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When did Internet Cafes become gambling parlors?

The Dean

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I just realized that the local Internet Cafes, in the St Augustine area are, in fact, low-level gambling halls. Nobody is there to use the web, they are playing video games for money. One recently opened called "Lucky Joes"...they aren't even hiding it.


A quick Google search revealed this is going on all over, and some busts have been made.


So, anyone have an idea of how prevalent this is, and for how long it has been going on?

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It has been going on for a long time but now brick and mortar places are trying to get into it. Most have been trying to disguise this as "membership fees" and "prizes" but more and more are getting more aggressive in attempt to find new fish. Some places have "free to join for fun" but soon you realize that those you are competing against have advantage since with paid membership have extra benefits and the "free to join for fun"is just a lure.

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