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chat with Alan Wilson on Buff news site - must read

dave mcbride

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11:01 OK guys. Let's hear what you have to say on last night's debacle.

11:01 [Comment From BMC]

Despite Trent's horrific game, he did enough to put the Bills in position to win. IMO, this loss falls again on the shoulders of the coaching staff. Their wasteful use of timeouts and play calling before the final field attempt was amateurish.

11:02 I can't give Edwards credit for anything in that game last night. He completed one meaningful pass, but the Bills were in that game because of Marshawn Lynch and the defense covering Edwards' rear end by keeping the Browns out of the end zone after his interceptions.


11:02 [Comment From xman]

i think trent still has lingering effects from his concussion

11:04 Funny, no one was talking about the concussion when he had a 114 QB rating in the win over San Diego. If the Bills were 7-3 I doubt this concussion talk would exist. It's a convenient excuse for why he's playing poorly.

11:04 [Comment From Patrick in Buffalo]

Any chance Jauron gets the boot after the season?

11:05 It's possible if the Bills don't make the playoffs. Remember, the Bills haven't come out and said he got a new contract even though it's been reported that he did. Don't think this freefall is sitting well with Ralph.

11:07 [Comment From BMC]

I'm also struggling to come to grips with the fact that this entire organization, from the top down, is mediocre at best. The team has become irrelevant within the scope of the NFL.

11:10 Yep, they are very mediocre right now.


11:10 [Comment From Buffalo Will]

While Edwards had an awful game last night – no confidence in himself whatsoever, I cannot overlook the fact that Dick Jauron is a PROVEN mediocre-to-incompetent coach. What more really needs to be said? While I’m not ready to give up on Edwards yet (just his 2nd year), the Bills will simply not progress above mediocrity with the likes of Jauron – his track record here and in Chicago bears that out. With his extension, if the Bills need up, say at 6-10 or even 7-9, will the Bills keep Jauron at the end of the year? – not that the Bills’ management has shown a willingness to hire winners over the year, mind you!

11:12 How strange is it to say this team has struggled to find a coach since Wade Phillips. He's not great either, but he won games. Jauron's conservative approach won't win many games too often.


11:12 [Comment From Guest]

Can you please explain to me what Denney and Kelsay do positive on the football field?

11:12 Good question, to which I have no answer.

11:13 [Comment From TM IN ATLANTA]

Has anyone told Trent Edwwards to look off a DB? doesn't seem like he has since the slide started?

11:13 At least two of those picks last night was due to locking on to receivers. That was a weakness last year, too.

11:13 [Comment From Patrick in Buffalo]

What's it going to take for Edwards to get back to how he looked earlier this season?

11:15 He's a young guy going through a tough stretch. It was unrealistic for him to continue doing what he did earlier this season. And to be honest, he did it against mediocre competition. His confidence is shot right now and he's very gun shy.

11:15 [Comment From xman]

either hes playing scared or his brain is still mush

11:15 It's neither. He has happy feet and no confidence.

11:15 [Comment From Patrick in Buffalo]

On 3rd and 1, why pass when you're having success running at the line?

11:16 How is that approach any different from anything we've seen over the years? This team might lead the league in pass plays on third-and-one.

11:16 [Comment From TM IN ATLANTA]

coaches have been alseep at the wheel for the past 2 weeks! I'm really starting to need to see Jauron get excited/mad about something!

11:17 Conservative playcalling will get you beat more often than not, but that's always been Jauron's approach.

11:17 [Comment From xman]

but concussion systems maybe different for everyone his may just have caught up with him

11:18 I think that's too convenient excuse. And by the way, how about giving some credit to defenses doing a better job against him.

11:18 [Comment From Zach from VA]

This bigger issue goes beyond the players and even the coaches. There is a culture of losing that has surrounded this franchise for the better part of 10 years. Year after year, we are subjected to a team that can't step up when the game is on the line. Will the Bills ever be a consistent winner again? Is the franchise paralyzed by a culture of losing?

11:19 It's up to the players and coaches to end that culture of losing. Neither seem capable of doing that.

11:19 [Comment From Chris Lawrence]

Clock management seems to be an issue every game. Wasted timeouts at unnecessary times and a ten second wait when one should be called immediately. It seems obvious to someon sitting on the couch, but what is the issue with the coaching staff on this?

