stuckincincy Posted November 26, 2008 Posted November 26, 2008 The beat goes on...
drnykterstein Posted November 26, 2008 Posted November 26, 2008 Isn't Oklahoma a state that always votes republican?
UConn James Posted November 27, 2008 Posted November 27, 2008 I think they forgot to add the "This policy was bought and paid for by State Farm, Allstate, and Blue Cross/Blue Shield." Seriously, there's no limit to what insurance companies will do to sign people up for their grand Ponzi schemes. Make no mistake, it's them who've raised the cost of medical care in this country beyond belief. Only way it gets better is to take the leeches out of the picture, and then, have a setup where doctors actually want to cure you and never have to see you again. As long as it is the way it is, if they do solve what ails you, they lose a really-well-paying customer. I've seen the business end of this, as I'm sure most of you guys have. Went to an ENT recently for an ear problem that all the research and an RN I know with 30+ years experience tells me is fairly common Otitis media with effusion/'Glue Ear'. The doctor's had me in twice, pushed some allergy pills on me, and wants to run a brain stem test to check for an acoustic nueroma (~2000 cases per year in the US and requires pretty major surgery) vice everything else that's telling me a 15-minute typanostomy tube placement to equalize the pressure. What happened to the days of doctors who came to you, told you what was wrong, did what they needed to do and gave a bill that didn't look out of place next to a mechanic, etc. I paid $220 for a 20-minute visit, which I could tell he wanted to wrap up in 5 minutes but I kept talking and asking questions. You're treated like a money pinata. I stopped taking the allergy pills a couple of days ago and the ear feels so much better it's unbelievable. My problem is, I've still got no access to the tubes that'd prevent this from happening again (chronic). There's actually a device online that uses the Politzer method (pinch one nostril, send air up the other and swallow) to solve the problem... the EarPopper. Look on there and you'll read that in the US it requires an Rx, while people in most other countries can just order it. There's not a thing the AMA and the insurance companies don't have their fingers in. There are so many gateways put up in this country to real medical care and solutions that it's disgusting. And it's not so easy as going to another mechanic; you'd have to jump through more hurdles, wait a month for an appointment for all the other people the doctor can't/won't cure and then there's no assurance they'll do anything differently. There's too much money to be made off of people who're in such a position of pain that they'll pay anything.
erynthered Posted November 28, 2008 Posted November 28, 2008 Posting on Thanksgiving on the PPP = Loser.
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