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people can rev up the excuse machine, but he had plenty of time to throw, and he had the support of a good running game tonight. He was clearly gun shy, as he failed to pull the trigger on a number of throws to wide open receivers - Evans in particular (not sure if they showed it on TV, but Evans was open for much of the game). I love Lynch and all, but he shouldn't be catching 10 passes in a game. Throw the ball downfield, Sally. I haven't even mentioned the 3 picks yet....


Some other thoughts:


-I've always considered Jauron a spineless tool, but I'm not sure if I can blame him for the final possession. Edwards was awful all game, so I can see why Jauron was reluctant to let him throw on that final set of downs.


- Interestingly, I watched LIndell kick to the scoreboard end zone at the half. He was having a tough time hitting from the 30. I wonder if he relayed this to Dickless.


- Kelsay. You suck. Plain and simple, you suck. And you're a thief to boot. I hope you feel guilty whenever you cash a paycheck from OBD.


- McKelvin. Nice to see him hit the hole, rather than hesitate, on the KO returns.


- Lynch. No player on the Bills has the heart that he does. Best game from a Bills RB in a long time.


- Edwards. I've never been sold on him as a long-term answer at QB, and tonight (along with the previous 3 weeks) only strengthened my belief. This is the 2nd year in a row that his play has regressed. Can anyone actually say that he's better now than he was a year ago? Note that this is NOT a call for Losman to start at QB, but I think that the Bills have to think long and hard about drafting a QB (along with DE, OC, OG, LB) next year.


- Same sh--, different year. Can't believe that the Bills extended Dickless' contract.


I guess Edwards was a pu$$y this game. But as bad as he was, remarkably, the Bills still had a better than average chance to win it in the end. Only because Cleveland is almost as bad as we are. This loss is all on Dick. WTF was that play calling outside the 30 yard line? No time to go conservative and put all the pressure of the game on your kicker. What a a$$h01e Dick is.

I guess Edwards was a pu$$y this game. But as bad as he was, remarkably, the Bills still had a better than average chance to win it in the end. Only because Cleveland is almost as bad as we are. This loss is all on Dick. WTF was that play calling outside the 30 yard line? No time to go conservative and put all the pressure of the game on your kicker. What a a$$h01e Dick is.

Not ll on DJ no way no how Trent deseves alot of the blame im not even gonna explain just look at the box score


Trent deserves the majority of the blame. His 3 picks in the early part of the game and other poor throws, including one in the endzone that should have been intercepted, were the main cause of the loss. He checked down on so many passes in situations where a decent qb wouldnt have been afraid to throw the ball, it was sick. DJ and Turk were handicapped in there play calling after the ineptness and timidness displayed by Trent. I have stood by him all year, but our o-line played admirabley and he had tons of time and he threw poor passes. I don't know who to play at qb anymore. Good God. Tonight was one of many low points for me as a lifelong Bills fan.



- Interestingly, I watched LIndell kick to the scoreboard end zone at the half. He was having a tough time hitting from the 30. I wonder if he relayed this to Dickless.



- Interestingly, I watched LIndell kick to the scoreboard end zone at the half. He was having a tough time hitting from the 30. I wonder if he relayed this to Dickless.

Not saying your wrong, but if you can see this why couldn't someone on the Bills coaching staff see it? But its not even that, a 47 yarder is by no means automatic for any kicker in the NFL. Jaraun had no business putting Lindell in that position.

Not saying your wrong, but if you can see this why couldn't someone on the Bills coaching staff see it? But its not even that, a 47 yarder is by no means automatic for any kicker in the NFL. Jaraun had no business putting Lindell in that position.


The ST coaches weren't on the field yet. FWIW, Dawson was having problems from 47 as well kicking to that end.


Just embarrasing .... why is it when we are on the national stage we lay a turd in our own pants. Too many people to blame but mostly this must fall on Edwards. Like others this is not a call for JP but Edwards is not the answer we all hoped he would be. sick .. that's how I feel this morning

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