11:20 It's maddening to see them burn timeouts every week because of confusion over who should or should not be in the game or because the play didn't get in on time. That's all on the coaches.

11:20 [Comment From Guest]

He's got to go. There's talent on this team and it's being squandered by the ineptitude of Jauron & Co.

11:21 The coaches aren't doing a great job, but they also don't block, tackle, pass or catch. And yes, they have talent. Just not enough.

11:21 [Comment From xman]

what bothers me the most is they are paying 100 million dollars for the offensive line...and we get what a 5-5 record

11:22 The O-line played better last night, but yes, the group is overpaid based on its production (of lack thereof) this year.

11:22 [Comment From Thom]

Does anyone else think Mitchell is terrible? He makes a play every once in a while, but mostly it seems as if he is happy to be blocked and taken out of the play so that he doesn't have to hit anyone. He certainly is not fighting off any blocks. If you watch him closely he just waits as long as possible for someone else to make a play and then jumps on the pile. Weak! Thoughts?

11:23 Mitchell hasn't been awful, but I agree that he doesn't make enough plays consistently. I will say he's been the team's best pass rusher with Schobel out.

11:23 [Comment From Gimmeabreak]

It occurred to me watching Marshawn last night that Thurman Thomas played like that EVERY game of his career.

11:23 Thurman also had BETTER PLAYERS around him.

11:23 [Comment From Zach from VA]

I think its time to pull the plug on Keith Ellison. He was steamrolled on the 75 yard touchdown run. To me, the average fan, he looks like he doesn't belong on the field.

11:24 I would agree with you if the Bills had a better replacement, which they don't.

11:24 [Comment From xman]

Thats the problem we change coaches as much as we change our underwear

11:24 Lack of coaching continuity has hurt this team's progress.

11:25 [Comment From xman]

who out there is a prven winner as a coach to replace dj

11:26 The only big name out there is Bill Cowher, but I don't know if Ralph is willing to pay a coach $5 to $7 million a year. We also don't know if Cowher wants to return to coaching next year.

11:26 [Comment From Gerald]

Edwards will make a fine QB coach someday. Maybe then he/they (Bills) will realize what a weapon Evans could have been. ? the arm strength and the coaching.

11:27 Evans was open on a few plays. Edwards just didn't find him.

11:27 [Comment From xman]

Trent needs a quarterback coach to have a long chit chat with him, thats for sure

11:28 Alex Van Pelt is a good coach, but he can't climb into Trent's head. Trent has to make better decisions with the ball.

11:28 [Comment From Jerry]

Watching McKelvin plays instead of Greer covering Stallworth, I realize he could do a better job covering Ted Ginn than McGee. What do think about it? It was another mistake of Jauron !

11:30 McGee shouldn't have even played that day. I don't know if McKelvin would have stopped Ginn either, but at least he was healthy.


11:30 [Comment From Zach from VA]

The Bills run game finally showed up last night. Is that more attributed to a pourous Browns D or the return of Brad Butler? By the way, Duke Preston again looked overmatched against Shaun Rogers.

11:31 The running game was the result of a lot of things. The line blocked better, but Lynch and Jackson continue to get a lot of yards on their own. They also were playing a team that's been poor run defenders all year. The good news for Preston is he won't have to deal with a nose tackle this week.

11:32 [Comment From Scott]

Any update on the injuries last night?

11:32 Whitner reinjured his shoulder and Greer hurt a knee. We won't get updates until Wednesday.

11:32 [Comment From xman]

you have the largest oline in football and your scared to run on 3rd and 1 they out to be ashamed of themselves

11:32 Frustrating, isn't it?

11:32 [Comment From Zach from VA]

It wouldn't surprise me if the Bills dropped a road game to KC. Does the seal Jauron's fate?

11:34 I could see them losing to the Chiefs, who are playing better lately. Don't know if losing would seal Jauron's fate, but it won't help his cause.

11:34 [Comment From BMC]

I think there are a variety of reasons for Trent's struggles. The team is facing better defenses, coaches make adjustments throughout the year, our o-line has let him take a beating, his #2 (Reed) has been out, lack of a running game...the list is long

11:34 The list is long and you did a great job of pointing out the key reasons.

