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Barack Obama Quickly Moving To The Center

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Three weeks since the election and Obama moved from the left to the center and now to the right. Retaining Robert Gates as Secretary of Defense? This is inexcusable and indefensible. So much for "change we can believe in".


What's next? Is Obama going to retain Dick Cheney?


How is it inexcusable? Gates will work for Obama, and Obama sets the policy. If Gates couldn't agree to carry out Obama's policies then he wouldn't have accepted. It's a reasonable transition given our troop deployments. He'll stay on for about a year, and then the deputy sec. of defense appointed by Obama will take over.


Change in policy doesn't require new people without experience, but requires experienced people willing to enact changing policies.

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How is it inexcusable? Gates will work for Obama, and Obama sets the policy. If Gates couldn't agree to carry out Obama's policies then he wouldn't have accepted. It's a reasonable transition given our troop deployments. He'll stay on for about a year, and then the deputy sec. of defense appointed by Obama will take over.


Change in policy doesn't require new people without experience, but requires experienced people willing to enact changing policies.


So I guess we shouldn't be completely surprised when President Obama decides to retain the services of VP Dick Cheney! Will Obama bring back Karl Rove for his "experience"?

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So I guess we shouldn't be completely surprised when President Obama decides to retain the services of VP Dick Cheney! Will Obama bring back Karl Rove for his "experience"?


I guess you missed the part about experienced people willing to enact changing policies.

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Given obama's rhetoric in the primaries, it's easy to see why some of us were terrified of an Obama presidency. While not exactly a supporter at this point, I'm willing to take a wait and see attitude. IF he tries to enact nationalized health insurance, then I'm in the opposition camp.

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I haven't said this on this board yet, but I will now:


Because we're in a world of hurt, I am willing to give President-Elect Obama his entire first term to see what he can do before I decide whether or not to oppose his policies.


That's right. Not six months. Not one year. Four years. It's gonna take that long to rectify matters.


Rome wasn't built in a day. Neither was this mess we find ourselves in.

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I haven't said this on this board yet, but I will now:


Because we're in a world of hurt, I am willing to give President-Elect Obama his entire first term to see what he can do before I decide whether or not to oppose his policies.


That's right. Not six months. Not one year. Four years. It's gonna take that long to rectify matters.


Rome wasn't built in a day. Neither was this mess we find ourselves in.


I'm with you, Mike!


I'm just curious as to how long Barack Obama decides to become a Republican.

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