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Obama Might Open a "Torture Commission"

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Playing games at Gitmo

by Michelle Malkin

Creators Syndicate

Copyright 2008


The human rights crowd is right: Life is hard for a Guantanamo Bay detainee. The deprivation is unspeakable. Their brains have not been “stimulated” enough, according to the facility’s “cultural advisor.” Which is why this Thanksgiving, America is drawing up plans to provide the 250 or so suspected jihadists at the “notoriously Spartan” detention camp with basic sustenance including movie nights, art classes, English language lessons, and “Game Boy-like” electronic devices, according to the Miami Herald.


Next up: Wii Fit, Guitar Hero, Sudoku, People magazine, and macramé. Anything less would be uncivilized.

As always, your source of news is both fair and balanced.


I like it 'cause it supports my worldview!!! :D

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