11:34 [Comment From Rob]

When are you guys going to stop making excuses for how bad Edwards is? Why was he even still in the game? Does he give such a great interview that you and the rest of the media cannot admit the kid sucks?

11:36 First of all, I have never come out and said the kid was great. You have me confused with Jerry Sullivan. I've never had a forum to express my opinion on Edwards. If I did I would have said what I've told friends and colleagues: That I need to see more before I'm convinced. Please don't put all media under the same umbrella.

11:37 [Comment From Chris]

They seem to always find a way to lose close games, that's the sign of a losing franchise

11:37 Can't argue with that.

11:37 [Comment From xman]

the sad part about that culture of losing is I have watched it now for 30 years...god thats sickening...

11:38 I won't go that far. They didn't win a Super Bowl, but they were one of the dominant teams in the NFL during the late 80s and early 90s. And they did win two AFL titles.

11:38 [Comment From Tex from Boston]

What's your view on the three straight runs to set up the FG? Also, do you think the coaches called play-action at any point? Or did Edwards merely not execute?

11:39 Too conservative at the end. Maybe they were afraid to let Edwards throw. They tried some play action passes, but the Browns didn't bite.

11:39 [Comment From Dave]

You guys should do an enterprise on how often the Bills have been beaten over the years by clutch kicks. It seems as though the other team never misses. I'm sure it has happened, but I cannot think of a single instance right now. Also, I know Edwards is struggling, but another issue nobody brings up is the fact the Bills receivers haven't been able to get any separation. That means Evans, too. And I hate hearing excuses about double teams and Cover 2s. Braylon Edwards is a star and he always seems to get good separation.

11:40 The Bills had open receivers last night. Edwards has to do a better job of finding them. Also they need to run more crossing routes to get Evans away from double teams.

11:40 [Comment From Patrick in Buffalo]

Most important position to upgrade this offseason: defensive end, tight end, or linebacker?

11:41 Of that three I'd say linebacker. They need someone better than Ellison in the starting lineup.


11:42 [Comment From gimmeabreak]

We're between a rock and a hard place. As long as Ralph Wilson owns this team, it'll be in Buffalo. As long as Ralph Wilson owns this team, it'll be mired in mediocrity. If longevity is a criterion for the HOF, he deserves to be in but unfortunately for him, everyone in pro fottball knows he is a nitwit. Any owner who couldn't get a long with THE premier GM in the league, Bill Polian, ought to have his head examined. The Bills haven't been the same since.

11:42 I like Ralph, but his coaching and front office decisions have been dubious.

11:42 [Comment From thomas]

how about Jim Fassell

11:43 Good coach, but again, is Ralph willing to pony up $5 million a year. He hasn't shown that willingness yet.

11:43 [Comment From Guest]

What makes it hard is there are no quick fixes. The Oline and Dline both need two new starters and its not like they haven't spent the money. I want to know who is evaluating the talent. Whoever it is seems to do well at picking the small guys but misses on the big men. I know they talk about speed on the Dline but can

11:44 This team needs a lot of things, not just better O-line and D-line.

11:44 [Comment From DR from Raleigh]

Sorry this team has alot of talant,with some holes. Good coaching can help fill them holes.

11:44 You obviously see more talent on this team than I do.

11:44 [Comment From Zach from VA]

Changing coaches assures the Bills of yet another losing season in 2009, and perhaps 8-8 in 2010. A coaching change might do the team worse in the short term.

11:45 At some point, Ralph has to stick with a guy and ride it out. But if the Bills continue collapse, it might be hard to stay with Jauron.

11:45 [Comment From Will from Virginia]

I honestly do not feel, even if the Bills end up at 5-11, the team will dump Jauron at the end of the year. Jauron just signed just a 3 year extension, and Ralph, being as frugal as he is, at least when it comes to paying for top-notch coaching over the years – will not want to give up 3 years worth of $$ for doing nothing (since fired coaches keep getting their pay until their contacts expire) – what are your thoughts?

11:46 We THINK Jauron signed an extension. Nothing official from the Bills acknowledging that.

11:46 [Comment From Scott]

Does Jim Kelly talk to Trent Edwards and the other Bills' quarterbacks? Kelly was never afraid to throw down field after an interception, and maybe a talk with Kelly would help Edwards regain his confidence.

