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First of all, it is wrong to think that race isn't at least a little part of this. Buffalo, I love the place, is still a very segerated city in a lot of regards. The places downtown are very open places, but they also tend to be mainly white. The black clubs, for the most part, can be very hostile places and if I was a millionaire, would not feel comfortable going to.


Secondly, this issue reflects part of the problem plaguing Buffalo now. Buffalo has the highest per captia % of college students in the nation. However, they retain them at the lowest ratio. So in the age group (22-35) that the majority of pro athletes are, it tends to be the smallest population in the area.


I love Buffalo and hate when people take shots at teh city. This, however, is not a shot. Clements is being honest and at no point did he say anything bad about Buffalo. For a lot of 22-35 (not just athletes), Buffalo isn't exactly the ideal place to live socially. That's just the truth. But Buffalo is a great place to raise a family. On the other hand, if you paid me millions, I'd play in the North Pole as long as they had a bank and one bar.


It is silly to say race is a part of it. What are you saying? Are you saying there is something innate about black folks that makes them want to go to dance clubs that white people do not have? Are you saying there are no white athletes who want to go to those places? Are you saying there is something about the owners of the bars or the patrons of the bars in Buffalo that would not be inviting to black people? Or are you saying that black people would not want to go to those kinds of bars.


Because regardless of the situation, you are focusing on race, race is not making itself a reason.


Perhaps race is a part of you, but not necessarily it.

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Buffalo doesn't lack nightlife...it lacks the kind of nightlife that Nate, Willis McGahee, and other athletes want. The kind of places you see in South Beach or Las Vegas. Jim Kelly had no problem because he's from Western PA. A shot and a beer, a plate of wings, and ACDC on the sound system suited him fine. What Nate was saying was Buffalo ain't Hollywood. No kidding.




I don't really think that Nate is slighting buffalo. He didn't come out and say he didn't like it there. Rob Johnson trashed Buffalo big time when he left. I don't think that is Nate's intent here. I would say that playing for Buffalo is a great thing for NFL'ers that are family men. The young guys with millions feel limited for sure.

I think the fact that it wasn't a city like Miami or Atlanta is something that was kind of a hidden blessing in disguise," Clements said when talking about beginning his career in Buffalo, "I wasn't able to always go out, and I think that really helped me on the field


Now I know as Bills fans we are very sensitive but this takes the cake! All the guy is saying is that it was beneficial to him as a person to not be in a city like that I do not see anything derogatory about Buffalo in his statement. Clements was/is mature enough as a person to realize that this was the best place for him.


Here's what gets me mad as a former Western New Yorker: I was watching CSI NY a few weeks ago and they are interviewing a suspect and they ask him where he was for the past week, his response was Buffalo, they said anything unusual happen while you where there and he says "IT DIDN'T SNOW" Now that is slamming Buffalo, or the fact it snowed in back to back Steeler games yet not a big deal, but if it would have snowed on that Monday night in Buffalo it would have just added to the legacy.



Anybody ever notice the commercial about the office dude that is the only one willing to take the out of town business trips? He is the first one to raise his hand and say: "I'll go." All the while he is doing this he is earning frequent flyer miles. Now, at the end of the commercial, the boss asks if anyone is willing to go on business to "Buffalo"... The usual guy is nowhere in sight...In fact he is off and boarding a flight with his significant other, wearing floral shirts, etc... Presumably going on vaction somewhere warm.


My point? Is this a slam on Buffalo?... I kinda think it is... Subtle and sneaky kinda way though. :):death:


I am I being over-sensitive?

Anybody ever notice the commercial about the office dude that is the only one willing to take the out of town business trips? He is the first one to raise his hand and say: "I'll go." All the while he is doing this he is earning frequent flyer miles. Now, at the end of the commercial, the boss asks if anyone is willing to go on business to "Buffalo"... The usual guy is nowhere in sight...In fact he is off and boarding a flight with his significant other, wearing floral shirts, etc... Presumably going on vaction somewhere warm.


My point? Is this a slam on Buffalo?... I kinda think it is... Subtle and sneaky kinda way though. :):D


I am I being over-sensitive?

Buffalo is code for 'cold crappy place with lots of snow." Thank Johnny Carson for that. It won't change until global warming turns the Erie Basin Marina into South Beach, and puts South beach under 20 feet of water.



What other black athletes have made it their home in recent times?


Pat Williams looks pretty black to me and not only does he make Buffalo his home in off season he has a business there. There are plenty of others too but do not let facts interfere with your exaggerated tirade.

I don't really think that Nate is slighting buffalo. He didn't come out and say he didn't like it there. Rob Johnson trashed Buffalo big time when he left. I don't think that is Nate's intent here. I would say that playing for Buffalo is a great thing for NFL'ers that are family men. The young guys with millions feel limited for sure.


Buffalo is Buffalo. Nate Clements decided to use the lack of his type of nightlife as a reason he became a good enough CB to demand a huge free agent contract. I think when I called that reasoning ignorant, some posters felt I was being racist, and decided to defend Buffalo's lack of cool rap-type African American night clubs.




I just thought that using that reason for improving his craft was really just an easy way to take a cheap shot at Buffalo. And I say again, I don't feel sorry for African Americans who are single and love rap clubs playing in Buffalo for the Bills. Buffalo does have plenty of ways for them to use their money and find ways to have fun, with or without rap clubs. The bottom line is that Ralph Wilson and Russ Brandon are paying them as much as other NFL teams that happen to be in bigger cities are paying their players, and they should just shut up and worry about their jobs, and not the night life.

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