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My kids. Being a Bills fan, they are growing up Bills fans. I feel bad for them. I grew up with the great Kelly years. They are growing up with the ........... Edwards years (maybe). I was so confident in Edwards in the first 4 games, I bought my son an Edwards jersey for XMAS. I waited until after the San Diego game because I wanted to be "sure" he was the next great one. Am I wrong? Will a dominating win over the 1 win KC team change things? I am having some doubts in Edwards, like everyone else, but is it all him? Jauron is notorious for being conservative. When Trent threw the picks, did he even talk to Edwards? In Green Bay, when Brett would throw a pick, Holmgren would get in his grill and tell him to keep slinging it. That is what is needed. I have my doubts about Edwards, and I don't know if he will be great, but I know Jaurun sucks and his concervative style sucks.


I hope NFL Shop has a good return policy.

My kids. Being a Bills fan, they are growing up Bills fans. I feel bad for them. I grew up with the great Kelly years. They are growing up with the ........... Edwards years (maybe). I was so confident in Edwards in the first 4 games, I bought my son an Edwards jersey for XMAS. I waited until after the San Diego game because I wanted to be "sure" he was the next great one. Am I wrong? Will a dominating win over the 1 win KC team change things? I am having some doubts in Edwards, like everyone else, but is it all him? Jauron is notorious for being conservative. When Trent threw the picks, did he even talk to Edwards? In Green Bay, when Brett would throw a pick, Holmgren would get in his grill and tell him to keep slinging it. That is what is needed. I have my doubts about Edwards, and I don't know if he will be great, but I know Jaurun sucks and his concervative style sucks.


I hope NFL Shop has a good return policy.

Now with a Favre comparison?


I have seen Trent compared with Favre, Peyton, Eli and Tom Brady just today on this board.


I mean seriously, it is Jauron's fault that Edwards is not Favre?


Dont feel bad for them, they dont know any better. I've seen the pre Kelly Bills, the Kelly Bills and the post Kelly Bills.

It's agonizing to watch this team knowing what was.

Now with a Favre comparison?


I have seen Trent compared with Favre, Peyton, Eli and Tom Brady just today on this board.


I mean seriously, it is Jauron's fault that Edwards is not Favre?


No, I wasn't comparing Tren't skills to Favre. I was however, comparing the situations Favre played through. When he had 3 picks in a game he wouldn't then do dump offs the rest of the game. He kept slinging. Was that his personality or the coach telling him to do it? I don't know. Did Jauron or Turk put it in Trent's head to dump off and not risk the pick? Did they make him gun shy? I don't know.


Maybe blaming Jauron to an extent is my last excuse for Trent. I really want this kid to succeed.

My kids. Being a Bills fan, they are growing up Bills fans. I feel bad for them. I grew up with the great Kelly years. They are growing up with the ........... Edwards years (maybe). I was so confident in Edwards in the first 4 games, I bought my son an Edwards jersey for XMAS. I waited until after the San Diego game because I wanted to be "sure" he was the next great one. Am I wrong? Will a dominating win over the 1 win KC team change things? I am having some doubts in Edwards, like everyone else, but is it all him? Jauron is notorious for being conservative. When Trent threw the picks, did he even talk to Edwards? In Green Bay, when Brett would throw a pick, Holmgren would get in his grill and tell him to keep slinging it. That is what is needed. I have my doubts about Edwards, and I don't know if he will be great, but I know Jaurun sucks and his concervative style sucks.


I hope NFL Shop has a good return policy.

Not to worry I know people who grew up in the Joe Dufek era and their fine


Consider yourselves lucky to have watched some of those teams. Being born in '87, I cant really remeber any of the Superbowl teams actually playing in the Superbowl. The only Bills team I have ever seen, is the one that has suffered for the last 10 years. My good friend said at the game last night "Lets be honest, we aren't Bills fans because they win....." If that doesn't say it all, I dont know what does.

No, I wasn't comparing Tren't skills to Favre. I was however, comparing the situations Favre played through. When he had 3 picks in a game he wouldn't then do dump offs the rest of the game. He kept slinging. Was that his personality or the coach telling him to do it? I don't know. Did Jauron or Turk put it in Trent's head to dump off and not risk the pick? Did they make him gun shy? I don't know.


Maybe blaming Jauron to an extent is my last excuse for Trent. I really want this kid to succeed.



Relax, crayonz is off his meds today, and obsessed with getting anybody who likes Edwards to admitt they were wrong...

My kids. Being a Bills fan, they are growing up Bills fans. I feel bad for them. I grew up with the great Kelly years. They are growing up with the ........... Edwards years (maybe). I was so confident in Edwards in the first 4 games, I bought my son an Edwards jersey for XMAS. I waited until after the San Diego game because I wanted to be "sure" he was the next great one. Am I wrong? Will a dominating win over the 1 win KC team change things? I am having some doubts in Edwards, like everyone else, but is it all him? Jauron is notorious for being conservative. When Trent threw the picks, did he even talk to Edwards? In Green Bay, when Brett would throw a pick, Holmgren would get in his grill and tell him to keep slinging it. That is what is needed. I have my doubts about Edwards, and I don't know if he will be great, but I know Jaurun sucks and his concervative style sucks.


I hope NFL Shop has a good return policy.



I suggest that you try and de-program them now. Quit reinforcing and relaying the loyalty and dedication to them about the Bills. let them grow up and lead a healthy, normal life. If they need or want to follow some kind of sport then let them watch horseracing or some other sport with an animal. This way the beast will land up dying sooner or later and their fixation will be over. Also if it's an animal than they could just blame the failures on a dumb beast and it won't be a way of life for them. Think of the kids and do it for them, pull the plug on this whole Buffalo thing. If you really love them you would.

