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OT - This is pretty interesting and....


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unfortuately along the lines of something Michael Moore would produce but I thought it was interesting.

Give it time to load, probably about 3 minutes or so but it is pretty interesting.

I'm not a conspiracy theorist by any means but there were some interesting points made here.



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All those people who were on the plane that "supposedly" hit the pentagon will be very pleased to hear this news.  Now they can stop being dead, and start living again now that it's been revealed by crackpot interenet conspiracy theorists that a plane never hit the pentagon.



That was exactly my first thought when I saw this, "ok, so what about the people that were on the flight?" Like I said though, it's just interesting but I don't agree with any of it at all.

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Guest What Timing

Hmmm...only 1 week before the Election???


What timing!!!


I think liberals are rooting for something to happen between now and next week, they WANT To hear the GW planted everything



Get over 2000 you babies

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crackpot interenet conspiracy theorists



Hey! I resemble that remark, but my crack goes in a pipe, not a pot. NEVER mix your drugs..... :D



Seriously though, I love conspiracies. One of the Questions I have about the Pentagon Rosen on 9/11 is this... If the Pentagon is THE MOST SECURE and THE MOST SURVEILLED Building in the entire World, how come there are only three pictures of an object striking the Building? They have Cameras all over the parking lots, inside, outside, in every corner, on every pole, and all you got were 3 pictures? None of which show a plane? PLEASE....Next you will tell me that Drew is really doing a great job and the Bills should be grateful to have him these last 3 long years.....

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Hmmm...only 1 week before the Election???


What timing!!!


I think liberals are rooting for something to happen between now and next week, they WANT To hear the GW planted everything

Get over 2000 you babies



Since Powell just sold democratic Taiwan down the river in favor of commie China, this could be it.


Bush loves commies


Now let's kick this over to PPP, so that those who signed the loyalty oath can spin Bush's support of a dictatorship over and over again.

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Now let's kick this over to PPP, so that those who signed the loyalty oath can spin Bush's support of a dictatorship over and over again.



Yes, please. Otherwise we might have to hear more brilliant comments about "dictatorships" from mental midgets. I'm sure a "Nazi" comment is just around the corner.

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Guest Guest_Goo_*
If only Clinton over 8 years would have taken action.



Bush certainly wasn't concerned with the job Clinton did. He went on vacation for his first 5 months and ignored obvious terror briefings.


If only Reagan didn't sell WMD's to Saddam or create Osama Bin Laden in the 80's.

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this was around last year......bunch of stevestojan



Hey, I'm sorry but I just got this. I guess I'm a little slow. Honestly, when I got it, I figured it was something the Left Wingers came up with since the election is right around the corner. Sorry about dumping this crap in here.

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Bush certainly wasn't concerned with the job Clinton did. He went on vacation for his first 5 months and ignored obvious terror briefings.


If only Reagan didn't sell WMD's to Saddam or create Osama Bin Laden in the 80's.




Reagan "created" Osama Bin Laden in the 80's? I thought Osama was in his 50's or something? I never realized Reagan was a god.

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If only Clinton over 8 years would have taken action.


Or the Repulican controlled Congress. I recall vividly the republican outcry that we weren't doing enough to prevent terrorism and how completely they supported Clinton when he tried to kill Osama. Not. Of course, we were pretty busy investigating the lean of the Presidential Pric% so golly, who had the time?

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But yeah, those dead folk will be glad to hear they can come back to life now.



As you know Kerry / Edwards have a plan that will allow spinal cord injury victims to walk again so I'm sure a plan for raising the dead can't be too far behind!

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Isnt one of the members here a resident of the DC/Virginia area and actually SAW the plane go into the building? 


But yeah, those dead folk will be glad to hear they can come back to life now.



I'll name names. DC Tom. Food for thought? Christ Almighty Jesus. This country is in serious trouble. Our worst enemy in this world is ourselves.

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