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Alan Colmes leaving H&C.


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And tell us...what is a "real liberal" and what qualities does such a person have that Colmes lacks?

It's not his liberalism or lack thereof. He is very liberal. The point you're missing, of course, is the idea of the show and the persons/personalities that Fox intentionally chose under the guise of "fair and balanced". Do you really think it was simple coincidence that they put a big, loud, well-dressed, good-looking, over-bearing, non-listening Republican right next to a frail, meek, rumpled, ghoulish-looking, submissive, eager to listen and please Democrat? What luck!

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Do you really think it was simple coincidence that they put a big, loud, well-dressed, good-looking, over-bearing, non-listening Republican right next to a frail, meek, rumpled, ghoulish-looking, submissive, eager to listen and please Democrat? What luck!

That's really nails it. I don't watch them much at all, but the few moments I've caught their act, that's exactly the perception I had. It would be like having a show that discusses good eating habits versus bad eating habits, and having Jessica Alba joined by Sally Struthers.

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Oh...tell us....what is a "real liberal" and why isnt Alan Colmes one?


Because a real liberal would be smart enough not to waste brain cells and time on sludge like Hannity who would never be smart enough to know when you've proved him wrong, much less factor the proof into his beliefs and actually change anything based on given proof.


I mean, there's dumb, and then there's "I don't acknowledge facts that don't agree with me" dumb.

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Looks like they're keeping the format exactly the same when Colmes leaves.


Hannity to Go It Alone, Without Colmes



Published: November 24, 2008


“Hannity & Colmes,” the longest-running program on the Fox News Channel, will soon be without Colmes.


Alan Colmes, 58, the liberal half of the 9 p.m. show, will leave his daily hosting duties at the end of the year, the network announced Monday.


While the network remained quiet about its plans for the political debate program, two people close to the network said that Sean Hannity, 46, Mr. Colmes’s conservative counterpart for the last 12 years, would become the sole host of the hour. The people requested anonymity while speaking about private deliberations.


Mr. Colmes’s departure, coming as a Democrat prepares to take over the White House, is a sharp change to the prime-time lineup of Fox News, a subsidiary of the News Corporation. A Fox News spokeswoman would not confirm that Mr. Hannity would be the sole host, and said no decision had been made.


Mr. Colmes will remain at the network as a commentator and will develop a potential weekend program. He will also continue to host his weekday radio show, broadcast from 10 p.m. to 1 a.m. In a statement, Mr. Colmes said that he approached Bill Shine, the network’s senior vice president of programming, months ago and told him he wanted to “develop new and challenging ways to contribute to the growth of the network.”


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That's really nails it. I don't watch them much at all, but the few moments I've caught their act, that's exactly the perception I had. It would be like having a show that discusses good eating habits versus bad eating habits, and having Jessica Alba joined by Sally Struthers.


You're right. Instead they should have Sally Struthers & Rob Reiner.


Genius casting, I tell yah.

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It's not his liberalism or lack thereof. He is very liberal. The point you're missing, of course, is the idea of the show and the persons/personalities that Fox intentionally chose under the guise of "fair and balanced". Do you really think it was simple coincidence that they put a big, loud, well-dressed, good-looking, over-bearing, non-listening Republican right next to a frail, meek, rumpled, ghoulish-looking, submissive, eager to listen and please Democrat? What luck!


Then explain "Rachel Maddow."


Its not MY fault all liberals are ugly.

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Then explain "Rachel Maddow."


Its not MY fault all liberals are ugly.

My God you are a moron. What does she have to do with anything we have been talking about? She is the lone host of a liberal show, and she is not remotely close to being either "big, loud, well-dressed, good-looking, over-bearing, non-listening" OR "frail, meek, rumpled, ghoulish-looking, submissive, eager to listen and please".

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My God you are a moron. What does she have to do with anything we have been talking about? She is the lone host of a liberal show, and she is not remotely close to being either "big, loud, well-dressed, good-looking, over-bearing, non-listening" OR "frail, meek, rumpled, ghoulish-looking, submissive, eager to listen and please".


It was a joke.


Pull the stick out of your ass.

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Actually Ayers vehemently denies that he is a "domestic terrorist", or was (let alone is) a terrorist at all, so it's pretty hard to say he's "self-avowed". Nice try though.


off course he does, they don't see what they do as terrorism.


He doesn't deny being a member of the wheather underground does he?

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