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Alan Colmes leaving H&C.


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I think what he meant was the farce that is that show, as if it is "fair and balanced", say, like me. <_<


Just becuase Colmes was a kitty and couldnt really stand up to blowhard Hannity, that doesnt make the premise of the show less than fair.


Oh...I forgot..its Fox, so its biased.


MSNBC is fair, though.

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Bring in James Carville. I'd like to see Hannity up against that snake. Carville would run intellectual circles around him and no, I don't like Carville.

OH GAWD that would be hilarious! Carville is downright nasty - sometimes he's funny, but mostly I don't like to watch him because he is SO mean. I'd like to see him and that (*^*&amp;%^&#036;^#O'Reilly go a few rounds.

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Probably should be Bob Beckle, but who knows.


Personally I look forward to another year of Hannity whining about Wiliam Ayars. That hasnt been played enough yet.


Right, because our President elect hangin' with a self avowed domestic terrorist isn't news worthy. We should spend more time looking into the wardrobe spending of the Governor of Alsaka. <_<

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Right, because our President elect hangin' with a self avowed domestic terrorist isn't news worthy. We should spend more time looking into the wardrobe spending of the Governor of Alsaka. <_<

Actually Ayers vehemently denies that he is a "domestic terrorist", or was (let alone is) a terrorist at all, so it's pretty hard to say he's "self-avowed". Nice try though.

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