11:47 Kelly is not a coach and besides that all the talking in the world is not going to change things.

11:47 [Comment From Bill from Cali]

It seems like the toss left or toss right works evry time for big yards. It gives Marshawn room to run. Is there a reason why the offense only runs it once a game?

11:47 I can't answer that one.

11:47 [Comment From thomas]

Give Hamdan a try at QB

11:47 Let's not get carried away.

11:47 [Comment From Belo Joe]

I noticed Lee Evans did not speak to the media after the game. Do you think he may have an outburst sometime soon?

11:49 That's not Evans' style. I'm sure he's frustrated, but he would never throw anyone under the bus.

11:49 [Comment From Alex]

The bottom line is by and large this decade, the Bills have done an awful job in the college and pro player personnel department. The have missed on a ton of first round picks, traded to get back into the first round to draft lousy plyers, Losman/McCargo, and compound their problems by giving exhorbitant contracts/extensions to mediocre players...denney, Kelsay, Schobel, Dockery, Kyle Williams, etc. It makes you long for the days of Polian, AJ Smith and the late John Butler...all guys Ralph had but ran out of Buffalo.

11:50 Can't argue with you.

11:50 [Comment From Kevin]

Playing to stay close or to not lose caught up to jauron last night. problem is, not showing any confidence on the final drive, and at least trying to move the ball closer, didn't just cost the Bills a game, but the season. Is his vision that short? This is depressing.

11:50 That is how Jauron has always coached going back to Chicago.

11:51 [Comment From jeff]

It definatley seems like the team is outcoached week in and week out? Who is the most to blame?

11:51 Take your pick. There is no wrong answer.

11:51 [Comment From Guest]

I don't get it. If I perform like the Bills do year in and year out I am fired from my job. How long has Tom Modrak and John Guy been with the team. A successfull company gets rid of dead weight.

11:52 Personnel decisions have been hit or miss over the years, but Modrak and Guy are top football men. I can guarantee they would find a job tomorrow if they were let go.

11:52 [Comment From Dan]

Two questions....(1) why didnt they change QBs after three picks?? and (2) Why didnt they settle for a 47 yard attempt--why didnt they get 10 yards closer, pick up a first down and make the field goal attempt the last play of the game?? Kickers undr 40 are clo atomatic, longer than 40 is when they miss.

11:54 I've already addressed the second question. As for the first one, the Bills were right not to bench Edwards because they were only down by two field goals after the picks. They still were in the game.

11:54 [Comment From CORTO57]

I understand that Trent threw three picks in his first 7 tries but everyone knows that Lindell is money inside 40. Go for a pas instead of running it right into Rogers. Besides that, I just wanna make a quick point, not sayin that its all him, but whenever a kick or a punt is returned for a TD, Jon Corto makes the second effort all the time. Whenever they show a replay hes out there laying guys out, usually the one in pursuit. Do you think he will have a chance to play defense in the future or will he only be a special teamer?

11:55 At this point, a special teamer is only way on the field until he gets bigger.

11:55 [Comment From jeff]

I think too much pressure is on trent due to lack of running game, would you agree? ML had good good game but he is not an elite back.

11:55 You obviously weren't watching the game Lynch had last night. Imagine what he'd do with some blocking.

11:55 [Comment From jeff]

With ML struggling last few weeks, why havent they gone to the tight ends or fred jackson more?

11:56 Because it's not Lynch's fault. He and Jackson have to get yards on their own because the O-line has been poor.

11:57 [Comment From jeff]

I think the Bills have to bring in a winning coach, there is too much of a losing attitude surrounding the team.

11:57 You get what you pay for with coaches.

11:57 [Comment From arwen]

why doesent jim kelly bcome the quarterback coach???

11:58 Just because Kelly was a great player does not mean he would be a great coach. Besides, he has absolutely no interest in coaching.


11:58 [Comment From Jimi B from Olean, NY]

I don't even want to speak about this BAD team. I would like to commend all the fans in Sec 330 for being loud and having fun without being ignorant. Nice job FANS!

11:58 A rarity in that stadium.

