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Um, Ralph tried to bring back Mularkey

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Folks, I'm gonna get blasted again around here, and don't take this to mean that I WANT Jauron to stay - I don't. But I'll say it again, he's not going anywhere. THIS IS AN OWNER WHO TRIED TO BRING BACK MIKE MULARKEY, after his entire team quit on him no less. I can't believe that the memories of Bills fans are so short that they forget that this organization is so pathetic that THEY WERE ACTUALLY FIRED BY MIKE MULARKEY. That's right, he chose to resign as a head coach, and set himself back years in the NFL in terms of another head coaching job, just so he could get away from Ralph & Co.


Face the facts: Jauron is staying. Until Ralph dies or sells the team, the misery will continue. Sorry but I'm just the messenger.

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IIRC, Mularkey was brought back because Ralph was too cheap to pay the remaining salary if he fired mularkey. So he brought meathead back into a situation where it was next to impossible to succeed, and anyone with any sense would leave. Ergo, by Mularkey "resigning," cheap ass Ralph wasn't on the hook for the $.

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IIRC, Mularkey was brought back because Ralph was too cheap to pay the remaining salary if he fired mularkey. So he brought meathead back into a situation where it was next to impossible to succeed, and anyone with any sense would leave. Ergo, by Mularkey "resigning," cheap ass Ralph wasn't on the hook for the $.


Maybe I am wrong, but I liked MM more than Jauron. MM threw that scumbag receiver off the team (the guy from Pitt. Was his name Edwards?). He stood up to Moulds who by then was a useless, whining malcontent.

MM wasn't ready for the prime time mind you, but there was evidence that he was alive.


Bring in Marty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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IIRC, Mularkey was brought back because Ralph was too cheap to pay the remaining salary if he fired mularkey. So he brought meathead back into a situation where it was next to impossible to succeed, and anyone with any sense would leave. Ergo, by Mularkey "resigning," cheap ass Ralph wasn't on the hook for the $.


You mean the same "situation" that Jauron willingly stepped into?

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You mean the same "situation" that Jauron willingly stepped into?


The situation i meant with Mularkey was that he was the lone holdover (aside from the immortal chuck lester) in an entirely new regime. jauron was the new regime's pick as coach. Its like not wanting to dump your girlfriend, so you find a new chick, date her and move in together, and this causes your old girlfriend to "dump" you.

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Maybe I am wrong, but I liked MM more than Jauron. MM threw that scumbag receiver off the team (the guy from Pitt. Was his name Edwards?). He stood up to Moulds who by then was a useless, whining malcontent.

MM wasn't ready for the prime time mind you, but there was evidence that he was alive.


Bring in Marty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Looking back now, Mularkey's problems may have stemmed from Donahoe. He was a meathead at times (i cannot forgive him for that blown 20-0 lead in miami in '05), but he was also young and learning. He handled the moulds situation properly, but completely bungled the QB situation. Again tho, a lot of that may have been TD instead of mularkey. Perhaps if they had coached JP to develop him instead of trying to scramble to win a few games at the end of '05 things may have been different. Who knows? Like JP however, MM may have benefitted more from being in a more stable environment than ralph and bonehead TD.

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Folks, I'm gonna get blasted again around here, and don't take this to mean that I WANT Jauron to stay - I don't. But I'll say it again, he's not going anywhere. THIS IS AN OWNER WHO TRIED TO BRING BACK MIKE MULARKEY, after his entire team quit on him no less. I can't believe that the memories of Bills fans are so short that they forget that this organization is so pathetic that THEY WERE ACTUALLY FIRED BY MIKE MULARKEY. That's right, he chose to resign as a head coach, and set himself back years in the NFL in terms of another head coaching job, just so he could get away from Ralph & Co.


Face the facts: Jauron is staying. Until Ralph dies or sells the team, the misery will continue. Sorry but I'm just the messenger.




Ralph accomplished what he set out to do - got rid of Mike at low or no cost.

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Jauron stays on because mediocrity is the perfect result for Wilson. Big success comes with big time salaries, big raises for coaches, and lots of unwanted attention and controversy that always comes with being in the spotlight. Losing 12 games or more means unwanted media attention to spend more money, lower ticket prices, and deal with bad PR, mass public outcry, and less revenue from merchandise sales.


Ralph would love nothing more than to have a smooth, quiet 7-9 every year for the rest of his life - whether we like it or not.

