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To Develop A Young QB A Team Has To Take His Ups and Downs

Steely Dan

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TE had some bad outings the last four weeks but he's a young QB and a team has to deal with it while they gain experience. Obviously if a player is abysmal then nothing can be done but TE is not abysmal.


Unfortunately JP was never treated the right way while he was here. If the coaches would have lived with his up and down games without pulling him out, ever, he might be the Bills starting QB today and playing at a very high level.


Today TE had a career game. KC is a bad team but playing in KC is always hard. The blowout had to happen in order to really give this team confidence. If it was a nail biter down to the last play then I don't think the win would have meant as much.


Anyhoo, here's to kicking some 69er ass!!

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