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Trent lost the game (4 picks)


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Yes, Trent played horribly in first half. However, the horrible play calling... man it's ridiculous. Can we have a passing play called that is over 20 yards? Maybe, just once, JUST ONCE take a shot down the field. It's no wonder that defenses are playing well against us. We have no deep threat.

Disagree. Lee Evans was open on a consistent basis down field. Especially later in the game. It was like Cleveland gave up on covering him. Did Evans even get a ball thrown in his direction all night?


Edwards just had no interest in throwing down field. The only thing that kept him from looking totally incompetent tonight was the play of Lynch, Jackson, and McKelvin. They played out of their minds tonight.

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Disagree. Lee Evans was open on a consistent basis down field. Especially later in the game. It was like Cleveland gave up on covering him. Did Evans even get a ball thrown in his direction all night?


Edwards just had no interest in throwing down field. The only thing that kept him from looking totally incompetent tonight was the play of Lynch, Jackson, and McKelvin. They played out of their minds tonight.




I can't imagine that Evans was wide open all night. Especially with the amount of short passes. Seemed like they planned the passes.

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I can't imagine that Evans was wide open all night. Especially with the amount of short passes. Seemed like they planned the passes.

He was open all night.


As good as the D played, they HAVE to start generating turnovers. If we get even 1 we have a better chance of winning that game.

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Trent wasnt there last night. Its gotta be the hit in Arizona. He just isnt seeing anything at all. The press conference was awful, he took no responsibility. How can he claim that Cleveland took away all of his options. All game long guys jumping around and waving their hands. Yep it was that 27th ranked Pass D, they are good. Come on, take some responsibility.

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I can't imagine that Evans was wide open all night. Especially with the amount of short passes. Seemed like they planned the passes.

Again, I disagree. These weren't called screen passes or swing passes. There is no play in the playbook for "stand in the pocket for six seconds then dump it off for a two yard gain."


A couple of things that scare me about Edwards' regression: 1) How many times we had receivers waiving their arms while wide open to get Edwards' attention. I saw Evans do it repeatedly. I saw Lynch, Royal, Schouman, and Steve Johnson do it as well. That never used to happen with Edwards. 2) A couple of times Edwards didn't even seem to know where is dump off receiver was and hit him late.


I've knocked Edwards since the beginning for being unwilling to throw the ball downfield regularly. But even I am shocked by this recent skid. It used to be that while we never got a big play out of the kid, at least he didn't do anything really negative, either. Not anymore. He's getting worse and worse with each game.

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- Trent had not re-covered from the Arizona hit.

- He had 3 picks in 1st qtr....one dropped in the end zone

- ESPN clocked him holding ball for over 4 seconds

- Trent sucked on Monday vs Cowboys as well.

- Trent only beats the weakest NFL teams

- checked down all game

- receivers open all game

- Cant throw deep in November

- For being intelligent....say UH alot

- Doesn't take responsibility for loss

- our defense was tired cause of defending after three 1st qtr picks.

- Browns suck...they had no business winning in Buffalo


Edwards is getting worse......nuff said!



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The idea that he's still recovering from the hit in Arizona is retarded. Did you watch the game against S.D.?


That's not it. I'll tell you what it is; the more he's coached by a panzy conservative chicken sh't pu**y like DICK, the more he resembles him. He becomes more and more gun shy each week, just how Jauron wants him. I'm saying this now: Jauron is ruining Trent Edwards on a weekly basis. If we don't eliminate Jauron from this equation, Edwards is toast. BTW, our D played better in the 2nd half, so your suggestion that the D was tired is also just wrong........sorry.



What I think the majority of Bills fans don't get is the fact that Head Coach DicK Jauron has given complete autonomy to Offensive Coordinator Turk Schonert in play calling.

Its the play calling that more at fault in my opinion. WTF are the Bills in the shotgun formation on the very first play?

Constant use of the shotgun is what is screwing the team up.When you run play action it helps keep the linebackers from cheating up because they don't know if its a run or pass. In shotgun all the time it leaves no doubt so they drop deeper.


I read more rants in this forum about the QB stinking up and losing the game.Its a team game...coaching,players,game plan.


My take is Schonert saw that Trent had some success early in the season against some weaker teams so he opened up the passing game,and he keeps trying to win games by throwing the ball all the time.That plan might work if they didn't use the shotgun formation so often.


I'm hoping that since Marshawn Lynch finally had the chance to show what he can do that perhaps Schonert will let him and Fred Jackson get more carries.

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Re: the 4 or more seconds in the pocket thing.


