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This is really humiliating for Drew


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Jeff George's career QB rating is about 4 points hire than Drew's? (80.4 vs. 76.6)


Most football fans will call Jeff George one of the biggest head cases, waste of talent, and overrated QB of all time... yet, because he's a nice guy, Drew gets a free pass?

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People probably like Drew because he can spell the word 'higher' correctly.


Look, Drew is a high profile quarterback who came into this league, and into the Bills nation, with a lot of fanfare. Like it or not...right or wrong...it's very difficult to just cast that issue to the side and dump him. We're going nowhere fast and what you will inevitably see is us go the way of 1-7, and Drew put on the bench with a nod that "oh, we're out of it, so we may as well give the new kid a try."

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The reason Bledsoe is still the starter is because of his name. That's it.


When he came here, people took off the day of work to go see him arrive. Pathetic that we can't let go of that.


Mularky claims he's going to go with whoever will give us the best chance to win. Well, every game that he starts Henry proves that he is lying.


Right now, I can see not starting Matthews, but once JP is healthy, it should be bench warming time for Drew.

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People probably like Drew because he can spell the word 'higher' correctly.


Look, Drew is a high profile quarterback who came into this league, and into the Bills nation, with a lot of fanfare. Like it or not...right or wrong...it's very difficult to just cast that issue to the side and dump him. We're going nowhere fast and what you will inevitably see is us go the way of 1-7, and Drew put on the bench with a nod that "oh, we're out of it, so we may as well give the new kid a try."


Must be the public school system ;);)

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