11:58 [Comment From Zach from VA]

Teams are consistently dropping 8 and rushing 3 on obvious passing downs. Trent admits that it makes it harder to complete a pass. If that were the case, every team would drop 8 guys. What is it that Trent is doing wrong when he has all day to throw and 8 guys in coverage?

11:59 This is a copy cat league and since the Dolphins had sucess dropping eight guys into coverage everyone is doing it. Edwards is so conditioned to not make mistakes that he becomes too indecisive.


11:59 [Comment From Dave]

I never thought I would miss London Fletcher, since he was always driven off the ball and was great at making tackles six yards downfield, but my God...

12:00 London was great to talk to. That's what I miss.

12:00 [Comment From Todd]

Get rid of Jauron and bring in Billick

12:00 Let me repeat this one last time: Ralph has to be willing to pay $5 to $7 million per year to get a big-name coach.

12:01 [Comment From xman]

I dont think he sucks...BUT he does look like the rookie young qb he is...hell even farve throws ints like that...

12:01 Let's not make excuses for Edwards. Those picks are bad for a veteran or a rookie.

12:02 [Comment From Jimi B from Olean, NY]

Do you think Jaron will be gone at the end of this season? We as diehard fans can only hope so. HIRE COWHER!

12:02 I answered this earlier. It depends on how the Bills finish.

12:02 [Comment From BMC]

On his blog, Chris Brown posted a question indicated Hardy was benched for the 2nd half. Do you have any info on that?

12:03 No, other than I didn't see him on the field in the second half. We'll know more tomorrow.

12:06 I'm sorry I have to cut this off, but I've got to tend to my regular job. Thanks for the responses.

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That took a while to read.


I was surprised at his somewhat unprofessional stab at Jerry Sullivan (not that there is anything wrong with that):


11:36 First of all, I have never come out and said the kid was great. You have me confused with Jerry Sullivan. I've never had a forum to express my opinion on Edwards. If I did I would have said what I've told friends and colleagues: That I need to see more before I'm convinced. Please don't put all media under the same umbrella.

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11:04 [Comment From Patrick in Buffalo]

Any chance Jauron gets the boot after the season?

11:05 It's possible if the Bills don't make the playoffs. Remember, the Bills haven't come out and said he got a new contract even though it's been reported that he did. Don't think this freefall is sitting well with Ralph.


We can only hope and pray this is the case. That would be something positive from this waste of a season.

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Thanks for posting that. I was happy to see AW being that frank about what's going on at OBD. Most of his pieces have centered around keeping things even-keel. I think even the writers are beginning to wonder if there's a light at the end of the tunnel. Turk has already told everyone if they knew football like he does, not to mention the quote about kneel-downs at the end of games skewing running stats. It's nice to see someone in the media question the direction instead of playing cheerleader.

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Thanks for posting that. I was happy to see AW being that frank about what's going on at OBD. Most of his pieces have centered around keeping things even-keel. I think even the writers are beginning to wonder if there's a light at the end of the tunnel. Turk has already told everyone if they knew football like he does, not to mention the quote about kneel-downs at the end of games skewing running stats. It's nice to see someone in the media question the direction instead of playing cheerleader.

He knows far more than any of us -- he's pretty friendly with a large number of the players (he's always had the best access among the beat writers), and I bet their views are informing him. He does have good things to say about AVP, who I think is a pretty intelligent football guy.

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That took a while to read.


I was surprised at his somewhat unprofessional stab at Jerry Sullivan (not that there is anything wrong with that):


11:36 First of all, I have never come out and said the kid was great. You have me confused with Jerry Sullivan. I've never had a forum to express my opinion on Edwards. If I did I would have said what I've told friends and colleagues: That I need to see more before I'm convinced. Please don't put all media under the same umbrella.

Thanks for posting that. I was happy to see AW being that frank about what's going on at OBD. Most of his pieces have centered around keeping things even-keel. I think even the writers are beginning to wonder if there's a light at the end of the tunnel. Turk has already told everyone if they knew football like he does, not to mention the quote about kneel-downs at the end of games skewing running stats. It's nice to see someone in the media question the direction instead of playing cheerleader.


Those are both part of the same thought process -- as a columnist, it's Sullivan's job to give us a strong opinion. Gaughan and Wilson, at least in their print pieces, are supposed to stick more to the facts. Thanks to "new" media (blogs/chats/podcasts and such), though, the line is beginning to blur, and we're starting to hear more analysis from the guys who know far more about the Bills than any of the paper's columnists do.