The Browns were rushing 3 and dropping 8 at times and the Bills line was able to hold up (so long as Preston had plenty of help). But, can you imagine how bad the Bills offense would've looked if the Browns had a good pass rush? Edwards would have been a pat, pat, sack dummy. If it hadn't been for Marshawn and Freddy breaking terrible attempts at tackles all night, the Bills offense wouldn't have done a thing.

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What I think the majority of Bills fans don't get is the fact that Head Coach DicK Jauron has given complete autonomy to Offensive Coordinator Turk Schonert in play calling.

Its the play calling that more at fault in my opinion. WTF are the Bills in the shotgun formation on the very first play?

Constant use of the shotgun is what is screwing the team up.When you run play action it helps keep the linebackers from cheating up because they don't know if its a run or pass. In shotgun all the time it leaves no doubt so they drop deeper.


I read more rants in this forum about the QB stinking up and losing the game.Its a team game...coaching,players,game plan.


My take is Schonert saw that Trent had some success early in the season against some weaker teams so he opened up the passing game,and he keeps trying to win games by throwing the ball all the time.That plan might work if they didn't use the shotgun formation so often.


I'm hoping that since Marshawn Lynch finally had the chance to show what he can do that perhaps Schonert will let him and Fred Jackson get more carries.



Say what you want about Turk..... Fairchild make Turk look like a genius. Can you imagine Trent running Fairchilds offense? I like what Turk has done this year. What scares me is Jauron taking over the offense.


One criticism of Turk, is that before this game, it appears he wasnt giving Marshawn enough carries. This offense should be centered around Lynch & pass 2nd.

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Say what you want about Turk..... Fairchild make Turk look like a genius. Can you imagine Trent running Fairchilds offense? I like what Turk has done this year. What scares me is Jauron taking over the offense.


One criticism of Turk, is that before this game, it appears he wasnt giving Marshawn enough carries. This offense should be centered around Lynch & pass 2nd.


these posts all hit the nail on the head. the whole season has been sabotaged by passing from the shotgun on 1st down and on third and shorts. the Trent Edwards hit that ruined him apparently for the season was on a what? 1st down PASS out of the SHOTGUN. all of our biggest mistakes seem to come in the shotgun. if u focused on being a run 1st team u wouldnt need the shotgun as much to pass all the time because there is the threat of the run. we take away the threat of the run right out of the box.. 1st play of the game... shotgun, pick! and we keep going to the shotgun until there were finally 3 picks... then shonert woke up and realized maybe the constant shotgun in all situations might not work and he , for the 1st time of the year, showed a commitment to the run game.. and he only did that out of his complete fear and lack of confidence for the pass. making edwards pass 1st all the time really puts undue pressure on OUR team. run, take your time, relax.. control the clock for a min or 2, dont be afraid to punt. just dont be stupid and in the most obvious formations all the time! shogun empty backfield 3rd and 1... timeout, then shotgun empty backfield... PICK.. these coaches really make me sick

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As much as I like Trent, I was surprised that he was still in the game after the third pick.

[ I agree....we needed a relief pitcher in this circumstance...pehaps at half time. I also agree with the comment Trent ought to get a few games off. This season is gone without a BIG change. What is there to lose at this point. Although JP will be gone next year...(Ralph thinks JP has leporacy, and Trent in Ralph's guy) I think there is nothing to lose giving JP as shot to win a couple of games. Why not try the QB with the ARM. It is now clear that Trent does not have a better HEAD than JP...they appear equivalent in that area based on the last 4 games. Anyhow, with JP earning 1.9 mil this year, let him earn a little of that trying the relief role...at least until he fails. If they go to far under 500...then lets see Hamden for a couple of trys. Later folks!)

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As much as I like Trent, I was surprised that he was still in the game after the third pick.

[ I agree....we needed a relief pitcher in this circumstance...pehaps at half time. I also agree with the comment Trent ought to get a few games off. This season is gone without a BIG change. What is there to lose at this point. Although JP will be gone next year...(Ralph thinks JP has leporacy, and Trent in Ralph's guy) I think there is nothing to lose giving JP as shot to win a couple of games. Why not try the QB with the ARM. It is now clear that Trent does not have a better HEAD than JP...they appear equivalent in that area based on the last 4 games. Anyhow, with JP earning 1.9 mil this year, let him earn a little of that trying the relief role...at least until he fails. If they go to far under 500...then lets see Hamden for a couple of trys. Later folks!)




I'm glad you guys aren't coaching the Bills... :wallbash:

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The idea that he's still recovering from the hit in Arizona is retarded. Did you watch the game against S.D.?


