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Someone give me a reason to watch this team on television the next 4 games. After this one, I am really at a loss for a reason to. This team is a shambles. Either the offense or the defense flops face down in the mud and Jauron keeps on spouting the same expressionless, meaningless platitudes over and over again after each debacle. Gabba, gabba, hey.


This team, after starting 5-1 is not going to make the playoffs, yet again. I'm losing track of the years. In fact, the way they have been playing, I don't see them winning any of their remaining 4 games. They couldn't even score one single touchdown, at home, against a 3-8 team. Not one. How can anyone explain that after the KC game?


Watch what? Watch yet another painful episode of the offense or the defense or coaching, self destructing and costing the Bills the game? Watch to see which Trent Edwards shows up? Watch JP Losman be JP Losman? Watch to see if there is any improvement in the areas that so sorely need it? Watch for morbid curiosity? Is it time to just let this season go and look towards next season?



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Someone give me a reason to watch this team on television the next 4 games. After this one, I am really at a loss for a reason to. This team is a shambles. Either the offense or the defense flops face down in the mud and Jauron keeps on spouting the same expressionless, meaningless platitudes over and over again after each debacle. Gabba, gabba, hey.


This team, after starting 5-1 is not going to make the playoffs, yet again. I'm losing track of the years. In fact, the way they have been playing, I don't see them winning any of their remaining 4 games. They couldn't even score one single touchdown, at home, against a 3-8 team. Not one. How can anyone explain that after the KC game?


Watch what? Watch yet another painful episode of the offense or the defense or coaching, self destructing and costing the Bills the game? Watch to see which Trent Edwards shows up? Watch JP Losman be JP Losman? Watch to see if there is any improvement in the areas that so sorely need it? Watch for morbid curiosity? Is it time to just let this season go and look towards next season?



How long have you been a fan, becuase this is vintage Buffalo Bills football you are seeing. Other than few bright years here and there, this has been a mediocre ball club for most of it's existence. The Super Bowl years were an aberration, an oasis in a dessert of mediocrity. Until Ralph hires a comptenet front office guy, and stops shopping for coaches at Walmart, I'm afraid what you see is what you get.

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How long have you been a fan, becuase this is vintage Buffalo Bills football you are seeing. Other than few bright years here and there, this has been a mediocre ball club for most of it's existence. The Super Bowl years were an aberration, an oasis in a dessert of mediocrity. Until Ralph hires a comptenet front office guy, and stops shopping for coaches at Walmart, I'm afraid what you see is what you get.

I was thinking something very similar to this as I watched this game. I thought of the people who grew up during the Super Bowl years along with those who talk about the great tradition of this franchise and how the latest downturn is a cold slap in their face with a dose of reality. The only point I might disagree with you is that this team is .500 & does not represent vintage Buffalo Bills football. Vintage Bills football is more like 2-14 or 3-13.

My 1st year in WNY was 1971-the year Harvey Johnson was forced to coach the team by Ralph when he didn't want the job. I've seen this team be the only franchise in NFL history to lose the top pick in the draft to the CFL. Seen back to back 2-14 seasons. The most amazing thing is this is now the longest playoff drought in the team's history.

When I left the New England game at the 2 minute warning 3 weeks ago I was embarrassed to be a Bills fan in their stadium. I'll keep going to home games (I feel lucky I didn't go today) but until this team shows more, I'm through with road games because I can't stand losing with 70,000 fans of the other team there to laugh at me.

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How long have you been a fan, becuase this is vintage Buffalo Bills football you are seeing. Other than few bright years here and there, this has been a mediocre ball club for most of it's existence. The Super Bowl years were an aberration, an oasis in a dessert of mediocrity. Until Ralph hires a comptenet front office guy, and stops shopping for coaches at Walmart, I'm afraid what you see is what you get.

I'll put it to you this way Rasta, I was born in Buffalo General Hospital in 1953. You can guess the rest.

Even though statistically, the SB years were the exception rather than the norm, I keep hoping against hope that the team will "get it right" again. I don't know that I would call Jauron a Walmart coach, but it's becoming clearer and clearer, game after game, that the Bills are winning in spite of him, not because of him.


We could sure use another Polian, huh? And I sure would like to see a HC that hasn't had 87 shots of botox directly into his brain.

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How long have you been a fan, becuase this is vintage Buffalo Bills football you are seeing. Other than few bright years here and there, this has been a mediocre ball club for most of it's existence. The Super Bowl years were an aberration, an oasis in a dessert of mediocrity. Until Ralph hires a comptenet front office guy, and stops shopping for coaches at Walmart, I'm afraid what you see is what you get.


All true. I think people have just made the mistake of thinking this was a team on the upswing. At least in the old days, no one had any illusions and nobody got duped by a few squeaker wins against crappy teams like Oakland, St. Louis and Jacksonville.

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