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Hello All, from the great seas of the N. Atlantic

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22ft seas! This dang ship is rockin!!!! All the little peeps are sick!


Got to see some football this weekend on the Armed Forces Network! We are only getting 15 minutes a week to surf so I said what the hell.... Ill post this week.


I was wondering if one of you would submit a question to TD or MM on their next "we like to talk in circles" Ask Him Yourself...


Heres my question



"I was wondering when one of you two were going to write the O in the playbook?"


IS1(SW/AW) Caramela

USS Harry S. Truman





I just read this weeks questions for the idiot...


Tom Donahoe: Our coaches currently feel that our best chance to win is with Drew Bledsoe Right now we feel that Drew gives us the best chance to win.


Win what? The lottery?




We think that our future is bright with Mike Mularkey as our coach. We ask all the fans to be patient with Mike and to be patient with the team because we firmly believe that in the end people will like the product that Mike produces.


The Nazi party said the same thing about Hitler.




TD: As I will do, and I'm sure Mr. Wilson will do the same thing, we will stay the course. We're going to finish the season and at that time we'll sit down and evaluate everyone, myself included.


Enron anyone?



After our first year here when we were hamstrung by the salary cap, we've addressed the offensive line every year and we'll continue to address it until we get it right.


You addressed the O line? I think the address is (The Grand Ole Buffet, 1121 East Markum Street)




Our offensive line has improved this year.


TD is to Buffalo as Bagdad Bob was to Iraq's Media



I shoulder all the responsibility for the team and for the organization. Our cap problems are behind us and that's where we should leave them.


Cap problem? Sure its behind us, now solve the CRAP PROBLEM!




We have certain rules that we have to follow in the National Football League.



The first rule is "you will not talk about Fight Club"




Let me say this about our start. It's not how you start, but it's how you finish. We're looking forward to our remaining 10 games and we're looking forward to rectifying some of the things that are keeping us from winning right now.


Sounds like one of those dolls you pull the string on and he talks to you...



The most important thing when you try to hire a coach is to try and hire the right head coach. Mike Mularkey was the best man for this job without question and we're confident that over time he will prove that.



Yeah he was, if you had to hire within Pittsburgh's City limits.





On a serious note, if you guys are wanting hats, Zippo lighters, coffee cups, or shirts (polo, T, sweaters with ships logo) Let me know soon. I only have 2 months left before I head on out to SHORE DUTY (thank GOD!) and ill be off the boat. If you all just want to shoot the crap feel free to email me at caramebk@truman.navy.mil


Till then, take care all of you! Go Bills (I think), and lets all hope our Sabres have a friggin team next year or whenever..........

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