That could have its drawbacks in their relationship with the team, but it's great for the readers.


Lot of truth in a lot of those answers, but one particular question jumped out at me on the way through that, because it's something I've been thinking about a lot lately: The false start and motion penalties have (thankfully) died down since the beginning of the season, but the Bills must still lead the league in burning timeouts because they're lined up wrong, didn't get the play in on time, whatever.


As Allen noted, that's on the coaches.

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Those are both part of the same thought process -- as a columnist, it's Sullivan's job to give us a strong opinion. Gaughan and Wilson, at least in their print pieces, are supposed to stick more to the facts. Thanks to "new" media (blogs/chats/podcasts and such), though, the line is beginning to blur, and we're starting to hear more analysis from the guys who know far more about the Bills than any of the paper's columnists do.


That could have its drawbacks in their relationship with the team, but it's great for the readers.


Lot of truth in a lot of those answers, but one particular question jumped out at me on the way through that, because it's something I've been thinking about a lot lately: The false start and motion penalties have (thankfully) died down since the beginning of the season, but the Bills must still lead the league in burning timeouts because they're lined up wrong, didn't get the play in on time, whatever.


As Allen noted, that's on the coaches.


I agree entirely about how the role of a journalist is becoming more all-encompassing. In fact, I think the only reason I was so interested and decided to read that whole thing was that it was the first time I was reading Wilson write something other than, "The Bills are fifth in the league in 3rd down conversion which should bode well against the weak defense of whoever".

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Lot of truth in a lot of those answers, but one particular question jumped out at me on the way through that, because it's something I've been thinking about a lot lately: The false start and motion penalties have (thankfully) died down since the beginning of the season, but the Bills must still lead the league in burning timeouts because they're lined up wrong, didn't get the play in on time, whatever.


As Allen noted, that's on the coaches.

Lori, any guesses on what happened on the 3rd and 1 timeout? They seemed to come back out in the same alignment.

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Lori, any guesses on what happened on the 3rd and 1 timeout? They seemed to come back out in the same alignment.

Thinking that was Trent trying to get the receivers lined up -- with some trouble doing so -- then noticing the playclock was running down. Not sure that's the same play you're thinking of, though, and I don't have a tape of this one to check it.


Add: They snapped the ball on the previous play, a run, at 4:15, and took the timeout at 3:28. Had to be getting pretty close. Yet another "we don't know what the :lol: we're doing" timeout.

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Those are both part of the same thought process -- as a columnist, it's Sullivan's job to give us a strong opinion. Gaughan and Wilson, at least in their print pieces, are supposed to stick more to the facts. Thanks to "new" media (blogs/chats/podcasts and such), though, the line is beginning to blur, and we're starting to hear more analysis from the guys who know far more about the Bills than any of the paper's columnists do.


That could have its drawbacks in their relationship with the team, but it's great for the readers.


Lot of truth in a lot of those answers, but one particular question jumped out at me on the way through that, because it's something I've been thinking about a lot lately: The false start and motion penalties have (thankfully) died down since the beginning of the season, but the Bills must still lead the league in burning timeouts because they're lined up wrong, didn't get the play in on time, whatever.


As Allen noted, that's on the coaches.

Not that it's not an accurate assessment, but boy is he tough on Keith Ellison ...

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Not that it's not an accurate assessment, but boy is he tough on Keith Ellison ...

Yeah, he is. And if someone points it out to Ellison and he takes offense, it could make him less likely to talk to anyone at The News. That's the idea behind separating the columnists' commentary from the beat writers' reporting -- Allen and Mark have to deal with these guys on a daily basis, and any perceived loss of objectivity could impact their ability to keep those lines of communication open.


Even if it is an accurate observation. (And yeah, 56 did not look good on that Harrison touchdown.)


On the other hand, the players have to be used to Sully's brickbats by now, and I think/hope most of 'em know better than to take their annoyance with him out on anyone else ...

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Brutally sobering, yet outrageously funny in its blatant honesty. This team is bad. Hilariously bad. I find comfort in that. Also loved the shot at Sullivan.


Couldn't have said it better myself!

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