That's not it. I'll tell you what it is; the more he's coached by a panzy conservative chicken sh't pu**y like DICK, the more he resembles him. He becomes more and more gun shy each week, just how Jauron wants him. I'm saying this now: Jauron is ruining Trent Edwards on a weekly basis. If we don't eliminate Jauron from this equation, Edwards is toast. BTW, our D played better in the 2nd half, so your suggestion that the D was tired is also just wrong........sorry.

All I know is Trent went from being a decisive accurate confident QB to one doing an uncanny JP Losman impression. The dividing line? A concussion in AZ. Unless he's taking stupid pills, I don't understand how a guy forgets how to play football that fast.



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All I know is Trent went from being a decisive accurate confident QB to one doing an uncanny JP Losman impression. The dividing line? A concussion in AZ. Unless he's taking stupid pills, I don't understand how a guy forgets how to play football that fast.




Then how do we explain his game against S.D.??


I refuse to believe it was the hit in AZ........ If you wanna understand how a guy forgets to play football, hang out with our coaching staff for a week.


I was just on this board last week stating how the players needed to take ownership of their bad play, and that the coaches weren't the ones on the field turning the ball over, etc. I knew then that I was making a mistake, and Monday night was the final straw for me.

I'm not screaming "fire sale" here but our approach needs to change. Our gameplan needs to improve, it needs to fit our skilled players, our players shouldn't be conforming to some random gameplan, and I think that's what's happening here. Everyone keeps yelling that Evans was wide open down field all night long. Does anyone wonder why Evans was streaking down field all night long? Why are we sending him deep on every play when Edwards is reluctant to throw the deep ball? What, no cross patterns?? Wouldn't that have been a pretty good idea since they were in a drop back cover 2?? There should have been 3 pockets Evans could have been found in underneath the safeties had he gone across the field. Look, I'm no OC, but I know football, and I know when a coaching staff is not forming a gameplan correctly, and that goes in line with refusing to adjust to a team's defensive gameplan. Sorry, but the big picture here is our gameplan, not the players. They're being asked to do things we shouldn't be doing........ that and our brainfarts regarding time outs, not throwing the ball to gain better field position for a game winning field goal, etc. The list just goes on and on........

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Then how do we explain his game against S.D.??


I refuse to believe it was the hit in AZ........ If you wanna understand how a guy forgets to play football, hang out with our coaching staff for a week.


I was just on this board last week stating how the players needed to take ownership of their bad play, and that the coaches weren't the ones on the field turning the ball over, etc. I knew then that I was making a mistake, and Monday night was the final straw for me.

I'm not screaming "fire sale" here but our approach needs to change. Our gameplan needs to improve, it needs to fit our skilled players, our players shouldn't be conforming to some random gameplan, and I think that's what's happening here. Everyone keeps yelling that Evans was wide open down field all night long. Does anyone wonder why Evans was streaking down field all night long? Why are we sending him deep on every play when Edwards is reluctant to throw the deep ball? What, no cross patterns?? Wouldn't that have been a pretty good idea since they were in a drop back cover 2?? There should have been 3 pockets Evans could have been found in underneath the safeties had he gone across the field. Look, I'm no OC, but I know football, and I know when a coaching staff is not forming a gameplan correctly, and that goes in line with refusing to adjust to a team's defensive gameplan. Sorry, but the big picture here is our gameplan, not the players. They're being asked to do things we shouldn't be doing........ that and our brainfarts regarding time outs, not throwing the ball to gain better field position for a game winning field goal, etc. The list just goes on and on........



Your answer:

The Browns rushed 3 & had 8 in the secondary all night. Edwards couldn't adjust, except for checking down to Lynch all night. Remember, Browns secondary SUCKS.


It seems Trent does well in fair weather games against weak opponents. So far, he has sucked in all cold games (regardless of opponent)..... absolute brain freeze. Trent hasn't shown he can throw deep in this weather.


Maybe the Bills should by him a helmet heater.


No way we should lose to Browns, at home, on MNF.

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Personally, I think that Turk got ahead of himself with Trent. We need to run first and them play off of play-action which I have not seen in Buffalo for a million years. Trent is a young qb and is not ready to lead a spread offense with an empty backfield. This offseason we need to fix the interior oline and get back to running the football. We have two good running backs like Tenn and Carolina and they run the ball fine and pass when they have to. Why??? Cause they have a good o-line and coachs who are committed to running the football. Just my opinion....


I agree :thumbdown:


Also,lets not forget that the NY Giants put up over 200 yards on the ground against that Ravens Defense.


Running the ball will cure so many of this teams problems.The Bills have two really good running backs,they need to give Marshawn 25+ touches and Freddy at least 20.Trent Edwards should be throwing about 10-15 times a game max.Instead of this shotgun crap every single down.

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