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You really have to wonder

Dr. Trooth

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It seems like the entire organization, from the top down is a huge clusterphuck right now.

At age 90, does Ralph really care about Ws and Ls right now. Or, is he just keeping costs low setting the franchise up for its eventual sale?


When you look at their structure… you’ve got a guy (Brandon) that is not a football guy… basically just a manger type… who made his name in marketing. Not a guy that spent much of his life around players, coaches, countless hours of film and scouting…. Nor is there evidence he even has the passion, savvy, or stomach, for the game like most GMs.

The you have the other “guy”… as in John Guy… who keeps track of the players in the pro ranks and keeps tabs on them.

Then you have the “cap guy”… Overdorf… he’s really the champion of ‘cash to cap’ and restricts the Bills from what Ralph considers over spending… even though they are like $25 mil under the cap or something like that.

Then you have Modrak, the guy who scouts college players and just brings back the dossiers of those players fro draft and free agent consideration.


Then you have Jauron… is he the guy that make the decision on who, I believe, probably has more control and input on personel than any other coach in Bills history… and if that’s the case… no wonder things are such a mess…

Guy and Modrak bring their player dossiers to Brandon. Brandon says to Jauron “here’s the lists, who do you want” cuz Brandon certainly doesn’t know WTF the Bills need or are going. Jauron says “him, him, and him”. Brandon says “OK Dick, I’ll run these names up to Overdorf and have him contact their agents and run the numbers”. And then Brandon brings back the news to Jauron and things go from there.

At least this is what it seems like.


Jauron may or may notbe a good coach…. But I’ll bet you one thing right here and now… if Polian was sitting in Brandon’s spot… Jauron and this team would be totally different. Polian, or any other good GM, wouldn’t put up with what’s happening now. So, it all has to all point all to Ralph for structuring the team like he has. He hasn’t set this organization up to win games… he’s set it up to lose games… and just keep the financials at an even keel so that it’s attractive for sale. What else would explain this frickin mess?

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Then you have Jauron… is he the guy that make the decision on who, I believe, probably has more control and input on personel than any other coach in Bills history… and if that’s the case… no wonder things are such a mess…

Guy and Modrak bring their player dossiers to Brandon. Brandon says to Jauron “here’s the lists, who do you want” cuz Brandon certainly doesn’t know WTF the Bills need or are going. Jauron says “him, him, and him”. Brandon says “OK Dick, I’ll run these names up to Overdorf and have him contact their agents and run the numbers”. And then Brandon brings back the news to Jauron and things go from there.

At least this is what it seems like.


It's the greatest injustice within this franchise that DJ has as much personnel control as he does. Levy's hiring almost necessitated him ceding personnel control over to the HC. While I don't have an issue with the HC having input into the draft and FA, just abdicating most of it to a guy like DJ is suicidal.


In a division which features the Patriots and their front office, a Jets team who has spent a lot and is so-far reaping rewards, along with a Miami team which hired Bill Parcells, you have to wonder how serious the Bills are about winning.


The Bills must hire a GM and put Brandon back to being the marketing/business guru. The final step of course depends on Ralph putting his ego aside, although that may happen somewhat when season ticket holders decided against renewing. I've always had the feeling RW won't change unless he starts seeing the dollars go away.

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It's the greatest injustice within this franchise that DJ has as much personnel control as he does. Levy's hiring almost necessitated him ceding personnel control over to the HC. While I don't have an issue with the HC having input into the draft and FA, just abdicating most of it to a guy like DJ is suicidal.


In a division which features the Patriots and their front office, a Jets team who has spent a lot and is so-far reaping rewards, along with a Miami team which hired Bill Parcells, you have to wonder how serious the Bills are about winning.


The Bills must hire a GM and put Brandon back to being the marketing/business guru. The final step of course depends on Ralph putting his ego aside, although that may happen somewhat when season ticket holders decided against renewing. I've always had the feeling RW won't change unless he starts seeing the dollars go away.


Well put. The Jets, Patriots, and Dolphins are playing for keeps. Ralph's focus is more about maximizing market value. I would love to see a comparison of what teams pay for their coaches and front office. I would be willing to bet the Bills are in the bottom 3 if not the very bottom.

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Well put. The Jets, Patriots, and Dolphins are playing for keeps. Ralph's focus is more about maximizing market value. I would love to see a comparison of what teams pay for their coaches and front office. I would be willing to bet the Bills are in the bottom 3 if not the very bottom.


Make no mistake, the Bills don't have to hire Bill Cowher. I think Mike Tomlin is an excellent HC and continued the winning tradition the Steelers have.


Ralph's insistence on turning over responsibility to people like Brandon is head-scratching.


I made the statement last night that unless things change next season, i.e. the coaches and in the front office, I won't attend another Bills game. I can watch at home and be disappointed.

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