems like science and common sense prevailed over ignorance once again.


Here's his victory post today...Boo Hoo. He makes some great points, too many to quote in a post so just visit his blog. Meyers is one of the most vocal debunkers of the religious sham that is creationism/intelligent design.

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The Cincinnati Zoo offered a package - a discount for tix to their long-standing Christmas Festival of Lights in combination with the KY Creation Museum's Bethlehem exhibit.They didn't expect such an outpouring of hate and sadly backed down.


Free choice - buy or not. A bit of history - when the Creation Museum opened, it opened with vicious, hateful protests by lefty bigots who hated the fact that other folks can make choices in their lives outside of their view.


Liberals never look in the mirror, and see what intolerant people they are, the oppressiveness they mandate - their world view is the only one, and woe to anyone who disagrees with them.


These same liberals who revel in attacks against Christianity, would me howling if someone attacked Islam - the religion of peace, it is said.







That's some funny s#it, Cincy.


I wonder if the Flat Earth Society wanted to do a "a joint promotional deal" with a Museum of Science or an Aerospace Museum, would those who complained about such an alliance be labeled "bigoted liberals"?

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The Cincinnati Zoo offered a package - a discount for tix to their long-standing Christmas Festival of Lights in combination with the KY Creation Museum's Bethlehem exhibit.They didn't expect such an outpouring of hate and sadly backed down.


Free choice - buy or not. A bit of history - when the Creation Museum opened, it opened with vicious, hateful protests by lefty bigots who hated the fact that other folks can make choices in their lives outside of their view.


Liberals never look in the mirror, and see what intolerant people they are, the oppressiveness they mandate - their world view is the only one, and woe to anyone who disagrees with them.


These same liberals who revel in attacks against Christianity, would me howling if someone attacked Islam - the religion of peace, it is said.




It's not who disagrees with them it's an institution receiving government assistance that is aligning itself with a religious group. Would it be ok to have the zoo do a thing with Muslims or Jahova's witness', Mormons or Jewish traditions or several other religions?


Yeah, what a load of crap. Everyone knows that triceratops are too truculent to ride.


I know. I was watching a documentary on creationism the other days called The Flintstones and it showed men riding brontosaurusesesesses. The documentary showed that these critters were very well suited to removing rocks from a quarry.


You have the audacity to call other's views and opinions about the origin of the Universe "stupid" and a few sentences later accuse OTHERS of stirring hate? I think you just proved the OP's core point.


If I postulated that a large horse created the universe and then made a museum about it would you call that stupid? When the creationists can use valid science to show the myth of creationism to be a serious science then we'll stop thinking it's stupid.


A book of mythology doesn't qualify as science.


Yep and the world is flat too.



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If I postulated that a large horse created the universe and then made a museum about it would you call that stupid? When the creationists can use valid science to show the myth of creationism to be a serious science then we'll stop thinking it's stupid.


I wonder if, in the interests of equal time for competing theories, the National Zoo would co-sponsor my Flying Spaghetti Monster manger scene...

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