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Just a month ago....


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I cracked open the Monday morning paper and said something to my wife about "Wow, the Bills & Sabres are a combined 12-1, this may just be the year for one of them".....then I mumbled something under my breath about how both will "probably implode". And one short month later, THEY HAVE. Oh man, i just don't understand the teams in this town. Especially football. It's hard to start the season 5-1 and NOT make the playoffs. Well they figured it out quite nicely. This is just the worst.

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I wish there was not, but until the Sabres wake up and realize that they need toughness and grit, they will just keep losing to Boston over and over...

Sad to watch. Early in the season Rivet's toughness was rubbing off on the whole team. Now, I cant even tell if it is Tallinder or Rivet back there until I look at the number.

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