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lately, Kaleta


I guess I was looking for a rationale too, even though I didn't specify. To assert that a professional hockey player isn't a "tough" person is pretty ridiculous and yet you've given me a laundry list of names. I would never call a defenseman a wimp because I don't think you have any idea about the blinding pain he feels when he blocks a shot. So please cite examples of these guys not being "tough" and I'll believe you. But I've been watching the same games as you and to me, they've been playing their hearts out with bad results.

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Who, in your opinion, on the Sabres isn't "tough"?

I am not an expert on the sabres--but from what I have observed...-when they go into the corners for pucks--esp on D--the other team comes up with the puck 2 out of 3 times.They get outworked ...they spend an inordinate amount of time in their own zone.

Hockey is equal skill and toughness.

The sabres have well above average skill...but get outworked constantly. They are a wussy team.

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I am not an expert on the sabres--but from what I have observed...-when they go into the corners for pucks--esp on D--the other team comes up with the puck 2 out of 3 times.They get outworked ...they spend an inordinate amount of time in their own zone.

Hockey is equal skill and toughness.

The sabres have well above average skill...but get outworked constantly. They are a wussy team.


Ok you have a point at digging the pucks out of the corner, but if you watched the beginning of the season you know that it was the complete opposite when we were winning. The team is in a slump and a big reason for it is Miller being in a pretty bad slump himself. We've actually been outshooting the opposing team for the most part during this losing streak, which says to me that bad luck is playing a role here as well.

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Ok you have a point at digging the pucks out of the corner, but if you watched the beginning of the season you know that it was the complete opposite when we were winning. The team is in a slump and a big reason for it is Miller being in a pretty bad slump himself. We've actually been outshooting the opposing team for the most part during this losing streak, which says to me that bad luck is playing a role here as well.

bad luck??? dont buy it. yes they were playing tougher at the beginning but are now playing wimpy---hence the losses.

Maybe they just don't have the players who are tough enough. I don't think you can turn that stuff off and on.

You need tough grinders to compliment the great skill players(Vaneks and the Roys and the Pomminvilles).

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bad luck??? dont buy it. yes they were playing tougher at the beginning but are now playing wimpy---hence the losses.

Maybe they just don't have the players who are tough enough. I don't think you can turn that stuff off and on.

You need tough grinders to compliment the great skill players(Vaneks and the Roys and the Pomminvilles).


Ok, Roy is not a "great skill player". He is undersized, not particularly fast, and has a below average shot. He is the definition of the gritty player. But my point is that if Miller is stopping more shots and we're winning the games (when we went 6-0-1 in our first 7 games, we were not scoring very many goals), we wouldn't be hearing any of this stuff about who's tough and who isn't. The team lives and dies with the goaltender. The perfect example is our most recent game against Boston. We scored 4 in the first period, but Miller allowed 7 goals on just 20 shots. If we win the game 4-1, you'd praise the offense, but since we lost 7-4 then we are not tough enough, right?

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Oh I get it now, you can't answer my question so you deflected it onto me with another question.

Go to Sabres.com and you can see what my take is on the team. I can answer your question just fine, but there's no way you will "believe" my assessment, regardless of how well I elucidate it. I've been around these boards far too long to buy that load of crap. But seriously, I'm not here to fight with anyone. The Sabres have a couple players in their locker room who are consistently not listening to Lindy Ruff when it comes to backchecking, smart dump-ins, positioning without the puck, and general awareness. That's his beef with them. And I think it's rubbing off on some of the lesser players, and THAT is killing the team.


MY beef with the team as a whole, as well as a good number of other regular posters at Sabres.com, is the lack of toughness in the corners and in one-on-one puck battles, shot blocking, clearing the crease, standing in the opponent's crease, and dropping the gloves to get things going for their team. The Sabres have become a team of followers, and they rely on Vanek to score for them, Kaleta to hit for them, and Peters to fight for them, and NONE of them seem to be able to shoot the puck straight. Their two goaltenders also seem to be losing THEIR focus, as well, and what that says to me is that there is alot going on in that locker room that is distracting them. MY guess?


Roy and Pommers.

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The Sabres have a couple players in their locker room who are consistently not listening to Lindy Ruff when it comes to backchecking, smart dump-ins, positioning without the puck, and general awareness. That's his beef with them. And I think it's rubbing off on some of the lesser players, and THAT is killing the team.

MY beef with the team as a whole, as well as a good number of other regular posters at Sabres.com, is the lack of toughness in the corners and in one-on-one puck battles, shot blocking, clearing the crease, standing in the opponent's crease, and dropping the gloves to get things going for their team.

BINGO. These have been the same problems for two years now.


While I disagree that Roy and Pommers are turning into dressing room cancers, I am starting to think Lindy is starting to lose the locker room. If I had to pick guys I would put Max at the top of that list, and having players like Tallinder and Rivet struggle isn't helping.

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