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Ralph accomplished what he set out to do - got rid of Mike at low or no cost.


I just don't believe that. It's too attenuated for me to believe that Ralph hires Marv, and sets Marv up so that Marv goes out there and announces that Mularkey is the guy he wants to lead the team, while Ralph secretly knows that Mularkey will quit. What's more likely, and more ominous, is that Ralph is just a poor judge of on and off-field talent, and is content with mediocrity.

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Yup..."Killdrive" and "Fat Wade."


They havent had any success since us all knowing fans ran them out of Buffalo. :devil:



Well fat ass wade is still searching for his first playoff win with a team that is arguably the most talented team in the league. My guess is when the cowboys sh*t the bed again in the playoffs this year, he will be shown the door.


Phillips sucks. How he never won a playoff game with the talent he had on the bills is beyond explanation.


Killdrive I think is a different story. My theory is that an OC is only as good as his QBs. Killdrive's QBS here sucked.

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MM pretty evidently did not know how to build on talent, and therefore was a horible coach. He had a very yougn team with veteran leadership in necessary places, and the only successful thing out of his reign was developing Evans, who I'm pretty sure could develop under any situation (he's that good).


I really think Mularky handled the JP situation so poorly that I can't help but think it was all Donahoe trying to use his free agent pick up to save his own a$$ when he realized it might take JP an entire season to develop.

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They should bring the whole cast of freaks back- Greggo, MuTricky, Killdrive, Fat Wade and really mess up the team.


Those guys are all having success right now, well except maybe Greggo. Its funny but, Mularkey is running a good offense with rookie Qb and a first time starting RB in Atlanta, Gilbride just won a super bowl and runs a amazing running game with the Giants, and wade is doing a good job in Dallas after taking over the defensive playcalling duties. And no one can deny Greggo's Redskins D the last couple of years was very good.


Just saying.....

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Those guys are all having success right now, well except maybe Greggo. Its funny but, Mularkey is running a good offense with rookie Qb and a first time starting RB in Atlanta, Gilbride just won a super bowl and runs a amazing running game with the Giants, and wade is doing a good job in Dallas after taking over the defensive playcalling duties. And no one can deny Greggo's Redskins D the last couple of years was very good.


Just saying.....

Don't forget the job Dan Henning is doing down in Miami.

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I just don't believe that. It's too attenuated for me to believe that Ralph hires Marv, and sets Marv up so that Marv goes out there and announces that Mularkey is the guy he wants to lead the team, while Ralph secretly knows that Mularkey will quit. What's more likely, and more ominous, is that Ralph is just a poor judge of on and off-field talent, and is content with mediocrity.


Believe it. It happens with frequency in the private sector. Remove your supporters, perhaps transfer you to another location where you have few friends to go to bat for you.


Don't concoct a complex scenario of intrigue - Levy...Ralph..Levy etc., or cloud what happened. Ralph orderd Mularkey's legs cut off. Mularkey was prideful enough to leave after the insult...which was counted on.


He could have stayed, held out for satisfaction of the signed contract.

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There are posters on other boards that are actually looking forward to Ralph Wilson passing away so new ownership can take over the team and change happen.


I def dont share the sentiment of hoping somebody dies.......BUT I understand their frustration.


He's a far better person that CIN's Mr. Potato Head with his 18 years of heading a losing club and a free $600M stadium (without indoor practice facilities - Brown didn't get the taxpayers to pay for that, so the B'gals are the northernmost club without one).


Fans suing for the right not to buy tickets from Mike Brown:



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Believe it. It happens with frequency in the private sector. Remove your supporters, perhaps transfer you to another location where you have few friends to go to bat for you.


Don't concoct a complex scenario of intrigue - Levy...Ralph..Levy etc., or cloud what happened. Ralph orderd Mularkey's legs cut off. Mularkey was prideful enough to leave after the insult...which was counted on.


He could have stayed, held out for satisfaction of the signed contract.


You hit the nail on the head cincy. If you do not want to fire someone (usually for monetary reasons), you make the work situation as uncomfortable as possible so they will want to leave on their own, and thats what happened with mularkey.


Is Brown gonna fire Lewis this season, or is he too cheap to?

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You hit the nail on the head cincy. If you do not want to fire someone (usually for monetary reasons), you make the work situation as uncomfortable as possible so they will want to leave on their own, and thats what happened with mularkey.


Is Brown gonna fire Lewis this season, or is he too cheap to?

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