Relax, crayonz is off his meds today, and obsessed with getting anybody who likes Edwards to admitt they were wrong...

I could give a crap if you admit you're wrong. If you can't face a reality that stark, it is your issue. It won't make Edwards any worse or better. I could say....."I was wrong, he is not a Glove wearing Mary" but he would still be one.

No, I wasn't comparing Tren't skills to Favre. I was however, comparing the situations Favre played through. When he had 3 picks in a game he wouldn't then do dump offs the rest of the game. He kept slinging. Was that his personality or the coach telling him to do it? I don't know. Did Jauron or Turk put it in Trent's head to dump off and not risk the pick? Did they make him gun shy? I don't know.


Maybe blaming Jauron to an extent is my last excuse for Trent. I really want this kid to succeed.

I don't think the dump offs were play calls. I think they were the check down on a least a large majority of those plays. Turk can't run on the field and force Edwards to make different throws once the play has started. It is against the rules.

Dont feel bad for them, they dont know any better. I've seen the pre Kelly Bills, the Kelly Bills and the post Kelly Bills.

It's agonizing to watch this team knowing what was.

What was that? A team that dominated the AFC for four consecutive years and never won a thing? Kinda like a team that has a drive for nine-and-a-half minutes and doesn't score a point. Okay, maybe not the same thing! But strikingly similar, huh?

Not to worry I know people who grew up in the Joe Dufek era and their fine


Not all of us are "fine".Those are years we'll never get back. Some of us rememeber the 2-14 years. I wonder what this board would've looked like back then?

What was that? A team that dominated the AFC for four consecutive years and never won a thing? Kinda like a team that has a drive for nine-and-a-half minutes and doesn't score a point. Okay, maybe not the same thing! But strikingly similar, huh?


Youre right the 4 AFC championships didnt mean a thing. I'm talking about teams that didnt worry if they'd when, only when they'd win.

My kids. Being a Bills fan, they are growing up Bills fans. I feel bad for them. I grew up with the great Kelly years. They are growing up with the ........... Edwards years (maybe). I was so confident in Edwards in the first 4 games, I bought my son an Edwards jersey for XMAS. I waited until after the San Diego game because I wanted to be "sure" he was the next great one. Am I wrong? Will a dominating win over the 1 win KC team change things? I am having some doubts in Edwards, like everyone else, but is it all him? Jauron is notorious for being conservative. When Trent threw the picks, did he even talk to Edwards? In Green Bay, when Brett would throw a pick, Holmgren would get in his grill and tell him to keep slinging it. That is what is needed. I have my doubts about Edwards, and I don't know if he will be great, but I know Jaurun sucks and his concervative style sucks.


I hope NFL Shop has a good return policy.


There's nothing wrong with conservative football. Jeff Fisher is a conservative coach. Tom Coughlin is a conservative coach. Now, gutless that's a whole other discusssion...




It is good for your kids to root for a struggling team. It will give then character, teach them loyalty...and all that.


Fell bad for ME!

My kids. Being a Bills fan, they are growing up Bills fans. I feel bad for them. I grew up with the great Kelly years. They are growing up with the ........... Edwards years (maybe). I was so confident in Edwards in the first 4 games, I bought my son an Edwards jersey for XMAS. I waited until after the San Diego game because I wanted to be "sure" he was the next great one. Am I wrong? Will a dominating win over the 1 win KC team change things? I am having some doubts in Edwards, like everyone else, but is it all him? Jauron is notorious for being conservative. When Trent threw the picks, did he even talk to Edwards? In Green Bay, when Brett would throw a pick, Holmgren would get in his grill and tell him to keep slinging it. That is what is needed. I have my doubts about Edwards, and I don't know if he will be great, but I know Jaurun sucks and his concervative style sucks.


I hope NFL Shop has a good return policy.


Since the subject is Who I feel bad for.....


I feel bad for every Bills fan that Ralph Wilson has pumped up every seson into thinking this might be the year we will be a playoff team again. Yet does nothing to improve the product he puts on the field each year, does a poor Job of attracting Free agents and overpays second/third tier players and brings in 4th rate coaches. Granted we will never know how a coach doeds until they are brought in. But to resign Jauron for another three years I feel bad for the fans like myself that have ti endure another three years of bad clock management, bad game planning, and Playing not to Lose instead of playing to win. Three more years of no playoffs and in the cellar of the AFC east. 3 more years of being ranked 20-25 out of 32 teams. 3more years of being in the bottom 20 of stats. I feel bad for the fans for the next 3 years because of this poor product is continually produced we will not have a Buffalo team we will have Toronto team becasue of the drop off in fan support.


I do I Truly and Honestly feel bad for you, me the entire BILLS FAN NATION. Honestly nothing is going to change until Ralph does!

Not all of us are "fine".Those are years we'll never get back. Some of us rememeber the 2-14 years. I wonder what this board would've looked like back then?
I just said the people I know are fine. As for myself I grew up in the golden era watching

the 68 Bills led by Dan Darraugh go 1-12-1 and the 71 team of 1-13 fame who could forget that great Qb

tandom of Dennis Shaw and James Harris. Ah the memories makes me want to go look for my Monte Ledbetter

trading card.

I do I Truly and Honestly feel bad for you, me the entire BILLS FAN NATION. Honestly nothing is going to change until Ralph does!

Not gonna happen The only thing Ralph changes these days are his depends.

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